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Marco Pov
I arrived home late to find the house a mess and trashed. I groan and shake my head as I start picking up the garbage and dishes from the living room and the kitchen "Marco? Is that you?" "Yes Michelle, it's me" "good, be a dear and clean downstairs"

"Already on it" she chuckled and hear her door shut with a click. I really hope I get that scholarship so I can leave from here and from them! As I take out the trash I hear rustling in the bushes and I wait and see its Janna

"Janna! you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I whispered yelled as she giggles "Sorry, I was gonna bring you your hoodie, what are you still up and about?" I sigh "The witch has me cleaning the house right now" Janna shakes her head

"Its 12 am? You should be alseep and not clean their mess" "I can't do anything Jan, anyways you can come in and keep me company or you could go" "I'll stay, I'll actually help and maybe pull a couple pranks on your evil step trolls" we laughed as we entered the house.

Janna disappeared for a few while I finished cleaning the kitchen and the living room. She came back with a pleased face and I rolled my eyes "That'll teach them not to mess with me" she laughs and I smirked "Alright Janna, now help me" "Yeah"

The next morning I woke up early and left to school before Michelle had me doing some chore and making me late again. "Morning Marco, you're early?" "Yeah, also I can probably get to chat to star" she smirks "There we go, I think she's at her locker" I nod and walked towards her hall as I get there I see her against her locker typing away on her phone. It's now or never Diaz.

"Morning..star" she looked up and smiled "Hey Marco, what's up?" "Nothing just..wanted to say hi" she giggles as she puts her phone away "Really? Is that all you came to ask?" "Well, I actually wanted to ask if you want to come stargaze with me this weekend?"

She blushed and smiles "Stargaze? That sounds amazing, I would love to give me your hand" I held my hand out and she pulled a sharpie out and wrote her number down "Text me or call me about, since Tom is out of town for a few weeks"

I was shocked and was red, did she just give me her number? And she said yes to hanging out with me? "Marco?" I clear my throat and look at her "I'm sorry, yeah I'll text you and Tom is out of town?"

"Yeah, but you didn't need to know that" she said as she turns towards her locker to open it "Oh uh sorry" "Its cool, I'll see you around" I walked off and rush to find Janna but instead I found two angry twins "Marco!!" I began to laugh because Janna managed to change their hair colors, Bright pink and a neon green.

"Wow you guys look like colorful Easter eggs" Janna said as she stood by me "Shut up! Mom said your grounded and can't leave the house this weekend" Andrew said and I groan "What?! No way I didn't do it anyways! I'm not even allowed in your rooms which used to be mine!"

They laughed and looked at us "Should have thought about that before dying out hair idiot" Graham said as he took off and I shook my head "Sorry Marco" "Its fine, I'll just sneak out since my room is outside near the pool" "Dude you are slowly turning into me" I chuckled "Yes I am, also look" I showed her and she hugs  me "Marco! You smooth bad boy!"

I laughed "Yeah, also Tom is away so I guess this is my chance to get to know her before the dragon comes for his princess" she nods "Tom's gone? That's weird I would've thought he'll take his princess with him"

"Janna he doesn't own star, she's her own person" she rolled her eyes "I know but that's kinda sketchy don't you think?" I don't care really, I got her number and that's all I'm happy for. "I should text her so she has my number" "Marco you lovesick fool" "Oh shut up" we laughed as we head to class.

After school I went straight home and I was greeted with an angry Michelle and I knew I was going to get it "Marco Diaz! What on earth have you done to my babies?! Their beautiful blonde hair turned to those awful colors!" "They messed with my best friend yesterday Michelle, that was so uncalled for, and frankly they deserved it"

she gasps in shock "My boys would never do that" "Yes they would, you know what I'm done talking to you" "Your grounded!" "I know your 'babies' told me this morning, i don't care honestly" I walked by her and headed towards my room and sigh as I look at my parents and smile "I wish you guys were here.."

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