Chapter Ten

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Football season was finally over and I couldn't be happier. Yes I know, what a horrible thing to say for a Texas girl. In my defense I just wanted to spend time with my boyfriend. My amazing, handsome, sexy, sweet, caring, boyfriend.

Tim was great. He wasn't anywhere near the person that everyone made him out to be. I had learned about his parents leaving. First his mother then his father. The two people in the world that are supposed to care about you the most. They just left him. They never came back either. I think that hurt him the most.

His brother had to take care of him and honestly he wasn't a bad guy. You couldn't blame him for being grumpy, he had to grow up and do the right thing; take care of Tim. He loved his brother and just like him he made mistakes. They were two boys with no influence on life. We should all just be proud they were alive.

"Rae, whatcha thinking over there?" he tickled my feet as we sat on the couch.

I giggled and smiled, "just about how cute you are."

He winked and took a sip of his beer.

"Cute enough to convince you to go to the party tonight?"

I groaned. I really didn't want to go to this one. It was Vicky's party. Vicky was the biggest whore in school and had already tried to break me and Tim up. I didn't want to end up in a vulnerable state with her around.

"Come on, please? I just want to go out as a freeman," he pouted looking at me.

"No," I sighed.

"I deserve it and you know it," he crawled over to me.

The look he gave me made my whole body tingle and I knew he was doing it on purpose.

"I'll give you what you really want after," he bit his lip and winked.

How could I say no to that offer?

"Fine, but keep the drinking down," I poked his nose.

He shot up and grabbed his phone.

I can't believe I was going to go through with this.


"No way," I slurred looking at Tyra.

"Yes way, she's pregnant and she just got her," she laughed.

"Poor Becky," I took a sip back.

"Poor me," she gasped.

"Why?" my eyes widen. "Are you pregnant?!"

"Nooooooo," she laughed.

"Then what?"

"I don't get dick like her and I've been here forever," she pouted.

I laughed as I started to walk away, "and that's why you don't!"

I could hear her laugh as I made it through the house. I was on a mission to find my boyfriend again. He had disappeared with Matt to play beer pong. The whole no drinking thing went out the door.

"Have you seen Tim?" I asked Jason.

"I think he went that way," he pointed down the hall.

"Thanks babe," I patted his shoulder walking down the hall.

I heard some yelling behind a door and my instinct to help kicked him. I swung it open and my heart stopped.

Everything was in slow motion. My cup falling to the ground. My breathing slowing down. The sight in front of me stopped my world.

Her hands were on his chest and her lips on his. He was against the wall without a shirt. She was wearing the sluttiest dress in Texas.

"Rae," I heard my name faintly, but I couldn't move. I was stuck.

I felt an arm touch my shoulder and I turned walking away.

This wasn't happening. How could this happen? He loved me. He made love to me. Why would he do this?

I heard my name called a couple more times as I walked outside. I couldn't stop though. My feet were on a mission. Home.

Short and dramatic! Hope you liked it! ❤️

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