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You guys deserve another chaaaoter here you goooo.


Heavens Pov..

"Babe I love you, we just need some time apart" I say layung back on my queen sized bed.

"I love you too and take your time have a good day at school bye" then the line went dead. He cried his heart out to me.

I already told him I wasn't mad at him and it wasn't his fault that I lost the baby. He just doesnt believe me.

Lucas is hot as hell though he always eyeballing me ,flirting licking his lips or whatever.

I hygiene and throw on my blue lace shark bite tank, black warehouse superfit skinny jeans, Retro 10 poder blues and my Micheal Kors Soffiana leather tote.

I keep my hair curly."Heaaven lets go cant be late for your first day of school." Lucas says.


It wasn't as bad as I thought though. People kept complimenting me on my hair, shoes outfitt, grey eyes.

I walked in the house ready to sit down.

"Watch your sister! Ill be back and don't be having any boys in my house. I know you don't keep your legs closed" she said, I bout ready beat the shit out of her.

"Mhm. Whatever bitch" I say. She gives me the death glare and act like she gonna do something.

Ive never fought any body but after getting beat and raped you learn real mutha fvcking quick.

"Yeah take your ass to work" I say as sge leaves the house. Lucas walks in with his friends.

I grab Lala."Damn she cute" one of his brown skinned friends say.

I smile and go to the kitchen.

"Yeah. She got a boyfriend though" Lucas says, I already know they deal drugs. The only dope boy I'll eva need is Dario.

Asiahs Pov ...

Im 6 months today im having a little girl. Im so excited i hope she turns out like me.

Me and Meech decided to just take a break. He doing him im doing me. Dario has been happier I guess.

He got him a new girl I don't think that its a good thing though because I know that Heaven and him are still together because she told me.

I hear the door bell ring and waddle to answer it. "Hey, can I help you?" I ask the girl.

"Can you get Dario for me?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"He's in his room with his GIRLFRIEND."  I tell her, she told her eyes I shut the door I'm her face and return to my room.

Angels Pov (Heavens Mom)

"When Heaven comes back you can see Aryonna untill then good bye" Mark said to me closing the door.

I know I fvcked up in the past but I just want a fresh start. I love my kids, the Lord knows I do.

To MyBabyHeaven:

Hey how you doing baby I miss you.

From MyBabyHeaven:

Im good mama how are you? I miss you too. Hows Onna?

To MyBabyHeaven:

Her dad won't let me see her until you come back.

From MyBabyHeaven:

I'll speak to him. I gtg mama I love you

To MyBabyHeaven:

I love you to thanks.

I walk back to my car and break down. It was Sunday and church was just starting. I walked into the church and sat in the back.

"The lord will clear the way for the righteous but the evils way shall parish. If you have sins that you would like v to repent come on up here. The lord will accept you. Ever did drugs or abused a substance come in up here" the pastor said.

It was like a light shone on me like Jesus took the wheel. My feet started moving me to the pew. Aunties, grandmas and moms touching my body praising the Lord as I passed then and up to repent.


After church I waited outside. The pastor came outside after everyone was gone.

As I approached him, I didnt know what to say, like everything was already spoken when I repented.

"I love you dad" I say and hug my father.


Okkk something before I ko.(Knock out)

Is Dario Cheating?

Her mom is a preachers daughter? Any one else watch the show?

Baby names for a girl if you have any ideas comment them?

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