Part 6

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"Sorry I'm such a mess. I swear, I haven't cried this often in a long time," you chuckled thickly.

"You're not a mess. You're one of the strongest women I know, even after all you've been through. I came over to make sure you were okay," he said, brushing a tear from your cheek with his thumb. "I hated leaving you with him," he growled, his voice hard.

"I hated sending you way," you replied, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. No baseball cap this time. "But you came back," you said with a grateful smile, eyes flickering to his lips.

James placed a gloved hand against your neck, soft gaze in his eye as he leaned close. "You're worth it," he whispered, feeling his breath against your lips before he closed the distance between you.


James lingered with you on the porch swing as long as possible, but eventually he noticed you shivering and sent you inside, unfortunately alone. He gave you a long kiss goodnight, climbed into the truck and drove away leaving you to fall asleep with a smile upon your lips.

Sunday passed in it's usual fashion. You and Caleb attended church with your mother and then spending a lazy afternoon relaxing. You were lounging in the living room with a book in hand but your mind was elsewhere, daydreaming of secluded moments with a certain kind, handsome man. A knock at the door interrupted your reverie, however, and you rose to answer.

James surprised you once again by showing up on your porch, this time with a wrapped package in his gloved hands.

Opening the screen door wide, you stepped out in stocking feet with a huge grin on your face.

"Hi," you said in simple greeting.

"Afternoon," he smiled, grasping your hand in his. He stepped closer, gaze flickering to your lips when the sound of footsteps cause you to jump apart in surprise.

"James!" Caleb called out as he ran for the door. The sweet boy zoomed past you and wrapped his skinny arms around James making him stumbled back.

"Whoa! Hey, there, birthday boy. I came over because I realized I forgot to give you your gift yesterday," the man said with a soft smile, offering the package wrapped in simple brown paper to Caleb.

"More presents? Wahoo!! Can I open it, mom, please please?" the boy glance up at you, jumping in excitement.

You laughed, finding joy in his enthusiasm. "Of course, but let's allow James to come in so he can watch you open it there, rather than in the doorway, hm?"

"Yes! Come in, James," Caleb answered, forcibly pulling the much-larger man by the hand into the entryway.

James offered that wide, toothy smile you loved as he took off his jacket and followed the birthday boy into the living room. Caleb crouched at the coffee table and ripped open the gift in a hurry. The brown paper fell away and when you saw what it was, your heart caught in your throat.

"A sketch pad? And new drawing pencils? I love it! Thank you so much, James! I'm going to go try them out right now!" Caleb cradled the precious items in one arm as he wrapped the other around James quickly before rushing out of the room.

James chuckled and caught your eye, an adoring expression upon his face. Not the least bit worried about getting caught, you wrapped your arms around him and without hesitation pressed a lingering kiss to his lips. He was surprised, but leaned into it, holding you closer against his muscular chest. You pulled away reluctantly and held his gaze with tears in your eyes.

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