~Chapter 18~

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I wasn't sure how long the ride was but it was at lest over a day. We was soon at a harbor with ten enemy carriers there. I was in shock as I was being dragged over to Irene and Precht. "Take her to my chambers I will start with her soon" Irene ordered as the soldiers dragging me nodded listening to their orders as they took me on a carrier many looking whispering that I was dead meat. Many whispering that Irene was going to kill me. Many whispering that I would be a new Spriggan. I wouldn't be a Empire dog. 

I was soon able to move as I pulled backwards pushed the guards forwards as I kicked one around the head and then kneed the other in the balls. Both on the ground as men were rushing toward me. I started running heading to the bridge of the carrier. Irene most likely had the keys to these cuffs. I had to waste time. I couldn't let them leave this port yet. If I was to have any chance. My leg was in pure pain as I jumped my legs going through the small gaps my arms had as now they was in front of me as a guy came out the door grabbing me. 

I kneed him in the chest and then grabbed his arm throwing him into the steel wall. I kept moving heading to the ships engineering room. I just had to take out one of their tanks or anything in that room. Once in there I was kicked hard behind my knees right above where I was shot making me falling to my knees. I was sweating badly as my hair was pulled upwards as I saw Brandish being the one to be doing this. "I'm going to give you a chance help me prove to me you ain't some dog for the Empire" I spoke.

My voice was in a serious tone as Brandish only smirked throwing me into the wall hard. "I am one of the Twelve Spriggan's Lucy. One of the richest women of the Empire and in end have had a better life with them than back in Fiore" Brandish spoke a crazy look in her eyes. They changed her. This was what they wanted me to be like. Some bitch for the Empire. "Irene's new drug will mess with your head, you will soon be under Irene's full control" Brandish grabbed my arm as I pulled her downward kneeing her in the head and then kicked her hard in the gut.

I gotten her to fall to the ground as I went to move to be grabbed from behind by Ivan. "Stupid bitch" he spoke harshly as I felt an injection in my back. It was Irene's new drug. I was screaming in pain falling to the ground in seconds. "She is very strong, Irene" Ivan spoke as I on my gut sweating even more tasting blood at the back of my throat. "I have decided. I will make her my apprentice" I heard Irene's voice as I rolled onto my back to see her standing over me smirking. "Go to your stations" Irene spoke as Brandish was getting up. 

Ivan gave me a smirk before leaving as Brandish was rubbing her side. "Irene, she won't be easy to break" Brandish spoke as Irene grabbed my arm dragging me to my feet. Her grip was tight. I was breathing more heavy then normal as Irene laughed. "I hope so" she spoke dragging me off out the room along hallway as Irene was watching ahead. It wasn't long until we was in a room with only two beds inside. Irene threw me onto on of the beds getting a chain as she put one end on a metal pipe on the wall next to me then the other onto the handcuffs. 

"You won't be saved this time Lucy" Irene spoke. "Erza and the others will kill every last one of you bastards" I spoke harshly as Irene laughed. I was unable to move as Irene was going through a cupboard. "That is what you think Heartfilla but we are heading to the heart of the Alvarez Empire" Irene spoke as my eyes widen slightly. There was no chance any of the last three countries could attack there. We was heading for the United Kingdom. Or what was left of it. It was known as the Alvarez Empire now. 

"Let us get started on getting to know you" Irene pulled out a spiked whip as I glared toward her. Then it was five hours straight of pure torture. My back bleeding badly as Irene didn't stop for five whole hours. It was whip after whip. I was sweating, stripped to be nude as Irene laughed putting the whip away. "Think about telling me anything about yourself now?" Irene asked as I spat blood at the wall. "Go....to.....hell" I spoke with harsh breaths in between each word as I was tasered right where I had a bleeding cut making me scream. 

It was pure pain and horror. By another five hours Irene put me in some clothes. I was wearing a long black dress with sleeves. The dress had golden trim around the bottom of the dress, sleeves and around the collar. My hair was up in a high back pony tail. Irene had left after putting me in this outfit as the drug had worn out but the pain from the whip and taser was still there aching. I was sitting on the bed as the floor was covered in my blood. My side leaning on the wall next to the pipe. The chain I had was pretty short as Brandish came in the room and started cleaning up the blood. 

"Just give up to Irene, she will do worse" Brandish spoke not even looking at me as I was still taking deep breaths. "I ain't some Empire Dog and I won't ever be" I spoke weakly as Brandish could tell I was struggling to keep the fight up. She knew me well. She was smirking as she kept quiet cleaning up as I was looking at the chain locking me basically in this room. I was trying to figure out a way out of here. I could tell we was already on our way to the Alvarez Empire. Once Brandish finished Irene came into the room.

"By that smirk it seems I am on the right track" Irene had an injection of her drug in her hand. "She might be too weak for that Irene" Brandish spoke fast seeing the injection herself as Irene walked over grabbing my arm and injected the drug. I bit my tongue hard when she did so. The pain coming in at once as Irene chuckled. "Precht is right, you are impressive" Irene whispered pushing me to lay on the bed. Brandish soon left as Irene put the needle on the side as I was in so much pain, I passed out. 

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