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Marco Pov
After spending an hour with Star she decided to leave before one of Toms goons go looking for her "I wish I had more time" I sigh as I caressed her flush cheeks "Me to, I feel like we're gonna get caught at some point" she nods

"Yeah but who would even catch us? We're going to be careful and keep to ourselves in private" "I get that star but what if I want you to myself instead of Tom" she gasps a bit "As in us? Like together?"

I nodded as I looked at her "Well you know I can't break it off with him but when I do I'll come to you" I sigh as I kissed her once more before she left. This secret can only to do far if we aren't that careful. As she was gone I walked and see her reunite with Tom. He kissed her cheek as he caressed her face as she tilts her head with a fake smile.

"Whatcha looking at?" I look to my side as I see Janna stare at the it couple "That" she nods and scoffs "I can't believe you are getting at her" "Who wouldn't? She's beautiful" "Yeah? And a liar and cheater" I rolled my eyes as Janna pulls my arm "Dude your her side guy when her man isn't around"

I shake my head and noticed a few bruises on her neck "What are those?" She slapped her hand on the mark and started to back away "Nothing important!" I raised a brow as the couple came by "Hey Janna. Marco" I glared at him as Janna waved at Tom and star gave an odd look at him before they walked away

"Okay..since when does Tom know your..Janna Ordina!" She freezes as I walked closer "Uh well it was at a party a couple days ago" "the one AJ threw?" She nods "Yeah, Tom was there with his friends without star. He said he wanted a break from her which is off cause he's super clingy. Anyways I showed up and he stopped me and we talked and drank and kinda..uh?"

I look at her as I waited "Kinda what?" She was red and looked embarrassed "Slept..together?" "What?! And you call her a liar and cheater!" She covers my mouth "Sorry but he told me not to tell anyone we did but he wanted to keep this up with me" I shake my head "What's wrong with you?"

"Dude what's wrong with you? You are flirting and being with his girl? We are both at fault" "Hey at least I didn't sleep with her. You went beyond the hooking up part" she groans "I know I kinda feel bad for star but then again I don't" I shake my head "Well is he gonna break up with her?" She shrugs

"I don't know we don't talk when we hook up. We just do the do and go on with our way" I sigh "Maybe if they break up then star can be with me" "Dude her family is going broke that's why Tom is her boyfriend and they have to marry when we graduate"

"How are you gonna feel about that? Tom being married to a girl he is losing interest in?" Janna grimace at the thought "Horrible" "Excatly my point. We just need a plan to get them to break up" Janna looked unsure "How?" I shrug "I don't know yet but our time is running short"

A/n Hello everyone I'm so sorry for the late update. My life has been so full of ups and downs and things happened that I didn't even update any of the starco books or my Voltron books. I'm trying to write again but you gotta be patient with me. I'm also sorry it's short I just wanted to post for you all. It's probably sounds like trash right now but I hope you like it. Again sorry for late update hopefully I'll update the camp au today.



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