Ch.1 There's This Guy

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Darkness. Everything is completely black but not empty.

Skye emerges from the color of the night and opens her eyes. She can't recognize a thing but her ears pick up on a familiar sound.

Off in the distance, someone is crying, whimpering like a puppy.

Skye's Thoughts
It's happening again.

Glancing around, Skye roams the area. An area that is both mysterious but also a place the Cockapoo has seen for the hundredth time.

Skye: “Hello?!” She calls out, standing still momentarily. “Anything new?”

No answer, silence. Even the whining noises stop.

On the bright side, I know what to expect.

As the Cockapoo continues to stroll along, her whereabouts become less and less dim.

But, why do I keep ending up here? And where is–

Skye is abruptly thrown off balance when her front paws collide with a bump on the ground.

???: “Skye…”

A talking bump.

I never liked this part.

Upon closer inspection, the bump shapes into the body of a female dog. Not just any dog, however, but an older Cockapoo with scars scattering her entire figure.

Most noteworthy, though, is the fact that the darkness from all sides slowly begins consuming the other female. It’s as if the aged Cockapoo laid down sideways in ink. Deadly, suffocating ink.

Skye: “Hi, Mom.” Her voice carries the weight of her exhaustion.

The younger Cockapoo reaches down and grabs ahold of her mother’s right arm. She attempts tugging her Mom out but she isn’t budging. Her mother is stuck and sinking.

Skye: “For once I’d like to find you without having to save your life…” She takes in a shaky breath. “But think positively, okay? At least we’re together… for a little while.”

Moving her eyes from left to right, Skye searches for something, anything that might help. But it’s all the same, just her and her drowning mother. Her mother’s head and right arm are the only parts of her that haven’t been engulfed yet.

Regardless, Skye holds onto her Mom using both of her arms. Beads of sweat begin forming on the young Cockapoo’s forehead after several unsuccessful seconds tick by.

Skye: “No matter how many times I come here, I can’t help but hold onto you for as long as I can. Why couldn't you have done the same?” She laments. “How could you even bring yourself to do what you did? Didn’t you know you would end up… like this?”

The younger Cockapoo's grip gets tighter as she releases one of her paws to hit the ground in frustration and as a last resort. But when her fist touches the tar-like darkness, all Skye feels is a solid substance instead of the liquid absorbing her one parent.

Skye: “Please, I want an answer this time.” She pauses. “What kind of mother abandons their only daughter after her dad–”

Skye’s Mom: “Let go, Skye.”

For a moment, Skye is paralyzed. She tries blinking away unexpected tears but several droplets trickle down and stain her cheeks.

Skye: “No." She croaks. “This... It was my fault wasn’t it?”

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