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Marco Pov
After last night we decided that we would only hook up when either of us are free and to not look suspicious. I sigh as I walked into school and saw star yelling at Tom "You fucking cheated on me?! You don't love me anymore?!" Oh shit I should go before I'm pulled into this "Diaz!" Oh fuck. I turn and see Tom coming closer and I gulp a bit "Hey man I don't want any trouble.." He pulled me under his arm as Star looked scared

"Since I know I'm a big fat cheater and I know you aren't that popular like us. Did you see my precious little angel hooking up with anyone while I was gone?" He gave me his smirk as my heart raced "I don't feel comfortable..answering this.." He held tighter "Come on! I know you have a thing for her stupid so don't play dumb! Did you see her hook up with anyone while I was gone?" I was looking between star and him and the crowd and I just wanted to run

"Tom! That's a enough! You're making him panic! Let him go!" Tom glared at her and back at me "Star Adeline butterfly. Just tell me if you cheated on me too that's all I ask sweetheart" she had tears in her eyes as I felt my heart break "Baby just tell me and we'll fix this..please" don't fall for it Star. He's not good for you. We talked about this. "Can you let me g-" "No! Now answer me Star" she sighs "I didn't cheat on you Tom. I never did. Because you really don't remember how deeply in love I was in with you when we first met. I've been faithful to you..can you just believe me?"

Tom lowered his head and looked at me "Diaz.." I nodded "Yes..?" He let go "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do.." I was confused until his fist came towards me. I collapsed to the ground blood gushing down my face as Star ran towards me "Tom! What hell?! He did nothing wrong! What the fuck is the matter with You?!" She held my face and I turned away I can't let him know "Star it was barely a punch he's fine" he went to grab her and she shoved him "Don't touch me you monster! Marco are you okay?" She helped me up and Tom pulled her away

"What's with you and this guy?! Is he the one you hooking up?" She glared at him and shoved him against the locker "No! He's my friend! A friend that you would never want me to have! You fucking asshole! We're threw! I'm done holding up for you and you're childish mood swings and anger issues! Fuck you Tom!" I shook my head as she helped me to the nurses office. Oh fuck now stars family is really going broke. As we get to the nurses I stopped and she looked at me "What's wrong?"

"Why did you break up with him?" She glared at the ground before taking a glance at me "He was gonna hurt you worse..like I said last night I really don't want to lose you Marco." I sigh "But what about the marriage and money?" She shrugs "I have money saved up. Also I have a relative who wants me to have her inheritance so I'm pretty much set." She caressed my bruised face as I sigh "But that doesn't me we're in the clear Star. Just cause you broke up with him doesn't mean we get together okay?" She nods

"I know and I'm so getting in trouble with my parents" we sigh as I see the twins "Oh Star!" They pushed me aside as they took both her hands "I hope our stupid step brother isn't bothering You?" She shook her head "No, not at all I was just helping him so..excuse me" she pulled her hands free and made it closer to me "Lets go marco" I nodded as the twins glared at me. I'm gonna get an earful later.


As the day ended I walked home alone. Most likely Janna is probably with Tom tending to his moodiness. Star got picked up early due to the issue with Tom and the arrangement. All I got today was a bloody nose and ruined a relationship. Way to go Diaz. You're parents would be so proud of you if they knew. As I get home the twins held smirks and I hear my stepmother yelling for me. Great. Perfect way to end this. I seriously can't wait to just leave this hell hole.

"The boys told me you were bothering the princess of this town. What on earth are you doing? Do you want them to hurt you or us in any way?" I scoff "I wasn't she was taking me to the nurses cause her boyfriend decked me in the face. And why do you care if I hang with her or not? You're not my real mother nor you'll ever be Michelle." She looked disbelief and shook her head "I was never your mother figure anyways. Also you're grounded for a month" I sigh "Fine. Anything else? I just want to go to my room and sleep." She shook her head and I took off. Surprisingly she wasn't at her full mood. Wonder what's got her all freaked out?

As I finally made it to my room I let out a tired sigh and looked over to my parents photo. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess up" I whispered as I pulled the frame closer "I wish you two were here and tell me everything is going to be fine. Please.." I whimpered silently as I tried calming myself enough to get cleaned up and head to bed. But as always it never went my way. I still had to do chores and whatnot but I noticed Michelle lurk a bit more as she wanted to talk to me but she looked to hesitant to do anything.

"Michelle you know I could see you right?" She groans and comes close "What happened to your face? Who would do that to You?" Was she actually asking about me for once? "Like I said earlier Stars boyfriend decked me in the face. Also he was angry with her and I just stuck in it." As I dried my hands Michelle held my face and looked at me with softer eyes. Something I'm not used to. "You have such a handsome face Marco. You look a lot like your father." I pull away feeling a bit weird "Yeah..this is weird I'm gonna go now."

She pulled my arm and held a jar. "This will take care of that bruise. Also you're grounded for a week. You're dismissed." I looked at the jar as I went to thank her she was gone. I smiled softly as I went to my room and placed the cream. It smelled like vanilla and cinnamon. Hope this works. As I placed the jar down I heard a knock as I opened it there stood someone I didn't expect

"We need to talk.."

A/n hello guys been awhile huh? Sorry for taking my sweet time but I can't lie I'm super busy with work and I barely have time to be on wattpad anymore and I'm trying to prewrite chapters so I can finish books. Hope you all could forgive me :;(∩´﹏'∩);:

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