Class President

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Finn's POV
I look over at the poster as I finish hanging it up. I am running for Senior Class President ,not specifically for winning but to prove a point,and for Emmett,his wishes deserve to be fulfilled as he wanted. "It looks amazing." She tells me admiring it. I nod. "It's about time this school realizes that no matter how different someone is or how opposite they are of you they still deserve to have that filling of accomplishment I've always wanted was for this,all Emmett's ever wanted was to leave here feeling he'd made a difference amd that is exactly what I will do." I sigh looking at it. There's a picture of Emmett smiling at then with a bunch of different quotes he had said and at the bottom it says. "Emmett Colens wants you to make the right choice and Finn makes a difference!" "Have you got your speech for the campaign today?" Kaitlyn asked. I nod showing her my stack of note cards. She laughs then plants a kiss on my cheek. "I love you." She tells me. "I love you too. "I say kissing her forehead. She smiles then heads to the auditorium for the campaign.

"And for our final contestant Finn Colens!!" Principal Evans yells roaring the crowd. I look out at each person suddenly getting nervous. I take a deep breath and find Kaitlyn before I begin.

"Throughout your life you will get one call that will forever change your life,you can never tell when it is until it screams in your face ' I'm here' (laughter) About a year and a half ago I got my call,the call that would change and has changed my life,it took me a little less than five minutes to pick up the phone,and I uh I remember the lady telling me on the other end 'i need to speak to Finn Colens, is this him?' Those very few words took me ten minutes to reply to and in those ten minutes it took me to reply to I lost my brother. Emmett Colens was a well known student here at RHS,he was quarterback for four years, Captain of our glee club,he was the varsity basketball captain as well as the wrestling captain. He loved sports but he loved glee club,and I am here to make his wishes come true. Emmett always wondered why a kid that could sing and dance got bullied but if you could throw a ball down a field you were well known,why couldn't you like both, I mean in his world he was able to be both. Emmett always used to tell me,'Being in glee club makes you a better man,it makes me a better man,not throwing a ball around,you don't learn nothing from football compared to what I have learned in glee club cause if a man ain't afraid to dance and sing in front of a crowd then he ain't a real man.' I may not be your average kid you see on a poster campaigning for President but I am the kid you see roaming the halls looking for a difference and if you want that difference like Emmett and that glee club wants then make the right choice and choose ne as your senior class President cause I Finn Colens makes the difference and I am just like every one of you in this room. All I've ever wanted was to be able to go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted without feeling I may get slushied or I may get beat up cause I'm just proud to be out in the world being myself,All I have left to ask you is this.(pause) Do you want to be on the right side of history or the wrong?" The crowd roared to life congratulating me screaming out my name as I slowly left the auditorium smiling my ass off.

Kaitlyn's POV
"Everyone loved your speech, you did great." I tell Finn as I see his scared look. He smiles. "I just hope great is good enough." He tells me. I squeeze his hand as Justin walked up grinning. "RHS needs someone like you,I need someone like you." He tells Finn. Finn smiles looking shocked to the fact that Justin is speaking to him. "Thanks Justin and I'm good job in Glee today we should do a song together before graduation." Finn tells him. Justin waved at me smiling as he left. "Emmett would of been proud." I tell Finn. "Are you proud?" He frowned at me. I smile. "Of course I am." I tell him laughing. "Do you ever feel like you could of done more for him or been there,sometimes I wished it was me instead of him and here I am holding Kaitlyn Blin's hand,my brother's ex girlfriend and for some odd bizarre reason I don't feel guilty." He tells me years coming out of his eyes. I wipe then away from his eyes. "I will always love Emmett,you know that,but I love you...i love you so much I can't see myself with anyone else but you....this us,it's what's suppose to happen in our little fairy tale...Emmett would be okay with this...i Can feel my heart." I begin to cry but Finn smiles. "We have finished finalizing the votes and we have a winner." Evans says a loud.

Finn's POV
I look over at Kaitlyn as he speaks again. "Winning by over three hundred votes...Finn Colens!" Evans yells. "Finn you won." I hear Kaitlyn tell me. I jump up and I hug Evans and pick him up. "Emmett!" The crowd chanted. I look over at Kaitlyn. "I love you. "I mouthed and she mouthed back.

The Liars:Go To Glee Part4  FOR EMMETTWhere stories live. Discover now