~The End~

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I was hoping that gunshot was the end of everything. I wanted it to be so but sadly it wasn't I woke up hearing a war zone. My side hurting as I was bleeding. Irene dead behind me with Brandish as well. "TAKE COVER" I heard Natsu's voice loudly echoing as soon there was the sound of a grenade going off. The army was here. I put my hand on my side as I got onto my feet. "Irene" I whispered my eyes watering as I moved over to Brandish who looked relief more than anything. She was cold. "Brandish" I whispered as there was another explosion. 

I let Brandish got and got up. I went to walk forward until I fell forward coughing blood to the ground. I heard footsteps heading this way as I was coughing still unable to do anything else. "LUCY!" I soon heard Larcade's voice as I looked up happy to see him alright. "Larcade" I whispered as he walked over picking me up in a princess hold as he looked at Brandish and Irene. "These bastards will pay for them, I promise you" Larcade whispered as August was walking over. I was breathing heavy long breaths as he looked toward me.

"We found Dimaria's body not long ago also. You will report what happened soon as we return home" August spoke as I nodded. "I failed them. I nearly broke down back to my normal self, Irene saved me but then scared I would spill we agreed to kill me but Fairy Tail killed her before she was able to" I then explained as August closed his eyes taking a deep breath. So many deaths have happened these years. So much death and what for? Could any side win at this rate? 

Larcade started moving as we was heading outside to see a bloodbath. Deaths on both side as I was taken to a camp to see Natsu tied up with chains and rope. "Lucy you are unharmed" I heard Zeref's voice as I turned my head to see him. My eyes widen. He was smiling toward me. "Irene and Brandish have been killed while Lucy asked them to silence her" August spoke as I looked toward the ground. "I failed you Lord Zeref" I spoke as Natsu was staring in shock. "You have not failed, Precht, Ivan and the US President are dead. You did your mission well Lucy Heartfilla now rest I shall finish everything here" Zeref replied.

I was shocked at his kind voice but Larcade took me into the tent putting me on a bed. "Me and Zeref both care about you Lucy so please stay here where you are safe" Larcade whispered as he lifted my top and got a medical kit out. He cleaned and wrapped up my wound as Natsu was dragged into the room by Invel. "Lucy you know mine and Larcade's youngest brother. Natsu Dragneel" Zeref spoke as I was in shock looking at Natsu. He was staring at the ground pure guilt on his face. "The traitor of our country" Larcade snapped.

"Back then August was faking being in charge. I knew my brother would betray me" Zeref chuckled as Natsu soon was glaring daggers toward him. "Bastard we will kill you today, every last one of you!" Natsu snapped. "I was annoyed with Precht killed Makarov I wanted to do that myself" Zeref smirked as Natsu looked more pissed off. He was winding him up. "Larcade stay guard for Lucy the truck will be here to pick me and her up within an hour" Zeref spoke leaving the tent as Larcade was glaring toward Natsu who was looking toward me worried. 

"Lucy you can't go with that bastard, he doesn't care abut anyone, only power!" Natsu spoke as Larcade punched him around the face. "Lair" Larcade spoke as I sat up hissing in pain while doing so. "Get me a gun" I spoke as Larcade was saying I needed rest. He was trying to conceive me to lay down and rest but I got onto my feet. "Larcade, you been a brother to me for the last year, you and Zeref were the only nice ones toward me" I smiled toward him as his eyes widen. "Lucy you can't" Larcade whispered as I smiled. 

"I can't handle it anymore.......The voices are too much" I whispered as Natsu soon understood his eyes widen in fear. "LUCY DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT THIS WOULD DO TO ERZA? WE ALL LOVE YOU LUCY!" Natsu shouted as I closed my eyes putting my hands on my chest. "Somehow I still love all of you, I love both sides....I don't think there is a world I can live in anymore" I whispered as I was hugged from behind. I turned my head to see August. "I can get rid of those voices for good Lucy" he whispered. 

"It will be painful but I can do it, please do not waste the life our Lord loves" August whispered as my eyes watered. I soon fell to my knees covering my hands crying. "They are dead because of me" I spoke loudly as Larcade came over hugging me. "You bastards did this to her, I'm going to kill every fucking one of you" Natsu snapped loudly as there was another explosion not far from here. "I will get the truck to hurry up" August spoke leaving as Larcade was helping me calm down. That was when he was shot in the shoulder. I turned my head to see that Cana chick out of breath. 

Her gun aimed toward me. "Cana she is still Lucy" Natsu spoke as I stole the gun from Larcade's belt aiming toward Natsu. "How about we play a game" I spoke smirking as Cana was glaring toward me. "Still see your old Lucy there Natsu?" Cana asked as honestly I was hoping she would kill me. I didn't want to hurt Natsu. I wanted this to end. I wanted my suffering to just go away. "I want you to kill me before Larcade steals this gun back" I soon spoke with a smile as Cana froze up. Natsu was shouting at her not to listen to me.

"I won't heal back from this, tell Erza I fought until the end though" I smiled moving the gun to aim toward my own head as Larcade jumped at my arm pushing it to the ground making it shot it off toward he top of the tent. "Like hell I will let you do that Lucy" Larcade snapped as I sighed looking toward Cana. "Please" I whispered as her hand was shaking. Natsu soon was able to move. He went straight in front of me hugging me. "I WON'T LET YOU, Gramps loved you so much Lucy. He, Erza, Laxus, Mira, myself....we care about you" Natsu whispered. 

I was shaking as I heard a gunshot. Natsu turned letting me see Zeref had shot Cana in the head. "How annoying" he spoke sighing as Cana's body dropped to the ground. "Lucy don't make us knock you out to drag you home" Zeref soon spoke as Natsu was glaring toward him, Larcade soon getting his gun away from me aiming toward Natsu's head. "I just wish Irene just fucking killed me" I spoke tears building up as Larcade forced Natsu to back away from me as Zeref put his gun on the side walking over to me.

He got on his knees smiling toward me. "I care about you to much to let that happen, Lucy" he whispered kissing my forehead. "Please stay and be with me Lucy, I want you by my side" Zeref soon whispered as I heard a truck pulling up outside. "Lucy don't listen to the lying bastard" Natsu spoke to get hit around the face by Larcade. "Zeref" I whispered falling forwards into him, feeling so weak all of a sudden. Zeref picked me up as he got onto his feet. "Larcade kill every last Fairy you can" Zeref ordered walking out the tent dragging me. "LUCY!" Natsu shouted as the truck back opened to show Erza.

She was out of breath aiming a gun toward Zeref. "To think you are the Dark Wizard" she spoke as she remembered Zeref from our childhood also. Soldiers moved around us protecting Zeref. "Lucy look away, I don't wish to make you suffer anymore" Zeref whispered to me as Erza ordered me to look right at her. I listened to Erza looking at her. "I love you little sister" she spoke smiling as we heard gunshots from the tent behind. The war zone around us looking more and more unstable by the second. 

"Let my sister go" Erza spoke as I ended up moving my head into Zeref's shoulder, snuggling my head into it. "She seems to not want me to too" Zeref only replied with a slight smirk. Erza was looking toward me worried. That was when she was shot in the side by a unknown sniper. She was out the truck on the ground as the soldiers dragged her off to the tent to finish her off. Zeref took me into the truck. That was when everything went black as I knew. 

This war was far from over.....

Hey everyone Red here.

Just letting you know there could be a book two coming out if there is enough people wanting it. 

So please let me know if you are interested in a second book or not. 

Hope you all enjoyed the book!


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