Ch 7: Day Two Part 2

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Knock, knock, knock. 

"Come in!" I say loud enough that they can hear me through the door. I glance at the clock. 12:00, to early to be my mom. The door opens and a familiar face comes through. Declen. He quietly closes the door behind him. I roll my legs off the bed so I'm facing him. We stay there for a minute in an awkward silence.

"Can I sit down?" he asks breaking the silence

"Oh, y-yeah." I stutter. Pull yourself together, I tell myself. Declen sits down on the end of the bed beside me. "So..." I begin but I'm cut off when he turns and pulls me into a kiss. His lips are warm and soft and I don't pull away. I am definitely surprised and Declen must see that in my eyes, because after a few seconds he pulls away looking sheepish.

"S-sorry..." he says looking at the ground. With a spur of the moment decision I lift his face in my hands and pull him back into the kiss, this time holding it longer. After what feels like forever we break apart just a few inches and I just stare at him for a moment, touching my lips.

 After what feels like forever we break apart just a few inches and I just stare at him for a moment, touching my lips

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"Hi" I say smiling

"Hi" He says returning the smile

"So, is that why you came here? To... to kiss me?" I ask

"Well... yes, I suppose," Declen says "I just couldn't not think about you." he continues

"Okay," I say, my smile widening

"So... are you going back? To you know, school or?" he cuts me off again with another kiss. I could get used to this, I think.

"I wasn't planing on it" he whispers, pulling us apart. I swing my legs back onto the bed and pat the spot next to me, motioning for him to lie next to me. He does and we sit there for a while, in silence.

"What now?" I ask softly

"What do you mean?" Declen whispers

"I mean... I mean us, I guess." I say

"Well... I guess maybe... umm" He stutters, before leaning down for another kiss. I kiss him back and we hold it for another minute.

"God, you're beautiful," he says when we pull apart. I smile and cuddle up against him and he wraps his arm around me. Before I know it I've dozed off.


I wake up to my mothers voice telling me to get up. Forgetting where I am and who I'm with, I tell her to let me sleep. Then I hear Declen's voice.

"Mam I..." he says but gets cut off by my mother.

"Now might be a fine time to remove yourself from my daughter." she says, frustration rising in her voice. Realizing that I am still cuddled up with him I bolt into a sitting position.

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