Chapter 9: A New Meeting

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"Hey, can I sit with you guys?" Asked Leo. You might be wondering who the heck Leo is. Well then, let me go back to the past. In my mind, of course. 

A couple of hours ago, first period, English, Mrs. Leonard introduced the new kid. He wasn't what I expected, but he sure went popular fast. 

"Sup, peeps!" The new kid said. Somebody from the back screamed, "Ha, he said 'peeps'!" 

"Everyone, this is Leo DeNile. He'll be in our homeroom for the rest of the year. I do expect everyoneto nice to him, alright?" Mrs. Leonard announced. Once again for the first time today, she shot an evil look to all of us. 

Rosie hid her face and tries to avoid Leo's glance. But obviously that didn't worked. "Hey, miss teacher, can I sit next to that pink-haired girl over there?" Leo asked. 

"Of course," Mrs. Leonard replied. "No, no, no!" Rosie half screamed and cried. 

Leo went to sit next to Rosie and nudged her shoulder. "How's it goin', cousin? Miss me?" He said.

Then, let's go back to reality.

"No, Leo." Rosie frowned at him and ate her lunch. "Of course you can sit with us, Leo." I said to him, feeling a little bit dissapointed at Rosie.

So with that, Leo sat next to Rosie.

Well, this is gonna be an interesting year.

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