Chapter Fifteen

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Rick's hand grabbed the door handle, looking out the window for the perfect chance to make an escape.
Sasha gulped loudly and checked if her gun was fully loaded. Daryl loaded his crossbow then reached down to grab Beth's hand. 
Beth squeezed his hand. She was feeling a little light headed, and cursed herself for being so scared. She had been put in life or death situations before, but she never had time to actually dwell on it. But now her anxiety had time to rise every second they stood in that house.

"Okay, there's an opening" Rick whispered then swung open the door.

The noise was overwhelming. More than twenty walkers growling at once was extremely loud and it hurt Beth's ears. The sun pierced through everyone's eyes, blinding them for a second. Walkers were climbing onto the porch fast, and several grouped together on the yard. Sasha smashed her knife into a walkers head that was getting too close. Blood splattered onto her chest.
The four ran off the porch and into the yard. Beth couldn't feel her legs, and her mind was getting spacey. She kept trying to concentrate but everything kept going numb.
Two walkers surrounded Rick, pressing their weight on him and almost knocking him over. But he got his gun out just in time, and shot one of them in the head.
The sound attracted several walkers and soon enough, the group was surrounded.  Daryl shot a couple in the head, but it was no use, they kept coming. Sasha kicked one  to the floor with her foot, then shoved her knife into another.
Beth had no choice but to start killing. She took down two walkers with ease, but shes struggled with one that was rather big. It was fiercely trying to dig its teeth into her neck, and another walker was approaching her. Rick pulled the big walker off of Beth and stuck his knife into it.
There was a break through the crowd, so they all took a chance. Rick and Daryl was running in front of Beth, and Sasha was trailing behind. Beth heard a scream from behind her and spun around.
Sasha was thrashing underneath a walker. Beth ran over fast and kicked the walker off of her. Beth grabbed Sasha by the hand and pulled her up. "Thanks" Sasha muttered as they took off. Daryl and Rick were far ahead of them, and the walkers were gaining on Beth and Sasha mostly due to exhaustion.

They were now running into the forest preserve. Sasha suddenly pulls Beth to the ground and rolls her underneath a huge pine tree. "Climb" Sasha whispers then climbs a few branches up. Beth follows her with out thinking.
"What-Why did we do this?" Beth asks. "We couldn't catch up to them, and we needed to take a breather" Sasha whispers in short breaths.
Beth nods and breathes heavily. "They will pass eventually"

Walkers didn't seem to realize that they were up in a tree, so they passed them mindlessly. Beth wiped sweat from her forehead and didn't bother to try to stop shaking. Sasha looked like she was going to puke and almost gagged several times trying to take the blood off her face. After a while, the moans faded. "I think it's clear" Beth breathed out.
"C'mon" Sasha nodded and climbed down the tree as Beth followed.

"It's getting dark out" Beth said, stating the obvious. The two left the safety of the tree and the panic set in again. "I know" Sasha nodded, looking around the area. "Let's keep going"
Sasha and Beth walked side by side with their weapons drawn. The two were struck with fear, and each stick that cracked under their feet made their hearts stop.
"Wait" Sasha put her arm out in front of Beth. "I hear one to your left"
Beth turned to her left and listened closely. A walker appeared in front of her and pushed her to the ground, her knife rolling out of her hand. "Oh god, Beth!" Sasha shouted. She was about to pull it off of her when another walker came up behind Sasha.
Beth screamed and plunged her hands into the walkers neck, making two large holes that poured out thick blood. The walker was still going strong and it leaned down to take a chunk out of Beth's cheek.
In that moment, she thought of Daryl and how he said this was dangerous. He was right, and she should have just stayed back at the apartments. Tears brimmed her eyes, but she fought back. She couldn't die with out kissing Daryl one more time. Beth's hand blindly searched for her knife, and found the handle within seconds. She shoved the knife into the walkers head just as the teeth were inches from her face.

Sasha just finished off the walker that was behind her, and was breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" Sasha spit out between breaths.
Beth sat up and shook her head no. "We have to go" Sasha sighed. Beth nodded slowly and got up.

