Chapter Eleven

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As Beth woke up that morning, something didn’t seem right. 
Whenever something good happens, something bad always follows. Beth stirred in her tent, grabbing new clothes while taking her old ones off. She heard the shuffling of feet outside, dismissing the idea that it was walkers. The camp would have heard-

Cans clinked together loudly and growling from outside increased. Beth shot out of her tent, holding her knife straight up. 
Walkers were surrounding the entire camp, breaking through the strings that she had set up with Daryl. Maggie ran up to Beth, blood running from her hip. 
“Maggie! What happened?!” Beth’s eyes wouldn’t divert from the gash in Maggie’s side. “Were you bit?” Beth asked, terrified of her response. “No, I’ll explain later but we have to go!” Maggie shouted over the growling of walkers.

The growling was so loud that it clouded Beth’s thoughts. Rick was shouting to run to the street, that there was too many of them.  Maggie’s hand gripped tightly over Beth’s, pulling her to find a gap through the walkers. A small gap appeared and they took their chance. Beth was pulled to the ground.

Daryl woke up, hearing the sound of the cans clinking together. He grabbed his crossbow, loading it up before running outside of his tent. Walkers were surrounding the camp, falling on top of each other, climbing on top of tents. Each walkers teeth were clamping together and some of them were limping, like they were the ones who got bit. Daryl’s mind quickly went to Beth’s, running to her tent when Rick grabbed his arm. “Help me get the supplies!”
Daryl hesitated before helping Rick, grabbing whatever he could find into his pockets. He caught a glimpse of Beth running with Maggie. He knew they would be safe together. Daryl’s focus was now saving himself. 
Walkers broke through the string on the north side of the camp, and Daryl shot an arrow into one of its heads. “Get out of there, Daryl!” Rick commanded, as he ran his own way with Carl. Everyone else was running, and Daryl had to find his own way out. Two walkers tackled him, Daryl accepting that this might be his death. He frantically flipped over, trying to grab his knife from his belt. The walker’s bodies were heavy on top of him, and it was like Daryl was paralyzed and there was no possible way of reaching his knife. This was it. 
This was the way Daryl would meet his end. 
Both heads of the walkers were sliced clean off, Michonne standing over him. “Let’s go!” Michonne shouted as she ran away. He found a gap in the walkers, running through it, catching up with Michonne. They both ran to the street, after exchanging glances. Daryl made his way into one of the cars, not seeing Beth anywhere. What hell Beth? As they were driving way, a gunshot deafened their ears.

A heavy walker was scrambling to sink its teeth into Beth’s shoulder. She struggled underneath it, tears filling her eyes and making it harder for her to see. 
Maggie put a bullet through the walkers head, and it collapse to the side of Beth. She jumped off the ground, running with Maggie to the street. A pickup truck with Glenn was waiting, so they both flew into the back.
The truck drove away, Beth finally able to catch her breath. “What happened to your side?” She breathed out heavily. “Got sliced by one of those cans, a walker pushed me into it” Maggie flinched from the pain, her face scrunching up. “Apply pressure- uhm..with your hands” Beth’s voice was cracking, she hated seeing her sister in pain. She hated seeing anyone in pain. Maggie’s hands were shaking as they placed themselves on top of the wound. The wound was deep, and the blood seemed to be endless. “It’s okay, you’re okay” Beth cried, ripping her t-shirt and giving it to Maggie. 

Daryl’s group stopped near a small town and Beth’s grouped slowly followed. Everyone was out of their car’s, asking if anyone got bit or who was still alive. 
Maggie went to hug Glen, then Beth, but Beth had spotted Daryl, and was running to him. Daryl saw the petite blondie running his way. 
He dropped his crossbow, arms opening. 
Beth ran straight into his arms, slamming her body into him. Daryl’s eyes watered, feeling relieved that they were both alive. Everyone around them stared, sharing a mutual confusion. This should have been their first reunion, the beautiful embrace of seeing each other for the first time. Beth pushed away the thought, figuring that it wasn’t worth dwelling on. 
They slowly pulled away from each other, smiling widely. “Thank god” Beth whispered, putting a hand on his ruff cheek. Daryl’s hand fell on top of hers, looking into her deep blue eyes. 
“We’ve got to find another place” Rick spoke up, clearing his throat. Beth and Daryl instantly stepped away from each other, realizing their embrace was awfully dramatic. “Okay” Daryl nodded, winking at Beth before following Rick.

Red flushed Beth’s face, smiling in satisfaction. She made her way over to Maggie, who was now lying in the back of the truck, breathing heavily. “Did we take the first aid kit?” Beth said loudly, hoping someone would know. 
“Yeah! Hold on” Carl responded, grabbing the first aid kit from one of the cars and throwing it to Beth. She took out a needle and thread, some cleaning solution, and bandages. Beth threaded the needle, walking over to Maggie who looked extremely pale. 
“I’m going to have to stitch it” Beth whispered, kneeling down. Maggie made a thumbs up, nodding her head. Beth took a deep breath before starting. "What's with you and the redneck?" Maggie asked faintly, smiling because she knew it would embarrass her. "Maggie, you have a huge gash in your side that might be infected and you want to talk to me about Daryl?" She looked at Maggie, smiling. "Nothing, we're friends" She announced, knowing she would have to say something or Maggie wouldn't leave it alone. "You're gonna get a talkin' too when you're done fixing me up" Maggie coughed out, eyes closing.
By the end of it all, Beth’s hands were stained red.

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