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     I was at CVS with Elton and Aaron right now getting the stuff for my prank tonight and Colby because Sam had texted me and told me it was all Colby's idea, and Sam wanted to do something more like just trick me or scare me. Even Corey backed them up because he was setting with them while coming up with a plan.

     Tonight was the night we were going to be staying at Suicide Bridge and Aaron had already said he wouldn't be going but Elton said I could sleep by him and not by the idiots. When we paid for the stuff we very quickly headed to the house and then after a few more hours headed out to the bridge. I got shot gun and was ignoring everyone while thinking.

     When we got back and everyone went back to bed, it was going to happen. Aaron was setting up part of the prank so that was great for me. When we got there we made our way down and were already hearing shit.

     Nothing scared me until a loud scream came from behind us, so we all turned around and it was two girls on the bridge "Yeah! Funny! Bitch!" Colby screamed and made everyone laugh. I didn't find it funny. I was just thinking about the prank tonight.

     A few hours in with blood on the board and me huddling between Corey and Elton most of the time, we were FINALLY laying down. I laid by Elton against the side of the wall and then pulled the hood of my hoodie up. Not long after, I had fallen asleep.

     I woke up to a loud screeching alarm, and I sat up and looked around before looking at Elton who turned it off. Corey asked "What time is it? Four?" "6, come on lets go" I got up and walked over to the camera and grabbed it for Elton. Quickly we made our way out and were standing on the bridge talking about McDonald's.

     When we got there Colby asked Sam to get his drink while he went pee. So while he went I grabbed my purse from the table and dumped a quarter of the NyQuil bottle in it, which made Corey and Sam start asking stuff, and just now figuring out why Elton was recording me.

      On our way home, Colby was pretty much asleep. When we got there he went straight up to bed and I went to wake up Aaron with Elton. Corey and Sam went to bed after a minute and then finally a few minutes after Aaron woke up we made our way to Colby's room where I opened the bag and started mixing the hair bleach. We laid a towel on the ground and then a few blankets and moved him on top of it. I sat on his side with Elton recording and Aaron holding another angle camera. We bleached his hair and then very quickly after most of it was WHITE, I started slowly, easily washing it out.

      When we finished we were all wide awake so we just moved him back on his bed and I wrote him a note on a sticky not and stuck it to his phone "Karma's a fucking CUNT! With Love, Lexi xoxox" and shown the camera.

     We quickly made our way downstairs and to the game room where they started playing rocket league and I was petting Circa who lounged in my lap.

     Finally around noon everyone started getting up. Besides Colby. Then when Aaron had just hung up from ordering us pizza, we heard a LOUD scream from up stairs and then we took off running up to the room. But Colby wasn't in there, he was bent over in the shower scrubbing his head. But little did he know, there was bright neon pink in his shampoo.

    When he leaned up and grabbed a towel he started drying off, but when he glanced at his hands he screamed loudly and peaked in the mirror. Then he noticed everyone behind him. Corey and Sam were cracking up while I just turned around to high five Elton and Aaron. Devyn was covering her mouth with her hand.

      I looked at him and then when they turned the camera off after I did my outro I said "Prank me again and you'll end up in a pool of acid" before walking off. I just HELPED with Aaron's prank. That's honestly the first one I've done in at least two years.

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