Chapter 1 (Kye)

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As I arrive at Whitmore Academy for the Mystical and Supernatural, I am greeted by a crowd of people. Some I know, some I don't. Makes sense as I haven't been back to even visit in ten years. I haven't stayed more than a day or two in fifteen years.

"Welcome back Kye! We've missed having you here!" Tolkin exclaimed. He's the highest headmaster and gives me a headache with his over enthusiastic way of his.

"I shouldn't be here. Why in the world was I called back here?" I almost yell. It's almost time. She needs me. I would have been here tomorrow. Could this not wait one more day?

"Kye, there's a darkness about the school recently. I can sense it, hell even the newest of pupils can sense it. We're all afraid that if the darkness stays much longer children will die, just like at Ridgestone academy last year. We can't close down the school for obvious reasons, even if we could, the Orca children no longer have a home to go back to. Their village was wiped out right after the newest recruits arrived. Which granted isn't hard to do, their only real power is shifting from an Orca Whale to a human like being. Not long after that the darkness arrived. We believe that it was the same thing that killed the Orca Village."

"Fuck!" I said under my breath.

"What is it?" Tolkin asked.

"Tomorrow she turns fifteen, you made me leave her alone on the day before her birthday to tell me this. I'm glad I now know what she'll be coming into, but fuck! She needs to be protected! Now more than ever."

"What are you talking about? Last I checked no one is arriving tomorrow. For the sole reason that tomorrow is a sacred holiday to honor the fallen princess who died in the seige on the Faerie court many years ago," Tolkin said, always oblivious to the truth of the situation as to why he is headmaster I have yet to understand.

"Well if you'll excuse me, I must go now," Then I just vanished and found Genevieve asleep, she's lovely when she's sleeping.

Next thing I notice is the others getting closer to her. They can't touch her till midnight when the spell, that keeps her in the mortal realm and us in the power realm where magic runs wild, vanishes. We all become solid and I must get her out of here as fast as possible.

They want her dead. They're the ones who attacked her family so many years ago. If it weren't for the spell I cast that was put into place as soon as both her parents died she would be dead as many believe her to be.

"Back the fuck away from her!" I yell at all of them. They turn around and look at me. I sprint forward and pass them to get to Genevieve and as soon as I reach her the world shifts, its midnight. I grab the girl and pick her up bridle style. Careful not to wake her up.

All of the creatures of darkness come at us, trying to get to her, but as soon as they leap at us, I teleport me and Genevieve away. It's then, I realize that I'm weaker in the mortal realm. I can't teleport into the power realm. Though I might be able to shimmy into it, since Genevieve is no longer bound to the mortal realm. I close my eyes and concentrate as I imagine myself in the power realm magic surrounding me and Genevieve. Then I take a deep breath and step forward. I feel the shift and the power overload my senses. I open my eyes and see that I'm in the power realm and that the creatures of darkness aren't far behind. I teleport to the school where no creature of darkness shall enter. Then I take her to what would be her new dorm room and let her sleep, though I still keep my eye on her, disappearing right before she wakes up, I'll let her new roommates explain things to her as best they can.

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