Chapter Eight

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"You did what?" Tyra choked on her drink.

"Listen, I did it and I did a great job," I laughed taking a sip of my drink.

"How do you now?" Tyra gripped my arm.

"Because he said so," I winked.

We both laughed about my lack of skill and in the middle of the crowd she started to give me tips. Sex tips at a party, who the hell was I? We were almost three months into the last year in high school and here I was. But I liked it.

I was different. I was still the same person, but I was now braver, I went out more, and I loved. I knew I was in love with Tim, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"How about a round of fear pong?" Tyra laughed walking over to the big table in the background.

"Fear pong?" I knew my eyes were wide as can be.

Her evil grin was clear and suddenly I was standing next to her at the end of a table.

Matt stepped up to the table with Tim on the other side. I winked at Tim and I think his whole face lit up.

"So rules are simple," Julie said standing in the middle with a crowd near here. "Under the cups are all dares. If you do it you get to keep the cup for now. If you won't you have to drink. First to clear the opponents cups win. If you aren't drunk yet, you will be after this."

The crowd cheered and I looked at Tyra.

"So I just throw the ball?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes you can get Tim's or Matt's cups."

I pulled a ball out of the spare cup and took a deep breath. I aimed for Tim in front of me and of course it bounced right off the cup. He winked and picked his ball up. He aimed for me, but it bounced off mine and into Tyra's.

"Shit," she laughed and pulled up the cup to see the dare. Her eyes widen, "kiss a girl right now, is this a dare or a pleasure?"

Everyone cheered as she pulled me close and kissed me. I couldn't help but laugh as she pulled back.

"Hey! That's my kiss!" Tim laughed.

"It's a good damn kiss," Tyra winked and threw a ball making it into Matt's cup.

"Call an ex," his eyes widen and he threw his beer back real fast.

It went on for a little bit. I was surprised I was actually getting cups. I was also started to get tipsy. Beer went down quick. Tim hit one of my cups and the dare underneath sounded like it was made for him.

"Have your opponent take your shirt off," I blushed.

"Arms up Rae," he said walking to me. I giggled and did as he said. He slowly slipped my shirt off and tucked it into the back of his pants. The crowd whistled and smiled big. I was so embarrassed, but with Tim near me I felt safe. He wouldn't let anyone try shit with me like this. He was my bodyguard.

"I'll give this back later," he winked.

"Wait, can you take yours off too?" I blushed.

He quickly took his shirt off and handed it to me. I placed it like he did in my back pocket.

"What a cute couple," Matt cooed, "now I'm going to kick your butts."

We made it down to only 4 cups on our side and the boys had 6. Only a few had dares left underneath them and I knew I was drunk.

"Tim I'm gonna get you," I threw my ball and made it into a cup without a dare. Surprisingly I got better drunk. He grinned and chugged the beer.

The game finally ended and of course we lost. It sucked, but I loved Tim happy. Truly happy, not just the wall he put up.

"Baby, you're so drunk it's hilarious," he teased as we walked to Julie's car.

"You are too," I poked his nose and my legs bucked. Tim quickly picked me up and carried me to the car.

"You're so strong," I ran my hand down his chest. I leaned up and whispered in his ear, "will you have sex with me"

"Not tonight Rae," he sat me down in the car.

"You're drunk and I want you to remember it."

"I will!" he buckled me up.

"Not tonight Rae," he cupped cheeks.

"Soon?" I relaxed in his touch.

"Of course baby," he kissed my forehead.

I leaned back into the car and I could feel myself drifting. I heard a soft voice near me still.

"Don't let anything happen to my baby," he was serious.

"She'll be fine," Julie laughed and I heard the car open. "You really are doing good with her," she continued.

He took a deep breath, "I think I love her."

That was all I needed to hear before I was out.

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