Chapter 9

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~Next Day~


Today Me and Bendy are running errands for Betty. We're leaving to pick up some posters. "We're going to right way, right?" I said as I look around the very unfamiliar surroundings "Yeah no need to worry, why? You scared~" Bendy said with a smirk "Oh be quiet, says the chicken" I said as smirk back at him "I'm not a chicken..!" Bendy said lightly blushing "Oh right you're a pus-" "Cut it out!" Bendy quickly cutting me off "Fine, Fine whatever you say Bends" I said as I chuckle "Man I think Cuphead is rubbing off on you.." Bendy said "Nah, we just have the same sense of humor" I said "Why? Are you jealous?" I said as I cross my arms. Bendy blush looking away from me "N-No, I just think his a bad influence!" Bendy said crossing his arms still blushing "Sure~" I said as I lightly punch him "I've known you for a short time and I already know when you're jealous!" I said as I chuckle "I am not jealous.." Bendy said "Nah, you are but I'll drop it for now~" I said "Yeah, Yeah whatever we're here" Bendy said as he blush finally faded away "You gotta be kiddin they're closed!" I said as I look at the 'sorry we're close' sign on the front door. "Lets just check inside, we still have a chance" Bendy said as he gave me a smile "Okay" I said. Bendy opened  front door and inside were two cats, one had yellow fur and the other had black. "Is it this closed here?" Bendy ask as he walk though the door "Nah, we just opened. welcome, come in!" A familiar voice said "W-Wait Sheba?" I said "Wait I recognized that voice!" The yellow cat said she turned around and like I thought it was my two childhood friend Felix and Sheba! "Ahh Sheba Felix!" I yelled as I run up to her and Felix "It's good seeing you again gal pal!" Sheba said (idk how to write for Sheba..) "Y/N we meet again!" Felix said "It so great to see you two together again!" I said as Sheba wrap her arms around me "Oh and t-this is my new friend Bendy!" I said as I point at Bendy "Hey it you!" Felix said as he walk up to Bendy, Bendy eyes light up as Felix notice him almost like he had stars in his eyes. "Hey it's you! Felix, was it? Heh, Just kidding I already know ya" Bendy said as he put his hand up for a fist bump. Felix happily gave him a fist bump back I notice Bendy's expression change as if he was have a mentally war with himself on how he should act. "Nice catch~" Sheba whispered to me as I felt my face light up from her comment "I don't know what you're talking about..!" I whisper-yell back "Heh, yeah right I know that look~" Sheba whisper as she let me go "His cute~" Sheba said "H-Hey!" I said as I cross my arms "Ha! knew it!" Sheba said as she light punched me "W-Whatever.." I said Sheba just chuckled as she walk behind the couturier. "How can I help ya?" Sheba said as I walk back and stand next to Bendy. "Oh, um, Miss Betty sent us to ask if you finished the poster she asked for?"  Bendy said "Yup, sure did Oh, Feel , you've got somin' on your face there" Sheba said as she walk away "Hm?" "Lemme just.." Felix said as he lift his shirt and wipe face revealing his scar. Bendy flinched at Felix lifted. "Bendy let me guess you're a fan of Felix is books?" I ask as I crossed my arms, Bendy just nodded as if a child in a candy store getting candy for the first time. "Is that your scar from your fight with.." Bendy started "the fire tiger? sure is" Felix said "So, like, your books are actually about real events?" Bendy said as his eyes started to light up "With a little bit of exaggeration" I said as I smirk "But yeah most of it is true" Felix said as Bendy start to jump up and down like a sugar high child "Aww you're like a little fanboy!" I said as I giggle then I felt a hand on my back "Hey Y/N, Bendy! Betty said I'd find you here Is everything ready?" Boris said "Yup, Bendy is just having a fanboy moment and Sheba we'll be done in a few and we'll be on our way!" I said as I smile at Boris "Wow, am I seeing thing? or is that Felix?" Boris said "Don't question it bro! everything it real!" Bendy said "Told you he was having a fanboy moment" I said as I smirk "Someone has a crush!" I said in a sarcastic tone "Well, I wouldn't mind going gay for someone like him.." Bendy said "Wait what?" Me and Boris said "Phh, c-come oh dude don't take that out of context" Bendy said as he chuckle nervously "His j-joking g-good..wait am I jealous of Felix..N-No.." I whisper to myself as I look down, Boris started laughing uncontrollably "W-What can I possibly take in from that then?" Boris said as he cover his mouth from slightly laughing "Y-Y/N doesn't take it the wrong way, right Y/N..?" Bendy said as he turned around as look at me. I quickly put on a fake smile "Y-Yeah" I said trying to hide my sadness and jealously. "Hey Bendy Y/N, I've notice some changes in our map. Locations seem to be bigger and more clear you think.." Boris said "Thar we're getting close?" I said as I look down at the map "Could be" Bend said as He looked at the map too. "Let's just look at it better when we go back to our room" Boris said "Just open it here, dude" I said "No one but us can see it anyways" Bendy said as he laid the map down on a table. "Yup, it sure looks different! this is clearly near the "Bulk Mountains" the piece is just around it" Bendy said "This map truly is.." "MAGICAL!" I was cut by Felix yelling which caused Boris and Bendy to flinch. "Did you, by any chance mean "the Ink machine piece" by the word "piece"? And this must be the Map from above! I can't believe it's real! It really is blank" Felix said as he went into adventurer mode I just just cross my arms as I look at Bendy and Boris. Boris had a weird-out expression same expression and for Bendy he had a light blush with a confused expression. "Oh, sorry I got carried away" Felix said "How did you come up with all that sir?" Boris said "He knows everything" Bendy whisper right next to me. I just sighed "Quite a strange discovery in the town's nearby casino Let's just say I found a secret message and spent ages deciphering it" Felix paused "Even after that, it seemed risky to tell the world of such a thing, it's just hard to believe Not to mention how much of touchy subject the Inkness is..that's why I didn't include it in any of my books" Felix paused once again "I can't believe you're the chosen ones! It must be awesome to feel Like heroes!" Felix said as Boris smirked in response "H-heroes?' Bendy said pointing at himself. I mean I my be jealous of Felix for getting Bendy's attention but I can recognize a complain when I hear it so of course I smiled. "Maybe I'm being overly nosy but you know I can really offer you guys my help by joining ya on this quest?" Felix said those words made my heart drop "J-Join" I whisper said slightly covering my mouth so no one would hear me. "I know the way around "Mount Bulk" like the back of my hand, what do you say?" Felix said as he stoke his hand out for Bendy to shake "That would be..." "would you excuse us for a sec!" Me and Boris pulled Bendy away before he could answer. "Bendy, I" "Um.." Me and Boris started "Guys! Before you say anything Let me just stop ya there this is Felix we're talking about here! He can be a major help us also just think.." Bendy paused "Oh no..." I whisper "Being on one of his adventures... Being there, on his all the time is just...hhbgdslgh" Bendy said as he drifted off into a dream mood fantasizing about Felix i bet. "I mean Y/N is friends with Felix and Lets just say he's way more experienced and trust worthy then those cup-lings we so foolishly Let into our team" Bendy said quickly snapping out of his fanboy mode. I look down I bite my finger stopping myself from sighing as I look away from Bendy. Bendy then walk back over to Felix as Boris turned back to me "It's true I don't know if he's worthy like Bendy said though.." Boris said "I-I think its okay as long as Bendy is happy" I said as I look at Boris with a fake smile "Yeah" Boris said as he smiled back at me. 

