~Chapter 13~

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I was unsure how long I was out but it had to of been over a day. It was morning I was inside a building. My arms chained to a wall while my legs chained to the ground. "Good morning" Brandish spoke sitting in a chair not far from me looking toward me as I was able to reach the floor in front of me to see a apple. I took a bite just hoping it was poisoned so I could just die. Sadly luck wasn't with me. It was a clean normal apple. After eating it as I was quiet glaring toward Brandish who sighed shaking her head.

"You will be hard to break that is why Precht called her" Brandish turned her head as a woman looking just like Erza came into the room looking toward me. She was smirking as I only laughed. "You think one person can break me, bring it bitch" I then spoke as the woman got Brandish to leave the next thing I knew I felt sharp pain around my wrist and ankles where the chains were around them. "They are injecting Precht's new liquid inside of you, you won't be able to move for a month at the earliest" this woman spoke.

My arms and legs were numb and bleeding. That was when I got a beating. A harsh one. The mix of pain from the liquid and the beatings I was on the ground barley alive. This woman informed me of her name. Irene Belserion. "You are a tough cookie, I will admit that" she spoke as she left me in the building to bleed out. I was stabbed, whipped and even drowned with a gag and water. I was struggling to breath as I knew my rib had to of been broken from that Irene's powerful kicks. Her heels hurt like hell.

That was when I heard shooting outside. I heard screams, shouting and gunfire. The doors burst opening as everything was blurry. Someone was over me I couldn't hear anything but gunfire as I felt my face was blank. That was when my sight came back as I saw Erza over me crying. "E-Erza?" I whispered weakly as she hugged me crying badly as Laxus came into the room his eyes widen seeing me. "What did they do to you?" Erza asked, nearly shouting as she pulled away as I was unable to move at all.

Erza soon picked up on that as she had the keys unlocking the chains pulling out the needles in the same time. I screamed in pain when she did so as both Erza and Laxus went pale seeing her badly the needles were dug in and how deep. I was bleeding badly as I was breathing even more heavy. "They are dead" Laxus spoke shooting out the door as Erza picked me up, pulling my arm over her shoulder as she dragged me to Laxus's side. "Our ride is North of us, let's move it" Erza nearly shouted as I saw the Fairy Tail team all of them who were still alive in front of me.

"Holy crap Lucy!" Jellal spoke seeing me as Levy rushed to my other side helping Erza take me to a helicopter. I saw American, Russian and Japan uniforms all over the place getting on cars, trucks or helicopters. We was getting out of here. Levy was fixing me up as she told Erza to keep me awake no matter what. "Lucy look at me" Erza spoke as she was blurry once again as I was staring toward the ground as I felt drips of water on my cheek. "Lucy please don't leave me" Erza spoke crying making me look toward her.

It was hurting to do so. "Erza" I whispered weakly reaching out my hand to my sister as she took it crying badly as she was holding my hand so tight. "This is going to hurt" I heard Levy as I felt pure pain in my gut as I was unable to make a single noise as it was soon over, my body fully numb, my eyes sight going back to normal. "Lucky we know the cure for Precht's liquid, the stuff is know to kill a person. Lucy's body is running on it like a drug, she should be dead" Levy soon spoke sounding worried.

I was still breathing heavy as Erza had my hand on her cheek as she was crying still. "Then we got there in time" I heard Laxus's voice as I closed my eyes hearing Erza scream my name. It made my eyes shoot open looking at her. "You are staying awake is that understood" Erza snapped as I laughed, coughing while doing so. "Laxus her mind and body are being toutured it would of been better if she did die from the first time she had this liquid this is going to mess her up!" I heard a worried Levy as Erza froze up.

"T-the bastard didn't break me" I spoke in a whisper feeling slightly less in pain as Erza put a hand on my forehead smiling toward me. "I knew he wouldn't" she spoke the tears stopped but some were still built up in her eyes. "Plue has missed you, so have we" Erza spoke as it wasn't long until we was landing, Levy saying to let me rest. My eyes closed but I knew Precht wouldn't stop. He wanted me to much and now this Irene was interested in me. All I was going to do was bring pain to everyone. 

Levy was right, it would of been better if I let myself die in that pit.

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