The two eventually reached the apartment building, and saw that everyone was up and waiting for them. "We were just about to go searching" Rick sighed in relief. Maggie threw her arms around Beth, along with Glenn. "I can't breathe" Beth coughed out.
They let go of her and smiled. "Sorry" Glenn muttered.
Sasha hugged Bob, which was a shock for everyone besides Maggie. Beth got a glimpse of Daryl sitting down behind everyone. She squeezed through the group and got around to him.
"Hey" Beth smiled at him, thankful to be alive.
"What the hell is your problem?" Daryl snapped.
"What?" Beth tilted her head in confusion.
"Why can't you just do what you're told?! Why do you gotta put yourself in danger?!" His voice was getting louder which made everyone turn to look.
"I'm fine, aren't I?!" Beth rolled her eyes. "I can take care of myself!"
Daryl stood up, his body fueling with anger. When Rick and him finally realized that Sasha and Beth weren't behind them, he got extremely worried. He was worried by the thought that Beth was a blood thirsty walker or she was being torn apart. But now that worry turned into anger.
"Keep thinking that, careless bitch" He spat out.
"Whoa okay calm down both of you" Rick stepped in. Beth was so hurt by his words that she stumbled backwards a little. She looked down, hiding the tears in her eyes. "I almost died and all you can say is that I'm a careless bitch? Well, screw you Daryl" Beth preached. She couldn't bring herself to look at him again, so she walked away, leaving everyone confused and upset.


"Beth?" Maggie pushed her sisters shoulder gently. Beth had fallen asleep in Maggie's room, and Glenn kindly slept on the floor.
Beth mumbled some words, too quietly to hear.
"Wake up, it's morning" Maggie shoved her shoulder. Beth sighed heavily. "Fine" She sat up.

The night before was spent crying and listening to Maggie's kind words. Beth's body felt so weak, and her face was tight from all the dried tears. Glenn got up and walked over to Maggie's side. "Let me examine that hip"
Maggie nodded and rolled on her good side.
"I'm gonna go to my room" Beth mumbled and got out of the bed tiredly. She made her way back into her room, and collapsed on the couch.


Daryl couldn't believe he said such awful things to Beth. Well, actually, he could. He was a dick sometimes, and he knew it. But he was an even bigger dick to Beth, the girl he liked. Which didn't make sense to him.
After a restless night, he knew he needed to make things right. A lot of people were mad at him for yelling at Beth in front of everyone, but not a lot questioned why. Although, Rick was concerned that his feelings were clouding his judgement.
Maybe Rick was right. Daryl only yelled at Beth, not Sasha.

Daryl pushed his pride away, and marched straight up to Beth's room. He knocked on the door softly.
Michonne appeared in the doorway. She gave him a look of disappointment before nodding for him to come in. Sasha and Michonne left together, thinking it was better if the two were alone.

Beth sat on the couch, her knees pulled up to her chest. Daryl sat down next to her, breathing out heavily.
They sat in silence for what seemed like hours.
"You can't keep doing this" Beth mumbled. "Shutting me out, you can't do that" Her voice was cracking.
"I know" Daryl sighed and glanced at the girl next to him. He didn't want to lose her, so it was only natural instinct to shut her out and not get too close. But now they were together, and shutting her out was like breaking up with her. But that wasn't an option. A thought rushed through Daryl's head that made him shiver. Did he love her? Was that what it was like?
"I'm sorry" He spoke gently. "I'm sorry for being a dick, I was just- you know.." He trailed off.
"And I'm sorry" Beth sighed, admitting defeat. "I shouldn't have gone with-"
"No no, It was only bad luck that a herd of those bastards came by" Daryl interrupted. 
"So I'm not fired from making runs?" Beth asked, hope filling her voice. "You're not fired" Daryl chuckled.
Beth giggled and kissed him on the cheek.
"I don't know how you forgive me so quick" Daryl looked at the blonde, his eyes scanning her newly happy face.
"I'm a forgiving person" Beth smiled warmly. "Besides, I need you" She beamed.
Daryl took her face in his hands and kissed her gently on the lips. He needed her too, and this was the only way he could show her.
Beth smiled into the kiss, her hands clutching onto his body. 

Michonne walked in quietly. "Hey are you alright Beth-" She gasped.
The two pulled away from each other, Beth's face turning bright red.
Michonne stood in shock, then laughed lightly. "I'll come back" She left the room and finally confirmed her suspicions of them.

Beth glanced at Daryl, too embarrassed to say anything. Daryl chuckled then pecked her on the lips.
"Guess we''ll have to start telling people" He whispered, pulling her into a hug.
"Y-yeah" Beth nodded then hid her face in his chest.

Authors Note: I'm making up for all the weeks that I wasn't updating! Seriously guys, I really appreciate all of the reads/votes/comments! I'm sorry if this chapter is a little messy, I was half asleep writing it and I can't remember most of it cx. Keep checking for more chapters!

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