Part 11

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Characters: reader, James (Bucky), Margaret (oc), Caleb (oc), Kevin (oc)

Summary: As a single mom with a jerk of an ex-husband, you're doing your best to run the family business all on your own when your mother hires a mysterious man with a troubled past to help out. He just might be what you need in your life, but will his secrets bring you together or tear you apart? (Events occur shortly after Captain America: The Winter Soldier)

Warnings: Bit of angst. Heh. Mentions of illness and mortal peril. And then fluff! :D

Word Count: 5.2K

A/N: Ahh!!! Not Caleb!! I know, trust me. I know. You'll find out what happened right now! Thank you all for your comments and support! I adore you! Please let me know your thoughts about this part, I love hearing from you. :) 


"It's Caleb," your mother spoke with urgency, her breath uneven from effort.

Two short words and your blood ran cold. Brushing past your mother, you shouted back to James in your hurried state. "Get her inside!"

"In my room!" your mother shouted back and within seconds you had reached her bedroom where Caleb lie still on the bed.

A cry of fear tore through you as you took in his blotchy skin, his breaths barely coming through in short, wheezing sounds. An allergic reaction.

"Hang on, baby," you told him with tears streaming down your face before you sprinted down the hall for your bag.

Returning within seconds with an Epi-Pen in hand, you quickly flipped the tab at the end of the pen to release the needle and jabbed it in his thigh through his pajama pants to release the medicine. One...two...three heartbeats before his body reacted and Caleb took in a deep breath of air.

"Mama," he wheezed weakly as you gathered him in your arms.

"Oh, my baby," you said between sobs, rocking your son back and forth in relief. "Thank God."

"What happened?" James asked from the doorway, deep concern etched in his features.

Sniffling, you turned his way and brushed a few strands of hair from Caleb's face. "He had an allergic reaction to something, but I caught it in time. Probably something he ate. Can you tell me what it was, sweetie?" you asked, turning back to your son.

"Cookies..." he said with a wheeze, "on the...table."

"Okay," you said with a nod, mentally putting together a game plan. "James, can you help him put his shoes and coat on? The Epi-Pen is only a temporary fix, so I'll have to take him to the clinic. I'll check the cookie ingredient lists and talk to mom."

"Of course," James agreed, taking Caleb in his arms gingerly and walking toward the boy's room.

Finding your mother seated at the kitchen table, she already had the package in her hands, scanning the small writing on the side through glasses perched on her nose.

" 'Made in a facility with peanuts' ," she answered without looking up. "I should have checked. He barely made it to my room before collapsing. I knew the pen was in your purse, but I couldn't find it and I would've taken too long, so—"

"Mom, it's okay," you sat down beside her, placing a hand on hers. "You did great. I'll make sure there's a pen more accessible to you and I need to be better about what I bring in the house. It's been so long since he...." you trailed off, throat tight as flashes of memory flipped through your mind; moments that involved much closer calls where you thought you could have lost him.

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