~Chapter 20~

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I was dragged away into hours of beatings, being drugged and locked in a bedroom. I was on the bed unable to move as I was breathing heavy. The emotion inside of me. It was going. I-I was nearly giving in. I wanted to keep fighting but I was struggling so much now. It was some hours before I could move as I sat up as the door opened to show Brandish coming in holding clean clothes. "Bathroom there, have a bath and change, Lord Zeref wants you to have dinner with him" Brandish spoke putting the clothes on the side.

"He can rot in hell" I spoke as Brandish looked annoyed with my words about to walk over until Larcade was behind her putting a hand on his shoulders. "You have a dog correct?" Larcade asked as I froze up. "Our men have been talking about the dog for awhile, they been asking permission to go hunt for it. I would suggest not making my brother agree to it" Larcade then spoke as I got out of bed glaring toward him and Brandish. "You bastards" I muttered my hands being fist as they left. I moved to the clothes.

I ended up punching the wall before grabbing them and heading to the bathroom. I had no choice in end. I was suck here. They had threats that I knew wasn't empty. After the short bath and changing into a blue dress I put my hair up in a neat bun before heading out the bathroom to see Irene sitting on the bed smirking toward me. "You look much like Anna" she spoke. "Who is this Anna?" I soon asked as Irene closed her eyes. "You Aunt. Your sister was taken from her and was sent to Japan. Anna was on her deathbed and made me promise to bring any Heartfilla's back to the home she knew" Irene explained.

So my Aunt was a Empire scum. Great. Irene got up opening her eyes as she took me to a dinning room to show Zeref sitting there smiling toward me. "Irene leave us" Zeref spoke as she listened leaving the room. "I am sorry for the way Larcade got you to agree to dinner" Zeref soon spoke as I walked over sitting down at the table. I had no choice but to play along for now. In end they wouldn't kill me. In end I couldn't kill myself. I wanted to die but when I could of killed myself before in the bath.....

My body acted on it's own. They was starting to break me. "Precht was very upset that we took you from him but it isn't very hard to keep him in check" Zeref chuckled as many types of food was being served with many types of wines. Why was he letting me sit here? "I am sorry for what happened to Layla and Jude....I truly am sorry Lucy" Zeref then spoke as he looked at me, his face showing true guilt. I wanted to say something harsh but my body stopped me. "I do hope we can be best friends once more" Zeref then smiled as Invel came in the room.

"Fairy Tail have killed God Serena" Invel spoke as Zeref sighed but soon smiled looking toward me. "Don't worry we already have a new Spriggan right here" he soon spoke as my eyes widen. Me? A Spriggan? A Empire Dog? Invel himself looked shocked. "She is a Fairy!" Invel spoke as Zeref chuckled. "Irene herself had deemed her worthy" Zeref only spoke as I was to move. I wanted to get out but my body didn't listen to my brain's commands. Soon I felt two hands on my shoulders. 

"I believe under my wing I can make her a very powerful Spriggan" Irene's voice made me freeze up. Invel didn't look impress as Zeref was smiling and having a drink of red wine. I saw Invel leave as Irene moved her hands. "He will become a problem My Lord" Irene spoke as Zeref sighed putting his drink down, opening his eyes. "Deal with it Irene" Zeref replied as I heard her leave. I was confused about myself. I wasn't denying this. I wasn't saying my normal 'fuck you'. D-did Irene break me?

Zeref and I ate as he walked me to the room they was holding me in. "Don't let Irene destroy you, Lucy" he whispered in my ear as I went inside the room closing the door behind me. My hands shaking as I fell onto my knees. Why wasn't I fighting? Why wasn't I trying to get out of here? That night I went to bed to wake up to Irene dragging me to a training field. My mind trying to tell me to run for it but yet I listened to her commands. I couldn't snap out of a fear of Irene. She was smirking. "The drug works too well" Brandish spoke as I was having my break. 

I was quiet. "It would kill most, Lucy has shown worth" Irene spoke smirking as on the inside I felt my old self die.....

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