We made our way back to Betty's place. "Heya Bendy-boo Y/N-sweetie did you get em? Betty said I just nodded as I look away. "Sure did!" Bendy said "Hi there" Felix said as he waved back at Bendy. "This is going to long a painful but as long as his happy" I said as I turn be and look at Bendy. Bendy turned around a gave me a heartwarming smile. I gave him as sheepish smile back. "As long as his happy.." I said as I felt my wings dropped slightly with my tail. "Thanks Big Boy! Sweet-Heart!" Betty said as she walk away with the posters "No prob! Oh Mr Felix, while we're here would you like to have a drink? It's on me" Bendy said "Oh need young man" Felix paused "Besides the only thirst I have right now... Is the thirst for Adventure!" Felix said as he bumped he fist in the air. "Gotta admire his enthusiasm!" Boris said "Mhmm" Bendy said as he blushed while smiling. "Whatca think Y/N?" Boris said "W-What O-Oh! Yeah!" I said "You okay Y/N?" Boris said "Oh Yeah! perfectly fine!" I said as I gave Boris a smile. But once Bendy looked away I coughed into my hand. I look at me glove and notice Ink on it, I gasp but cover my month. "C-Can't ruin this for Bendy.." I whisper as I cough trying to control myself from causing a scene. "L-Let's head back to the hotel guys!" I said as I gave them a sweet smile. "Yeah" Bendy, Boris and Felix said in unison. 

We made our way to our hotel room once we got there we caught the Cup bros leaving they're room. "Hi guys we're  ready!" Mug said "Who's that with ya?" Cuphead said "Archaeologist, adventurer and writer Felix the cat pleasure to meet you!" Felix said tipping his hat to them."He joined us! deal with it" Bendy said "He means "If you don't mind"" Boris said "Cool" Mug said as for Cuphead he just gave shocked look. He whispered something to Mug then gave a 'hump' as he exhaled his cigarette smoke. I cough slightly quickly wiping my mouth as I realized something that Felix doesn't know that Bendy has the Ink-illness. I sigh and clear my throat "Feel since you'll be with us, there's something you may need to know.." I said "Oh?" Felix said as I lean into his ear and whisper the dark truth that is known as the Ink-illness. "Like me, he doesn't like talking about it so.." I said as I look down "I understand I won't bring it up to him poor kid.." Felix said as He walk over to Bendy. Bendy gave him a confused look as Felix quickly gave him a pat on the head. "Alright let's get going!" Felix said "Yeah" The howl group said well expect me. "B-Before we go..guys I need to take care of some.." I said as I slightly glace my fist in pain. "W-Whats wrong" Bendy said as he gave me a worried look. Shoot quickly come up with a excise! "Um, girl problems..!" I said as I shrug "Gross!" Boris and Mug said "OOOh" Bendy, Cuphead and Felix said in unison with a light brush of red on they're faces. "Y-Yeah whatever I'll be back" I said "T-Take you're time" Bendy said as he blushed. I just stayed quiet. Once In the bathroom I collapsed on the floor as I went in a cough fit. Ink starting to run down my face I felt a pain in my chest while spitting up Ink. "I'll make sure his happy even if I have to do this alone..again" I said as I go into another coughing fit. I just hope this ends quickly.

 Felix has joined your party!

HEYA EVERYONE!!!! WOW ANOTHER CHAPTER A DAY LATE!! Sorry but this book should have more up dates cause I'm having so much fun writing this story and I know chapter 9 and no romance with bendy! Don't worry chapter 10 is the start of you're guys beautiful relationship. But make sure to LIKE and COMMENT!! Cya!

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