~Chapter 11~

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After some more hours I ended up getting over taken and getting pinned to the wall getting beatings as Natsu was threatening to kill every last one of them. By the time they was done Precht came down to the whole. I was out of breath as I spat blood onto the floor. "Most people are normally scared of me by now" Precht spoke holding a unknown vile of liquid as I burst into laughter shocking the soldiers keeping me pinned. "What a joke! I'm not scared of you at all" I then smirked as Precht only smirked.

"More reason I like you Heartfilla" he spoke walking up to me as the soldiers holding me down opened my mouth keeping it open as Precht poured the vile of liquid down my throat as they held me still as I had no choice but swallow it. Once I finally gave in and did so they threw me to the ground as the soldiers got out the pit. That was when I felt pure pain in my body as I hugged myself feeling sweat building up fast. "BASTARD WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" Natsu shouted trying to break free.

Precht only laughed kicking me into the wall. I was unable to move. Everything hurting way more than it normally should. "You should fear me girl, I have ways of getting what I want" Precht spoke leaving the pit as I was soon coughing up blood as every cough made me struggle to breath. "Lucy look at me" Natsu spoke as I was unable to do so as I kept coughing each time blood was coming out. "Lucy" I heard Natsu say worried, him nearly shouting as the coughing calmed down. I was laying on my side.

In pure utter pain as my vision was a full blur. I was unable to move and I was struggling to breath. It felt as if I was dying. Everything in me felt as if it was turning on me but there was one thing I was still so sure on, I wasn't helping or teaming with the bastard who killed my grandfather. I would never join that bastard or the Empire. I wasn't sure how long it was until whatever I drank started to wore off but I was able to see and move as I sat up taking long deep breaths. "Holy shit the chick is alive" a soldier spoke above.

"And can still kick all your asses" I then spoke wiping the side of my mouth to see my own blood there. I was laying in a small pool of my own blood that I coughed up. "Everyone else has died drinking that stuff" I heard someone whisper as I was sitting up leaning on the rock wall taking heavy breaths. I was still in a lot of pain. "See why the boss wants her" I then heard someone say as I closed my eyes. I couldn't keep drawing attention. I had to live this out. For Erza.....Laxus....for Makarov even.

I was going to kill that bastard. I was going to make him pay for hurting my grandfather and siblings. That night there was no guards around I looked up to see Natsu finally break free. "Forget me and get out, hurry before the dogs get your scent" I spoke as Natsu looked at me as if I was crazy. "I'm stuck here but trust me he won't break me, he hasn't got the one thing that could do so" I then smiled as Natsu mumbled 'fuck sake' under his breath as he started running. I knew if he got me out I would slow him down.

I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I was starting to get hungry and I knew they would feed me poison like that liquid shit they made me drink. I soon heard people shouting and alarms going off as Precht was over the hole as I looked up smirking at him. "Good luck" I sang in a cocky tone as he only smirked toward me. "Let the dogs go hunting, they can eat him for all I care" Precht spoke loudly walking off as I knew Natsu would think of something. First he would find a river to jump in to change his scent and then find a way to contact the others or anyone really.

I pulled the hair pin out of my hair and started working on the lock on this chain. I wasn't having much luck. I couldn't fully see what I was doing and I was in so much making my hands shake. I soon had a break from the lock leaning back breathing heavy as I was up that whole night. Time it came morning I heard they still couldn't find Natsu. I also heard Ivan was sent out to look. I knew Ivan had some of Makarov's training, I was hoping Natsu found a way to get far from here by now. That was when the bars were being lifted. 

It was Brandish coming down to this pit as I looked away from her. "Joined the scum that killed our parents huh?" I asked as I heard her sigh. "Lucy the Empire Leader saved my life" Brandish spoke as I heard by her voice she wanted me to believe her. I just laughed turning my head looking at her smirking. "I hope all the Empire burns and dies" I only spoke as I saw Brandish put down a tray of food. "I have been chosen to make sure you crack while Precht is out after Natsu so eat up you got a good fight coming your way" Brandish spoke as I only laughed.

"Be best to kill me before I kill every last one of you, you bastards killed nearly all of my family, I would rather die the most painful death out there then to help you" I then spoke harshly as Brandish left the pit as I saw a strange unknown fruit on the tray as I looked away from it. I had a good two more days in me before I had to eat. I started working on the lock once more as I failed to even pick the lock that whole day from the shaky hand. 

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