~Chapter 10~

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I was unsure where I was was or what had happened. I was knocked out on the drive with Precht as I had woken up in some hole. It raining down pretty hard as I was covered in mud. I looked up to see a jungle above me as I got onto my feet. I was pretty fucked. My mind went to Natsu as I saw iron bars on top of the whole keeping me down here as I knew I had a hair pin holding back some of my hair. "You woke up a lot earlier than everyone thought" Precht spoke as he was soon showed up up at the side of the hole looking down at me smirking.

That was when I saw Ivan, Laxus's father show up next to him. "You bastards are as good as dead" I spoke harshly knowing I couldn't let them break me. I had gone through so much training but I had never been captured before. I couldn't break, not now. "Sure she is worth this trouble?" I heard Ivan mumble as he was glaring toward me. "She is ten times younger than both of us and yet I even think she is better than us as it is" Precht bend down looking toward me as I sat on the ground sighing.

I was going to be here awhile. "Where's Natsu?" I soon asked as Precht laughed. "One weakness you have is you care about others way to much, just like Makarov" Precht spoke as my hands turned into fist at his last words. I was now glaring toward him as he got onto his feet. "Tie pinky up here let them watch each other suffer" Precht nearly shouted as he and Ivan walked off. That was when I noticed a chain around my right ankle the other side at the floor of this god forsaken hole.

"Fuck" I mumbled not seeing a lock on this thing as I heard hammering above as I looked up seeing Empire setting up a giant wooden pool. Once it was in my eyes widen to see a beaten Natsu being tied up on the pool. "You bastards suck at punching" Natsu smirked as it was easy to see beatings wasn't going to break him. "At lest you got a better view up there" I joked as he looked down toward me as I leaned back, my back on the very uncomfortable rock wall. "Seems we are deep in a jungle the others might not be able to find us" Natsu soon spoke as I closed my eyes. 

"Erza will, I have confidence in my siblings" I then replied as I heard a gunshot. My eyes shot open to see Natsu was shot in the shoulder as he had blood coming out his mouth. My eyes had widen seeing so. "Fucking bastards" Natsu spoke sounding as if he was about to pass out as I heard Ivan's laugh him walking over grabbing Natsu's hair pulling his head back. "I wonder how long it will take to let you bleed out" Ivan spoke as I started pulling on the chain around my leg. Ivan looked down toward me.

"Your turn will be next Heartfilla" Ivan spoke as Natsu spat blood in his face. "I ain't dying to some wuss like you" Natsu spoke harshly as I was glaring toward Ivan. "What going to let others do you dirty work bastard?" I asked as Ivan was glaring toward me as I noticed keys on his belt. This may of sprung an idea into my mind. A really stupid one. "That's it take the lid off" Ivan spoke pulling a key off his belt walking over opening the bars as Empire Soldiers lifted them up. I saw Natsu struggling on the ropes that was tied around him.

Ivan jumped down here as I got onto my feet. "You always been some weak little wuss Ivan" I spoke as he rushed at me about to blow a punch until as I ducked under the incoming fist as I then punched Ivan hard in the gut sending him backwards to the wall of this annoying cave hole. "I'm bloody chained to a floor and can take you on" I laughed as he rushed toward me as I moved out the way lifting my right leg up using the chain to trip Ivan. "Stick to your sniper Ivan, only ting you are good at" I spoke as I heard Natsu laugh.

"Really dose suck" Natsu laughed as Ivan got onto his feet pulling out his gun aiming toward me. "Go ahead, gonna have to kill me anyways because I ain't breaking" I spoke a hand on my hip as I wasn't scared of dying. I wasn't scared of giving up my life to stop Precht's annoying plan. which I was still trying to figure it out. Ivan was glaring toward me as we heard Precht calling his name above. A ladder was dropped down as I kicked the back of Ivan's knee making him fall to his knees as I tackled him to the ground in process, stealing two keys.

"You bitch" Ivan turned around punching me in the face as I went backwards slightly. I had the keys up my sleeves hidden as I stood there looking at him. "What going to be a coward and run?" I asked as Ivan was getting on his feet. He had pure rage on his face as Precht ordered him out the pit as he listened climbing out. "Run back to being the little dog you are" I nearly shouted as Ivan went to shot me until Precht stole his gun and pinned him on the ground as the closed the iron bars back over the pit, locking it down.

"Be wise to remember I am the only one keeping you both alive" Precht spoke as Natsu and I both laughed. "Fuck you, should end us already" Natsu spoke as Precht punched him hard in the gut. "I always hated Igneel but killing him was one of the best days of my life" Precht spoke as Natsu's eyes widen. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" I shouted my hands turning into fist as Precht looked toward me raising an eyebrow. "You don't even know what a REAL family is like you bastard so unless you understand that you can't say shit anything you do say means nothing other wise" I then spoke loudly.

Natsu looked toward me in shock but soon smiled my words truly being for him. He knew as did Precht who chuckled. "I see much of Makarov in you girl back when he was good at being a Fairy that is" Precht spoke as he walked off as some hours later the guards were busy beating Natsu up. I saw the lock at the back of my leg as I tried the two keys on them. No luck at all both fails. I soon threw the keys hitting a gun on the head making him bleed. "Wanna try someone who can take all your asses down?" I asked harshly.

"The boss did say we was trying beatings first" one of the soldiers spoke as they was unlocking the bars and jumped down. Three of them as I put my fist up as the one in the middle pulled out a knife, him being the one I hit with the keys. The two rushed at me as I moved fast back hitting the wall of this pit as I moved grabbing one arm breaking it, snapping it in half as I then threw the person into the other as the one with the knife rushed at me. I was hit in the side as I only smirked grabbing his head.

I headbutted him hard he moved backwards as I took the knife pulling it out of my side and threw it into his head. I was slightly out of breath as Natsu was in shock. I then noticed the shock crowd of soldiers watching above. "Who's next?" I asked loudly as I caught my breath smirking as some of the soldiers came down rushing toward me. I was able to handle myself pretty well as they had to come down into the pit in fours as it was so small. The fight soon ended when I heard a female voice shouting at them to move.

That was when my eyes widen to see Brandish outside the put next to Natsu. Her eyes widen seeing me. She was my childhood best friend. She was a sister to me as my mother was her godmother. We was always together when younger. I shook my head looking toward two guys getting up who rushed at me. One stabbed me in the arm as I turned throwing the man into the out. I pulled out the knife holding it in my hand. "I can handle everyone of you bastards come at me" I spoke smirking, a fake smirk as I knew Natsu saw through it.

He was looking toward Brandish and then me able to figure out we knew each other.

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