Chapter 14

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After a minute of Bendy's embarrassment, I grew curious "So what happened with the map, Did you guys lost it?" I said as I look over to Boris "I thought that too, but no! it's right here" Boris said as he pulled the map out of his backpack. We all looked at the map and almost reading each other's minds we nodded at each other and began to follow the maps instructions.

*a few minutes later*

We kept a easy pace and a peaceful silence as we walked. "Something on your minded Mr. Felix?" Bendy asked breaking the silence "Yeah? Something up Fel?" I asked "Boulder spiders always live in groups and they're rarely that big..." Felix started as Bendy and I listened in. "I've been noticing some eaten parts of Boulder spiders on the my way. So I'm afraid there's something far more dangerous around here!" Felix as he looked at Bendy then Me. The sudden nervousness hit that the thought of something even bigger than a man eating spider is around. Before Me or Bendy could get a word in the group stopped walking "Guys? the map says we should keep going forward, but the part is blocked!" Boris said as we look up to see a huge rock covering the spouse path. Felix walked towards the rock while Bendy followed. Felix laid his head on the huge rock "I can hear a waterfall.. there is something behind this!" Felix said "Then let's get rid of these rocks!" Bendy said "Don't kid yourself small fly! there's no way you can.. "they don't seem too heavy!" Bendy cut off Cuphead by picking up one of the rocks with little effort. I slightly blush as I look over that Cuphead, he had a shocked expression. "this is gonna take forever though Bendy" Boris said "Yeah.. that's gonna take awhile.." I said trying my best to control my blush. "Then what do you guys suggest?" Bendy said as he looked over that us. "Don't sweat it Bendy! We'll destroy this wall in no time! right cup?" Mugman said as he pulled up his sleeves while Cuphead gave a nervous expression. "Let's do this bro!" Mugman said fulled with confidence "Uu.. Ok" Cuphead said still holding a nervous expression looking down at his hand. Cuphead was slightly shaking "Cup! you ready?" I asked as I felt slightly nervous for DON'T WANT TO OK? My vision is still burr" Cuphead yelled as he pulled his hand away. "Alright Jeez" Me and Mugman replied. I walk towards Bendy. "Well then, double the power for me! You guys might wanna stand back for this." Mugman said as Cuphead followed behind with a blank expression. "Cuphead is being weird.." I whisper towards Bendy. Bendy nodded and pulled Cuphead aside "Earth to airhead your bro said we should stand back!" Bendy said still holding Cuphead sleeve "Oh... sorry" Cuphead said nervously. As we all take a cautious step back as Mugman began to power his fists. In a matter of seconds the rock that was blocking our path was gone.

Boris cheered as Bendy gave a dumbfounded look. While Felix had a amazed expression, Cuphead still had a nervous expression while Jack-bot looked terrified. And I was just impressed. "You did great Mugs!" I cheered as Boris gave Mugs a huge hug "My friend is better than you Bendy~" Boris said making Mugman laugh. "NO way! Mugs is my friend too.. you can the other one!" Bendy said as I playfully punch him in the arm laughing lightly. "Wow, Finally some sunlight!" I said as I notice the view in front of us. "At least we found an exit, I hope" Felix said as we begin to walk toward our hopefully freedom..

"At least no more monsters.." I said as began to notice the dead spiders all around us. "You were right Mr. Felix there sure is something eating these Big spider things" Bendy said nervously "But hey- Maybe whatever did this died a long time ago. that can be a theory..." Felix said whispering the last part. I notice Cuphead cuddling close to Jack-bot which caused me to smile. (It's adorable!) "Gosh, It looks like it just up ahead- This is it guys.." Boris said as suddenly very loud sound of something being crunched 'shh!' Felix shushed which caught my attention. I turn my attention towards where everyone else was staring to see a huge mermaid!? She has a dead octopus for hair and a scar on her arm along with some more crunching sounds I was understandable freaked out. Then I notice Bendy blush lightly at the sight of her, You could say I got a bit jealous... I walk toward him and pinch his cheek. "so..heh... he likes em 'big'?" I heard Cuphead whisper towards Boris. "Those are his favorite" Boris said gesturing towards me. I blush and cross my arms. "Bendy! Focus!" Felix said "O-oh sorry" Bendy said blushing rubbing his cheek. "So are we suppose to go around her or something?" I said as I turn towards Boris. "I don't think we need to get around her... the part is in her head!" Boris said "Oh come on!" I yell as I throw my arms in the air. "why do we have to kill such a majestic creature?" Felix said as he sighed "The better question is How're we doing that shit?" Cuphead said "Yeah! I can't even fly!" I yelled. "Wait! Cuphead why don't you take the shot?!" I said as smile brightly at the idea. But I was quickly shot down as Cuphead gestured toward Mugman "yeah you go ahead and shoot- I believe in you Bro!" Cuphead said as he smile at Mugman. I sigh "What's his deal?" Bendy whispered to me "I know, not helping in anyway.." I whisper back "Is he backing out of his promise?" Bendy whisper again back towards me. "It's like he's afraid of..." I stop to think "shoo..ting- Oh Cup" I say as my expression soften. Bendy realizes what I was saying. I walk towards Cuphead smiling. "Why you lookin' at me like that?" Cuphead said "Heh" I giggle. "No need to give up your power, Cup! you're not going to hurt your brother again if you care so much about him" I said as I smile at Cuphead. Cuphead gave me a shocked expression, He turned towards mugman blushing lightly then deeply turning away hiding his face. "Don't be embarrassed Cuphead" Bendy said as he put a arm around my waist. "Ok maybe that's the reason, but I can easily shoot anything anytime!" Cuphead said as he crossed his arms still blushing like crazy. "Aww Cuppy!" Mugman cheered as he hugged his brother. I smiled as I looked at Bendy and He had a big smile on his face too.

"Sorry to ruin to the moment but... you need to see this cuphead!" Felix said getting all of our attention. "JACKPOT!" Cuphead yelled as I notice that jackpot has wonder right next to the monster.


Hey Everyone, You least forever writer(since she always late on posts!) If you haven't notice I've been on a hiatus and I hate myself for it! I've seen so many wonderful comments! I feel so bad! So it time for some make up spam!!!! I'm about to past myself 48 to give you all the chapters I owe you lovely people (This goes for all my books) I love you all <3


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