Chapter 2: The Royal Rose

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"Come on in, please," Mrs. Leonard said. The moment the new student walks in, everyone went silent. Then in awe. I have to admit I was pretty impressed too. Her hair is dark pink, not too dark. Her eyes were shining so bright, I thought she was blind! I mean, it's crystal white.. so white.. 

"H..Hello.." she managed to say, "My name is Rosie White," 

"Now, everyone," the teacher shot a glare at us. "You all are going to be nice, correct?"

Everyone groaned in response, "Yes, Mrs. Leonard." I looked at the new girl, which looked really nervous. I don't really blame her. This class is full of things you should be really nervous──popular girls and boys, few athletes, geeks, bookworms, techies, then there's me, who really doesn't care about what "group" I'm in. "Please sit next to Ms. Rhea right there," She pointed at me. Oh, dear, God, why? This girl, Rosie, walked to the empty chair next to me and sat down. I glanced at her sideways. She glanced back at me then looked away. Shy, huh? 

Finally, English period was over. The students walked out of the room as fast as they could, because why? Well, the halls aren't really that bad if you get out early, but if you get out late, it looks like a swarm of fishes trying to get to the bait. "Rhea, come over here for a moment," Oh no. What have I done now? 

"Yes, ma'am?" I quickly walked over to her desk, feeling a little nervous. 

"Would you show Rosie to her next class? She might need your guidings."

"But Mrs. Leonard─"

"No exceptions, Rhea. Understand?" She snapped at me. Ugh. I got no other choice. It's either I show Rosie her way around the thread or I could have detention. Obviously, I wouldn't care if I get into trouble or not, but there's something about Rosie that I wanted to know.

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