thirty-three ✽ ashamed

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Jack Avery

idea credited to @jjedlove11

I close the front door of the Why Don't We boys' house, tears of embarrassment, anger, disbelief, and shock brimming my eyes.

When I pulled up to the curb just minutes ago, I texted my boyfriend saying that I was surprising him by showing up at his house to meet the guys for the very first time.

He didn't answer me right away, so I headed inside.

Before today, I had never met the four other members of Why Don't We.

Now, I know why.

I had walked straight into the living room.

Corbyn, Zach, Daniel, and Jonah all looked up at me with concerned and confused looks on their faces; I was a stranger to them, so I expected this. I smiled, knowing they would match face with name when I told them I'm Jack's girlfriend.

But they stared at me with blank expressions and that's when it dawned on me.

Jack is too ashamed of me to tell his best friends that I'm his girlfriend.

I know I'm out of his league. That's why I was surprised when the boy who I loved before he moved from our hometown to L.A. reached out to me over Instagram six months ago.

I don't have special talents. I'm not drop dead gorgeous. I don't have a heroic, difficult story of my past to tell. I'm just... me.

"He didn't tell you," I say quietly, holding it together until I can break down in my car, somehow already knowing the answer.

Jonah shoots me a weird look.

"Who didn't tell us what?"

My body started to shake involuntarily.

"I'm Jack's girlfriend."


I step out of the shower and grab a towel. I'm drying off just as my phone rings on the sink counter nearby, signaling I just received a text message.

I wrap the towel around my waist and read the text displayed on the screen.


I literally slide out of the bathroom and run to Daniel and I's bedroom, not bothering to close the door. I'm shaking and muttering as I pull on my clothes over my body in the most hasty way possible, the words of my girlfriend's text flashing in my mind.

Hey, Baby! Guess what? Surprise visit! I wanna meet the guys and can't wait to see you! Come get me downstairs!!! ;)

I just keep repeating "No," as I bound down the stairs to the main level of the house. I finish pulling my shirt over my unruly curls and whirl around the living room.

No, no, no, she's not here.

"Where is she?!" I ask the boys desperately.

"She just left," Daniel answers, even though he clearly has no idea what's going on.

I do.

(y/n) came inside and introduced herself as my girlfriend. The problem is, I haven't told the boys about our relationship yet and now... my sweetheart, my baby, my precious, beautiful girl believes I didn't tell them for reasons other than the truth.

I sprint outside, slamming the front door behind me.


A voice from behind me.



I walk at a quicker pace.

"(y/n), baby, wait!" he yells, obviously panicked.

I realize that he's running towards me a moment too late.

He grabs onto my upper arm and rushes in front of me. I try to pull away from him but he holds fast. All I can do is turn my head away from him. The last thing I want him to see is my tears.

"It's not what you-"

I cut him off by breaking out of his grip with a burst of strength, running towards my vehicle.

I don't need to explain why I'm angry and hurt. He already knows.

You've fallen into the typical pathetic relationship story. You care about him. He cares about you, but not as much. You find out. He makes excuses.

I get in my car, start it, and immediately and recklessly pull away from the house, just wanting to get out.

The first tear falls down my face just as Jack jumps into the road in front of my car.

I scream as I slam on the brakes, halting inches from where my boyfriend is standing.

We are sucked into a world where catastrophe was just barely missed, staring at each other, chests heaving with adrenaline and fear.

Jack's mouth closes slowly and his jaw clenches as he makes his way to my car door.

He pulls it open, reaches across me, shifts the gear to park, and then turns me in my seat so that my knees are facing him.

"Listen to me," he says, quietly, but firmly, holding both of my hands in his. I can't bring myself to look into his eyes.

"We aren't going to run away from each other. We're not going to yell. We're not going to fight. We're going to talk it all out, okay?" he whispers, cupping my cheek in his hand.

I lean into his touch, close my my eyes, and nod.

"Sweetheart, look at me."

I open my eyes to his lit with a fierce fire of care.

"I am not ashamed of you. That's not why I didn't tell the boys about us."

"Why didn't you, then?" I say after a moment of silence.

"Because... those four inside that house? They're the best dudes I've ever met in my entire life. They are each talented beyond compare and are loved and admired by so many. I've witnessed how easily they sweep girls off their feet. They can literally smile and that girl is struck. I didn't... not because they would do so intentionally... but I didn't tell the guys about you because I didn't want them to... take you from me. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't want to - I can't - lose you to one of my best friends. I guess I kept us a secret for such a long time because I wanted to make sure our relationship was strong enough to withhold anything, including other guys having interest in you. I have always had best intentions, I swear, but today I see that it almost tore us apart."

Once I feel that my heart has stopped convulsing in my chest, I slide my hands behind Jack's neck and bring his forehead to rest against mine.

Somehow, after all of that, this moment is enough to override it all.

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