well then

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I feel like my story getting boring so lemme add some thangs and some more thangs. 5 more chapters but the sequel is um gonna be posted after this though. Babyy names?


Heavens Pov.

"Heaven um. Mini told me you hit her?" My dad says over lunch, I sigh. He has a no tolerance policy.

"Dad she keep saying smart shit to me she lucky I ain't beat her" I told him. He shakes his head.

"You are your mom's child. Your mom is beautiful just like you" he smiles eating his sandwhich.

"Thanks daddy"  I smile at him. "So you and Lucas. Are yall sexually active?" he asks sipping his tea.

"Dad uhhh. No, however I am single though" I say. Lucas walks in with his crew and sees me. He smiled and winks.

I smile back at him. I wonder if me and Dario could ever work shit out between us cause I miss him like crazy.

My dad dropped me off. Mini was on the couch, she was giving head to one of Lukes friends. I shook my head.

"Tell nobody" she said and continued bopping. I walked to my room to take a nap.

Angelos Pov ...

I walked down the street of I didn't even know. I needed to clear my mind. Every thing is all happening to fast.

Zonia (Zuh-Nya), and I have been dating for 2 months. She really makes more smile I was going to meet up with her at the  park today.

I approached her and the look on her face made my heart ache. "What did I do?" I asked her. She shook her head and tears ran down her cheeks.

"I-I-I have aids" she told me. My heart dropped."How the hell did you get aids?" I asked her.

"I don't know. " she wiped tears."Well how'd you know?" I asked her. "I've been throwing upp, my stomach is getting better like those African chilldren on those commerciaaals" she cried.

I shook my head. I ruin her to the clinic."Honey you don't have aids, your pregnant" the doctor said. I raised an eyebrow.

Cause it damn sure aint mine.

Renees Pov ..

Ok so maybe I did text her and tell her that they breaking up. Boo fvckn who.

I was on my way to Darios though to satisfy my needs. I knocked on the door and precisely waited for an answer.

Meech sexy ass answered the door. He stepped aside and let me in. He walked into the kitchen where everbody was.

"Hey everybody!" I smile and walk over to Dario, I go to kiss his lips but he turns his head.

"You told Heaven that I wanted to break up with her?" he asked in a low tone I looked in his eyes and replied.


"Your lying because. I know damn well I didn't send her that text." he slowly raised his voice.

"I want you all to my self don't you want me?" I asked into his ear. He shook his head.

"Leave my house." he said in a stern voice I turned on my heels to leave. Oh shes gonna pay. Little do they know im Daniels sister and he's already ready for her ass.

Darios Pov ..

Im to far deep in this shit. I keep digging a deeper hole. I 'broke' up with the only girl I truly loved.

There needs to be a way to get my girl back. Ill do anything even though I'm 15 I really want to marry this girl. I want her to have my children.

"Dario" Zay said snapping me out my thoughts. "Nigga ion even wanna talk to you partna" I say, hes the reason that I thru her like I did.

"It ain't my fault you chased her away. It ain't none of our faults that you put your hands on her now she's not coming back and neither is that baby!She don't want to see you. She left us in the dust because instead of you being a real nigga and talking it out and when she called out my name when she said I love you, you put your mutha fvckn hands on her and chased her away. Don't you think that she's been abused enough? Huh? Yeah speechless now. That girl would really have to be in love with you, to take a sorry ass nigga like you back" Zay said and slammed the door on the way out.

The whole room was quiet.

Lo's Pov ..

"You better have got raped Zonia" I said driving to her apt. "No it was a one time thing. I knew that you wouldn't want to take my virginity and I wanted to be experienced." she cried.

"Oh. I hope you and him have fun raising the baby bye bye now!" I say stopping in the parking lot to let her out.

"Lo we can wo-"

"No we can't. Ill text you later to see if I feel different" I say she nods and gets out the car. I drive to Darios. Zay is storming out his house damn.

"What's wrong with Zay?" I asked.

"He went off on Dario" Asiah said. Her and Meech was looking at baby names.

"How bout Ariel?" meech asks.

"Maybe, next" and then  that startes the next round of stank faces.

Damn Heaven come back.


Hellooo beautiful people. Choose a name

Zay told him it's about time.






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