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Marco Pov
I was stuck at home all day, cleaning and doing whatever Michelle or her 'Angels' wanted me to do. But I kept my head in the clear when I thought about Star and our hangout tonight, she looked happy to hangout with someone besides Tom.

I smiled as I threw the trash out "Why are you smiling at the trash?" "I think he lost it?" The twins laughed as they took off in their car and drove away "Marco" I turned and saw Michelle dressed nicely "Yes?"

"I'm going to Boston for a few days and the twins are gonna visit their father and won't be back until 1 a.m., so I don't want you stepping foot out of this house when they return, understood?" I nodded "Yes I understand" she pats my head and takes off and I smiled cause I have enough time to hang out with Star

"Goodbye wicked witch of the west! And her evil trolls!" I laughed and rushed to my room and found an outfit that would be good and make me look decent? This is hopeless, Star is into people that look cool not like me or maybe she does? I text Janna and she came in a few minutes

"Hey, what's up Diaz?" I sigh "I don't know what to wear" "Don't wear that red hoodie" "What? Why? It's my favorite hoodie" "Yeah but you wear it all the time with different shirts, don't pretend you don't" I smirk "Okay, so what should I wear?" "Something to make you look edgy? Do you have a leather jacket?"

I think about it and rush towards my closet and pull out an old looking leather jacket "Whoa, vintage nice" "it uses to belong to my dad, he said that he met my mom in this at a party in their teen years" Janna looked at me and held my arm "Hey, I know you miss them" I nod and put the jacket on "How do I look?"

She puts two thumbs up and I smile "You look good, Star is definitely gonna swoon over you" I chuckled and rolled my eyes "Yeah right..she's still with Tom" even though i wish she wasn't though "Don't worry about Tom, just think of you and Star and locking lips with her" I blushed and pushed Janna a bit "Shut up"

we laughed and I sigh before I head out and meet up "Keep a watch out for the twins okay?" "You got it, I'll let you know if they come home early or whatnot" I nodded "Thanks Janna you're the best" "No worries, now get to your date" she pushes me and I smirk and go running off into the night and get to her house.

It's giant and has a very large door, she's pretty wealthy but she doesn't seem the type to be one of the snooty rich kids. "Bye mom! See you in a few!" Before star closed the door a woman who was slightly taller than her came into view. Her hair was above her bottom and looked like a light blue.

Her eyes were just like stars of not maybe a shade darker and a birthmark that was passed down to star as well "Where are you off to?" "I'm gonna hang with my friend Marco" "Are you sure it's a good idea?" "I'm not cheating on Tom mother and besides it only for an hour, I'll be back okay"

she smiles warmly at her mother as she nods "Alright just be careful dear" they hug and her mother eyes me a bit before closing the large door. "Sorry my mom is a bit protective of me.." I smiled a bit "Its fine, at least she's looking after you" she noticed the sudden change in my voice

"Oh, I'm sorry for complaining about my parents..I'm really sorry about your parents Marco" I shake my head "It's okay, it doesn't really bother me" "Are you sure? I feel like I messed up ugh I'm nervous about today" I rasised a brow at her and chuckled

"Nervous? The most popular girl in school is nervous to be with a nobody like me? That's new" she giggles and blushes "Well, yeah it feels relaxing being with you than being with Tom. Can I rant about him with you?" I nodded "Go ahead, but I don't really particularity like him" she sighs

"No one does! Sometimes I feel like a toy instead of his girlfriend, even when we're alone I just watch him play videogames or just hang with his friends! I feel so uncomfortable when his friends are around..they touch me and flirt with me and even say things that make me sick to my stomach"

I freeze and immediately get angry "What an ass! I'm sorry but if he's your boyfriend he should protect you from his disgusting friends and even other people whenever you're together! God what a freaking jerk!" I fume and then I hear a giggle as I look I see star smiling at me

"Oh..uh sorry I kinda exploded" she nods "It's quite alright, I never realized he ticked you off that much" I sigh "Yeah, I just wish you weren't with him.." I mumbled but she heard "Me too, but I have a reason to" I know the reason

"I understand, I just want to leave this place and my step family. They make my life a living hell and have me as a maid cleaning up the house and keeping me outside in the shack" Star wraps around my arm and sighs "That sounds horrible, I would want to leave as well. Where will you go?"

"I was thinking somewhere east? I'm done living here" she nods "I have the same plans, I want to go to New York and pursue my career and whatnot" I nod as we make it to the spot "That's good, is Tom going to be with you?" "Surprisingly, No" I smiled a bit "Why's that?"

"He has to take over his dad's business here so we might not be together that often and I'm completely okay with that" she laughs and feels like she's free "I just want him to go away for a long time and leave me alone for good" I chuckled "I get it" we lay on hill and look up at the sky

"Why aren't you cool? I've seen the way you play baseball, dude you're really good" "I feel like I'm a completely different person when I'm on the field" she turns her head as she waits for me to continue "When out of the uniform I'm shy and awkward and a total nerd that no one wants to be friends with. But when I play I feel like I'm not there and I only focus on the game" she smirks

"Did you parents do any sports?" "Yeah, my mom was a cheerleader believe it or not. My dad was a basketball and baseball player when he was my age" I chuckled remembering him playing with me in the backyard "They were high school sweethearts"

"Aw how adorable!! My parents were best friends when they were kids and they soon fell in love" "That's cute" "Yeah, my mom told me that she couldn't decide whether which guy she likes when she was around my age, but she chose my dad and here I am" we laughed a bit.

After a couple minutes of comfortable silence Star sits up and her hair falls freely covering her back. I sat up as well looking at her "You okay?" "Yeah, just realizing how relaxed and calm I feel" I tilt my head "I haven't been this calm since I started dating Tom"

she turns her head towards me and it's a bit close and I blush a bit "I want to thank you for spending time with me Marco, I also want to hang out with you again" I smiled as she leaned closer and kissed me. I gasp a bit and freeze a bit but I slowly return the kiss and held her flushed face.

As we pulled away I feel guilty cause she has a boyfriend "Star, I kissed you and you have a boyfriend" "I know, but I really wanted to since the diner incident" I blushed and moved back a bit "I won't tell anyone we kissed" "I won't either, but for now can we continue?"

Her face was flushed and I smiled shyly "Uh sure" she leans in and captures my lips again and slowly push me back on the ground as we are in a calm makeout session. As we pulled away again she cuddled in my arms and I smiled "I feel safer in your arms Marco" I sigh and held her tighter "Me too"

After an hour I decided to bring Star back home. It was getting late and she said to her mother it would be an hour and we went over the hour. We walked hand and hand as she rambles on about her childhood and when her house came to view she stops and looks at me

"I'll leave you here, just text me okay? Thanks for tonight though I really needed it" I smiled "No problem Star, it looked like you needed a break" she jumped into my arms as she hugged me tightly "Goodnight Marco" "Night Star" she lets go and kissed my cheek and walked towards her house and I walked home. When I arrived I see Janna on my bed watching a movie

"Hey! How's your date?" "It went really well.." I blush and she smirks "Oh your flushed! Did you two kiss?" "We did and then we made out quite a bit" "Bad boy Marco! Way to go Diaz" I chuckled "Yeah but I can't say a word about it or things could get really bad" she nods

"Well if your swaping spit with the princess of this town,  you might as well go dig yourself a grave" "Shut up Janna, this is serious if anyone finds out I can get in trouble with Tom and his family along with Star's and I don't want more people to get mad at me" she sighs and nods "Alright I won't tell, what are going to do when Tom comes back?" "I have no idea.."

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