Swan Sweaters

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It's Emma's first official birthday party with her whole family present, the other ones didn't count because someone was always missing or she wasn't with them. Now, everyone is here, and what other way than to have a get together at granny's/ the park where there are some things set up to do. 

Right now she's looking for the only person that feels complete with, she can't find her anywhere but luckily her mother intercepted any thoughts of sadness. 

"Hi sweetie, people are still coming. This has to be the biggest party all year." Snow said excitedly with a glass in her hand, she swayed a little bit which made Emma raise her eyebrows.

"Mom.. Maybe you should not drink until dad gets here, at least I'll know you're safe when he's here." 

Snow wrinkled her nose but sighed, "fine but only because I want to. I'm the mom remember!" 

Emma chuckles and shakes her head, "Yeah. Got it." With that Snow walked over to the counter and set her drink down before heading outside. 

The whole town was celebrating her birthday so most of everyone was keeping an eye on everyone. 

"I'm so happy I didn't get her tolerance to alcohol." She was speaking to herself but it didn't stay that way since someone walked up next to her. 

"I sure hope not Miss Swan, she only had half a beer and I watered it down." Regina crosses her arms and stands regally next to the shocked yet happy blonde. "It's rather pathetic that she is acting like she has drank at least ten."

Emma is turned towards her, "Hi. Hey." She shakes her head and a smile appears on her face, "you're here."

Regina turns and smiles at her, "Of course I am Emma." 

A slight blush graces Emma's cheeks as she looks down at the ground to try and compose herself. Regina watches the whole thing, knowing exactly how the blonde is feeling in the moment. 


Later into the party, everyone was outside and most of the people left except for the main group that actually talk to Emma. Regina, Ruby, Belle, Elsa, Ana, Hook, Snow, David, Zelena, Robin, Henry and of course where ever Henry is so is Violet. Emma is finally to the point where she feels the alcohol and her walls are down quite a bit. 

"Mom, look at ma." Henry laughs and points at where the blonde was being forced to dance with her mother. She looked like she was trying to be nice and not leave right away but she also looked like she didn't actually know how to get away from the situation without hurting her mom's feelings. 

"Oh for heaven's sake, Snow!" Regina says with fake malice, "Leave your daughter alone. What did she ever do to deserve this?" 

"We're dancing R'gina!" She tries to continue but Emma was distracted by the brunette walking towards them. 

"Seems like you're the only one dancing dear." She made it to them and took Emma's hand gently before guiding her away so she was closer to Regina than anyone else. "Maybe Emma just had the wrong dance partner?"

Emma was still watching, she didn't really know what was happening but she was just going with it. 

They dance for a while and laugh the whole time until Emma gets pulled away by another guest to talk. That's the only downside of being the person a party is for, you have to talk with everyone and make them all feel welcome. Even though the only person that you want to spend time with, you just got whisked away from. 

Some random person from the town pulled Emma a side to give her the present she brought. It was a knitted sweater that was very pink and had a giant swan on the front. That wasn't it though, there was a matching hat, knitted as well, and also bright pink. Emma of course was being nice and telling the woman how much she loved it and the lady hugged her. 

Regina was standing by a table and ruby walked over to clean up a few things.

"Look at that idiot," Regina said in a loving tone as she starred at Emma who looked thoroughly uncomfortable.

"That's you're idiot," Ruby said with a giant smirk and started walking off with cans of empty beer.

Regina's smile only brightened, "Yeah. I guess she is isn't she?"

In that moment Emma turned to look at Regina, she pulled at the sweater and smiled shyly. Regina couldn't help but laugh at the gesture, which caused Emma to laugh. 

Moments later Emma decided she has done enough cattering to the party and it was her turn to have fun. She walked over to Regina and stood inches away, "Hi."

"Hello," the brunette answered with a smile, her eyes darting to Emma's lips for a moment. 

"Wanna get outta here?" Emma asked, she didn't want to leave she just wanted to go sit somewhere they could be alone together. 

Regina nods and takes Emma's hand before leading her over towards a place no one else was. They sat on the top of a hill together and Emma turned to Regina, "I thought I'd never get a moment alone with my fiance."

"Me either, dear, everyone was trying to take you from me today and it was very hard not to incinerate them." 

Emma chuckles, "you're adorable when you get all murdery." 

The brunette smirks and winks at her before leaning in and kissing her softly. 

They stayed there for the rest of the night, just enjoying the stars and the quiet of the night.

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