~Chapter 15~

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After two days of resting and training I was able to stand without pain. I was able to walk again and feeling emotion but some of it was still difficult to use. "Yo Lucy" Laxus spoke as I headed outside to see Laxus working on a fighter jet. I walked over to him, Plue by my side. We was now on a carrier heading to the out skirts of Russia. They had called for backup. "Need any help?" I asked as Laxus shook his head getting off the jet landing in front of me. "How you feeling?" he asked sounding worried.

Everyone was worried about me. It was annoying but understandable. "I am fine Laxus, stop trying to baby me" I spoke crossing my arms as he chuckled smiling. "I the big brother I am allowed to baby you" Laxus replied as he went back to the jet. I headed to the side of the carrier staring toward the ocean. "Better not be thinking about jumping" I heard Natsu's voice behind me as I turned my head to see him. "I not a baka" I spoke as Natsu chuckled. "Now how are you really feeling, you can lie to your siblings and the others but not to me" Natsu then spoke.

I looked toward the ocean once again. "Honest truth I am unsure, some emotions are harder than normal to feel or understand but Levy said this was the side effect of me being on that drug so much" I answered as I took a deep breath. "From what Russia has given us we can confirm Precht will be there with members of the Spriggan Twelve" Natsu spoke as I turned my head to see him next to me on my right side. "We can't let that bastard get away this time" I spoke as Natsu nodded agreeing with me.

"That is why we are going at Precht with everything" Erza spoke behind me as we turned around to see her and Jellal standing there. "Our mission to to bring him in dead or alive we get to pick" Erza soon spoke as I petted Plue as he was looking toward me. He was sweating through his tongue as soon it would be pretty cooler with us going to Russia after all. "Then lets end the bastards life, no messing around" I spoke as the three people with me agreed as I saw Jellal want revenge for Gajeel. 

I was wondering how everyone was holding up with losing him. "Ivan will be in a snipers range, that was always Gajeel's job so what we gonna do about him?" Natsu soon asked as Mirajane walked over with a sniper rifle on her back. Natsu and Jellal went pale seeing her. "You in the front lines? You never come to the front lines you always helped Makarov!" Jellal spoke loudly as Mira giggled crossing her arms. "I am going for Ivan, soon as you all seen a sniper glint you give me to location" Mira then spoke.

"How is your aim with a sniper anyways?" Natsu asked as Mira only looked toward Erza who sweat dropped slightly. "Better than anyone on this whole carrier" Erza spoke as Natsu nearly fell side wards, anime style as Jellal was in shock himself. "Alright by tomorrow morning we will be at the location so everyone get to training I want you all on top notch" Mira then spoke as we all replied with a loud 'hai' as we all soon started walking to the target room. Erza wanted to make sure my good aim was still there.

It only made me smirk to the challenge as Plue sat in the corner of the room laying down watching us as the boys were watching as well. Erza and I had three clips and a pistol with a clip already inside in front of us. Jellal shouted 'go' as we started both of us shooting to see who had the better aim. I was soon finished my clip first as I reloaded soon as I was shooting again Erza was reloading. By the time we was done other people were watching. The targets came to us as I didn't miss a single shot. I hit the heart or the head as Erza missed two shots.

"Still got it" I spoke as some people were in shock. "I don't expect anything else" Erza replied as we high fived as Jellal and Natsu then had their rounds as Jellal won only by one shot not being missed. They had a close match as Plue was soon barking. It wasn't long until we heard a jet fly over us. Everyone was rushing to their stations as me, Jellal, Erza and Natsu headed outside to see Laxus on the air missile turret. People were getting ready in jets as Mira soon was on the coms telling us all to stand down.

The jet was a look out for the Russians. Once everything was calmed down I soon turned my head seeing Jellal and Erza heading off into the carrier. "Them two are getting close" me and Natsu spoke at the same time making us laugh. "Dragneel I want you on the gun" Laxus nearly shouted as Natsu rolled his eyes saying 'see ya later' heading off to Laxus as I headed inside to my room as I was bunked up with Juvia, Mira and Erza. Juvia was in the room loading up guns. "So what you know about Erza and Jellal being close?" I asked.

Juvia looked at me in shock by my words and then smirked. "Since you was in that sleep they meet up every night they still do but they are hanging out during the day now too huh?" Juvia asked as I nodded sitting next to her as we both was smirking. "How about we go question them?" I asked as Juvia's smirk grew as she agreed right away. We soon headed out the room heading off to find Erza and Jellal.

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