Ch 6: Day Two Part 1

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Beeps. Thats all I wake up to this morning. No giggles, no talking and no one to talk to. There's no one in the room with me, my family isn't there. I glance at the clock. 9:01 am. I turn my head towards my water bottle and see a yellow sticky note taped to it. I reach over and grab the bottle and pull the sticky not off it. It says, Alex, Cole, your dad and I went back to the house after you fell asleep because Cole has school tomorrow and your dad has to work. I'll come back tomorrow after my pottery class at lunch. I love you... no, we love you so much and we'll see you tomorrow -Love mom <3

I finnish reading the novel my mom wrote on that sticky note and reach down and grab my laptop out of my bag. I open it and sign onto tumblr when around 80 messages pop up on my screen. Shit, I think, the word has gotten out, poor sick girl is back in the hospital. I open the fist message and it's from Mo, it reads:

Mo_bUZzkILl7878: Hey, I hope you read this message first because I wanted to say sorry, Jordanna and her big mouth may have accidentally kind of told the whole school that you're back @ the hospital... oops. Anyways sorry. Have a good day and we'll be there at 3:30.

I message her back.

ShiverAndFall101: Nah, it's fine, I don't really care, everyone was going to find out eventually anyways, tell the girls that I'm super hyped to see y'all. Have a good day too and I'll see you after.

I hit send and realize I have like 79 other messages to read. I open the next one and realize that it's a thread, that means that it's open to everyone and multiple people have messaged through it.

a/n: I'm not sure if this is a real feture on tumblr or not but this is fiction and it's vital to the plot sorry if Im inaccurate.

The first one reads:

jammmmmmelll***: Hey, Aleeex I hoooope you feel better sooooooñ. btwwwww you're a grrrrrreat tutor.........

That was sweet, I think to myself, Jamel is a good guy. The next on the thread reads:

IT'S_PRONOUNCED_TEHAH_NOT_LIKE_A_WARM_BEVERAGE: jesus christ jamel, are you back on crack? Also I hope you get better Alex  xxoo-Téa 

Oh Téa, she's got to be the sweetest girl in our grade. I tell myself

The next one is from Jamel... again. It says:

jammmmmmelll***: yessssssssss tea I am I am on theeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeed. alsoooo what kindddd offffffff nammmmme is tea anyways????????????? isn't thhhhhat waht the englishh humansssssss drink?????????????

Jesus, I think, can't wait to go back to that. (sarcastically by the way) the next one is from Jinger, my partner for chem and science.

umbrellagirl~chemistrynerd: Awe, sorry to hear that Alex, get better soon okay! Also can i come to the hospital on thursday? I need your assistance with the decoration of our science project. Only if your up for it tho! <3<3<3

I scan through around 50 more from people I don't really know all saying get better soon and realize that that is the end of the thread. I open the next thread and read through it. The first message says:

goodgirlspitbadgirlsswallow: Awe the poor sick bitch is back, looking for attention again! Well hopefully this time you won't be coming back to bother us anymore... 

Daxton... this thread is from Daxton and his friends. I think. I know that I shouldn't but I keep reading the other messages.

Ewan70-32: Yeah, poor sick bitch.

caden_likes_to_fuck: Yeah go die you whore!

1ANdy2#$%^: bitch just wants attention, go die, then we can all live happily ever after and you'll get all the attanetion you fucking want you bitch.

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