18 - Enter Team Rocket!

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(Y/N)'s POV

I ran through the stony path leading to the school's main entrance, a smile plastered onto my face as I gripped my backpack with my both hands. Eventually, I saw my friends standing by the door, chatting, and went over to them.

"Morning guys!" I exclaimed.

"Morning!" They all said at the same time.


Today's class was, as usual, boring, I wasn't paying attention at all. I was just drawing on my notebook, and luckily enough, I didn't get caught. We stopped to eat lunch then after, class again.


This was probably the most boring day of school. Ever. To make it worse, it was raining rather badly, and the tress swayed horribly by the winds that would pass.

I was looking out the window, watching each raindrops fall to the ground, and staring at the wet trees, thinking about nothing when suddenly I heard a voice.

A very loud voice.

Without even looking whose it was, I already knew. I gulp, fear consuming me as I slowly turn my head around.

It belong to the teacher.

"Ms. (L/N) (last name), pay attention to the class!"

"Y-yes ma'am," I replied, shakily, blushing as I felt everyone's eyes lock on to me.

She said nothing, but glared at me and I swear she was staring into my soul.

Eventually, she turned around and kept writing more on the blackboard.

Sighing, I grabbed my notebook and pen and started to take notes. I looked at my clock, it read, 1:56 PM.

I sighed, "One more hour and it's freedom time,"


"Class dismissed," I heard the teacher say. Everyone shuffled and stood up, grabbing their backpacks as they met up with their friends.

My friends and I went outside the school after meeting with Bonnie, and started walking towards the bus stop.

"That was close earlier, wasn't it?" Clemont asks as we all sat down.

I sighed, "I can't help it. It was so boring!"

"It really was," Serena mutters, turning off her umbrella. The rain wasn't as bad as earlier, but it definitely isn't over yet

"What are you guys talking about?" Bonnie pipes in, swinging her legs up and down as she turns to us.

"Oh, earlier at class, (Y/N) almost got detention because she wasn't paying attention," Clemont explained, rather calmly.

Why is he so calm at everything...?

As we waited, a deafening silence fell among the five of us, and all we could hear were the cars that would pass by and the soft raindrops meeting the wet ground. The silence was suddenly broken, as a net appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Pikachu, who was sitting beside Ash.

"Pika pi!" It cried, desperately trying to get out.

"Pikachu!" We all shouted as we stood up, alarmed.

Two people and a Meowth came out of one of the bushes and said something I really didn't understand.

-Time skip for TR's motto cause I don't remember it and I'm too lazy to search it in the Internet XD-

"Team Rocket! Give back Pikachu!" Ash shouts after they finsihed their... motto..

"Um... Who's Team Rocket?" I piped in, confused by the situation.

"They're bad guys who steal other people's Pokemons!" Bonnie says, glaring at them.

"Oh, looks like there's another twerpette," a pink-haired girl came up to me.

"Um...." This day has been very, very boring and weird.

"Give back Pikachu!" Ash yelled. He noticed how the pink-haired girl was so close to me and added. "And don't come near her!"

"No way!" a talking Meowth said.

Before anyone could say another word, they went inside a hot air balloon and started to get away.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Ash ordered.

"PikaCHUUU!" He shouted as a huge amount of electricity broke the net, and he escaped, immediately jumping beside Ash.

"Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed, relieved. "Are you all right, buddy?"

"Pika!" He replied as Ash smiled.

"No! This wasn't part of the plan!" a purple-haired boy shouted.

"All right Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" He orders again.

Everyone let out one of their Pokemons, except for Bonnie, and fired one attack each.

"Braixen, Flamethrower!"

"Bunnelby, Mud Shot!"

"Sylveon, Moonblast!"

The four attacks combined together, and went dashing straight towards Team Rocket as they stare helplessly at the incoming attack.

"We're blasting off again!" They all shouted in union as the disappeared into who-knows-where.

"Well, that was weird," I commented as I placed Sylveon back into her pokeball.

"That happens all the time," Serena says.

"Wait, are you serious?" I half-shouted half-asked while everyone nodded.

Today really is a weird day...



Hope you guys liked it!

See you next time on Kalos Academy: Baking Time!


EDIT: I honestly don't know. I guess this was just a filler chapter...

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