Heroes and Villains

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Finn's POV
Two weeks later
I walk up Justin's driveway not ready for the long talk ahead of me. I knock three times before Justin opens the door. "Finn, everything okay?"He asked me sounding confused. "I uh I need to talk to you." I tell him. He looks behind him then opens the door. "Come in,we can go up in the den." Justin tells me. Justin lives in a pretty expensive neighborhood. His house is three stories with a three door garage,the doors were open revealing a black Yukon SUV, a black Harley Davidson, and a prius plug-in hybrid ultra. Inside is beautiful as well with an open white staircase,which is the first thing you see. A set of stairs that meat up and down,down to Justin's room and living area and up to the den,which is where we are going. "What did you want to talk about Finn?" Justin asked me as we sat down. I suddenly get nervous. "About that night in my room. I'm uh I'm really sorry for how  I treated you the way I did,I was hurting,but that's not an excuse. It was a hard time, I even imagined Emmett being there a couple times,that's how bad it was but the point is you were there for me and I owe you a thank you so thanks." I stop taking a big breathe of air and relax letting what I just said sink into his mind. "Finn, you have no reason to apologize we are cool,honestly. I understand what you went through and what your going through,it sucks but knowing someone is there for you really helps a lot. Id of been better knowing someone was there for me when I lost Jake it or of been easier to deal with it rather than exploding on someone every time I was hurt or mad or upset." As Justin talks I see a part of him I've never seen before. I grab his hand suddenly not sure what else to do. He smiles at my effort. "Remember what you told me that night?" I asked him. He frowns. "You told me you would always be there for me,forever...but sometimes your going to need someone to be there for you and Justin I am here for you. I promise that you will never feel alone." I squeeze his hand hard and he squeezed back.

Kaitlyn's POV
Its been a really hard couple of weeks, I have my appointment for the abortion today after school and I'm nervous. What if I am making a really big mistake, maybe Finn was right. "Class settle down please.  In all my years of teaching here at NYADA  I have never had someone walk in my office that never been a student but last night a gentleman did that very thing. He told me  his story and asked if I could help him and I said yes so Finn Colens can take stage." Mr. Matthews went on. I turn around and I see Finn and I want to cry but he starts to talk leaving me speechless. "When I was little I used to watch every musical every created, grease, high school musical, mama Mia, even hairspray. I loved watching them cause they had happy endings and they all knew how to express their feelings through song. Life isn't supposed to be easy,it's going to be hard, and scary, and at times the villains they'll win but they won't always. Life is all about going up and down, not always having a plan,sometimes that means bursting into a song at a random part of your life, or showing the person you love how you feel in extraordinary ways. When we lost my sister Hanna it was hard,most of our grief was through watching musicals she loved and it helps and then I lost Emmett,and with Emmett it was harder, we didn't have a favorite musical but we both loved you maybe in different ways but Kaitlyn you've always been my best friend and I've only wanted you to be happy and whenever I'm hurt I always come running home to you. Your my home, you always have and I don't want that to ever change,not now not ever." As he speaks tears stream perfectly down his face. He looks at me and smiles as he hits something on his phone and music echoes through the class speakers and suddenly me and Finn are in the center of a circle as he opens his mouth to sing.

Can't say how the days will unfold , can't change what the future may hold but I want you in it every hour every minute. This world can race by fly to fast hard to see while it all flies past but it's clear now when your standing here now, I am meant to be where ever next to me.

All I wanna do is come running home to you come running home to you and all my life I promise to keep running home to you keep running home to you. Keep running home, home to you.

And I could see it right from the start right from the start that you would be my light in the dark light in the dark. Ohh You gave me no other choice but to love you. (Repeat all I wanna do part)

Can't say how the days will unfold can't change what the future may hold but I want you in it every hour every minute.

He looks at me as I wipe my tears and open my mouth to speak but he shakes his head for me to not speak. "I'm afraid of the future,though I'm more afraid when I get that feeling you may not be in it. I get that were young but the things we've gone through has made us grow into two mature adults that love another very much.  I can't see my future without you, I don't want to see my future if your not in it. I'm not saying you have to say yes but id like it if you did, what do you say about spending the rest of your life with me?" He smiles as he bends down opening a box showing a beautiful ring. I cover my mouth crying as I shake my head up and down and Finn puts the ring on my finger.

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