Chapter Two

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An arrow went through the walkers forehead before Daryl could blink. He breathed out a sigh of relief that the walker wasn't Beth. It was a mistake in identity, a quick first glance. Daryl pulled out the arrow from the dead walker and cleaned it on the soft grass. He looked around some more, then retreated back to Rick.
"Find anything?" Rick asked, already knowing the answer. "Nah, just some walkers"  He threw the crossbow onto his back and walked past Rick. "We'll look again tomorrow" Rick called after him.


"Rick!" Maggie came yelling. They were back to their small camp, right on the road. "We found a place" Glenn shouted after Maggie.
The whole group broke into a frenzy, grabbing their gear and loading up the cars. It had been a while since they found an actual home, and they were all pretty excited about the idea of living under a roof.

They drove a whiles way, and was greeted by a huge home with beautiful white finishing. A fresh water pond laid not too far from the place, and wildflowers grew like wildfire. Beth would like this place, Daryl was sure of it. "Everyone find a room with a partner, thats how everyone will fit" Glenn announced, grabbing Maggie's hand and running to a room together.
Daryl's eyes scanned the inside of the house. The house was decorated in an old vintage theme, with a huge wooden staircase leading to a balcony that overlooked the entire home. Daryl searched the home for a room that was empty. He walked in on Michonne sitting on the edge of the bed. "Oh, didn't know you were in er'" He backed away, almost about to leave the awkward confrontation.
"You can stay in here if you want, I'll shack up with somebody else" Michonne grabbed her sword. She knew that Daryl wouldn't want a roommate, so she let him be.

Daryl laid his crossbow on a small desk in the corner. This room belonged to an older couple. The dresser drawers were thrown, along with the clothes inside. The king sized bed was ripped of all sheets, and a huge blood stain was splattered on the cream colored wall. It wasn't a four star hotel, but it was something.
He collapsed on the spring-bed, soaking up the comfort. Almost smelling the scent of- No, it was impossible. The sunset was streaming in from the huge window, blinding his face. He sat up, threw some blankets that were on the floor, over the window. He smirked at his idea of curtains.

After his five minute break, Daryl made his way into the living room, crossbow secured on his back. The room was filled with huge couches and chairs with funny looking prints plastered on. A brick fire place gave a more cozy feel, along with the rows of book shelves.
The rest of the group were talking about how wonderful it was to find this place.
"Great, huh?" Carl nudged Daryl's arm.
"Yeah, sure" Daryl flicked the rim of Carl's hat. "It's a good place" He reassured him, almost feeling sarcastic by his first choice of words.
Carl  flashed him a smile before walking over to Michonne. He's a good kid, Daryl thought.

"Who wants to take first watch?" Rick spoke out, above the conversations. The group turned to him with pleading eyes. "I guess I-.."
Daryl cut him off. "I will."
Rick nodded towards him, a sigh of relief escaping his mouth. "Alright, everyone get some sleep"

Daryl sat on the front porch with his cross bow ready. Taking watch wasn't exactly his favorite thing to do, but it was better then staring at a ceiling trying to sleep. Daryl got up from his hour long sitting position, and stretched his legs out in the lawn. He rolled his neck, stopping in his tracks as his eyes met the sky.
The stars were shining bright, twinkling with all the light the night gave. He took a quick glance around him, then laid in the grass. It had been a while since he looked at the stars. Since Beth-..
He face palmed himself. Beth just wouldn't leave his mind, and he didn't actually know why. He grew closer to her the days they were trying to survive together. Beth was his world in those few days they were together, and he was hers.
But now she was gone, maybe forever. And Daryl had no clue what to think. He didn't want another world. He wanted Beth.

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