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Characters: reader, James (Bucky), Margaret (oc), Caleb (oc), Kevin (oc), and more. ;)

Summary: It's been years since your tearful goodbye with the love of your life, James. Life goes on as it must, but you never forgot him. When an unexpected visitor shows up at your door, you find yourself on a journey across the world to an uncertain destination. Only one reason could make you go. Hope. (Takes place some time after Civil War)

Warnings: Angsty moments and then!!! Some happy!!! :D

Word Count: 5.5K

A/N: And we're here! The end. I can't believe it! It's been such a long journey for this story and I'm so grateful for all of you who have stuck with me through it all. I love these characters and I'm sad to say goodbye, but it's time. I hope you enjoy this conclusion! Please let me know your thoughts, I love hearing from you! Thank you for reading a commenting. It means the world to me. <3


Years later, Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean

Waking up to the sounds of a jet engine confused you at first but slowly, realization and memories returned to your mind. Parting your lashes, the curved metal walls and the padded bench you currently lie on came into focus. You turned your head to the side and spotted Caleb, sprawled on another bench with a bent arm over his eyes. You smiled and stretched, groggy but excited about the unexpected journey you were on.

The past few years had been a time of change and loss, joy and growth, worry and wonder. All beginning with a handsome, mysterious stranger showing up at your door. Although your time with James was short, you carried him in your heart always and he had left an everlasting impression on you and your family.

The stables became even more profitable, which turned out to be because of James, oddly enough. Shortly after he left, Jasper's owners arrived to claim him and were so impressed by the horse's improvement when they thought he was a lost cause that they shared their amazement with every other horse owner they knew. Suddenly, you had more business than you knew what to do with. Your stalls were constantly full and after a year, you even had the money to build a second barn on the property and purchase the lot next door for grazing.

Thankfully, James had helped you screen and hire some help before he left and over time, you gained even more employees. You now specialized in so-called "hopeless cases" and every time you approached a new animal, you thought of James and his unyielding patience and perseverance with Jasper those years ago. He had taught you so much and there was hardly a day when he didn't cross your mind or touch your heart in some way.

Your mother continued to be the spitfire she always was, even when her health wasn't the best. Medical advancements continued, though, and she was willing to try new procedures, with your support and encouragement. Maggie even stepped back into the business to help with paperwork as the workload increased, doing payroll and keeping up with training schedules.

Caleb was the eternal bright spot in your life, ever the curious, creative boy you loved with all your heart. He started to grow like a weed as he approach his teenage years and now his sleeves and pants always seemed too short. Drawing was still his passion and he now took art classes a few times a week. Besides the misplaced encouragement of your ex-husband, Caleb himself chose to keep taking karate classes and was now working toward his green belt. The practice had become a connection and fond memory tied to James for your son. It was bittersweet for you, but you supported Caleb in anything he set his heart on.

For yourself, other than work, you focused on your family and became more involved in the community, often inviting church groups and school classes to visit the stables. There were certain kids who were drawn to the horses and found the animals' presences therapeutic. You let them brush their manes and feed them oats, all under supervision, of course.

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