Chapter 9: Day Four

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             It started out like any other day. 6:00 am I woke up to being stabbed by a needle. 6:15 I had an MRI. By the time 7:00 am rolled around I had been poked and prodded by so many things and so many different people, I'd lost count. After a nurse wheeled me back to my room, I  decided that I needed a shower. I grabbed my overnight bag, my toiletries and my waterproof oxygen tubes and wrote a note for my mom, in case she came early today.  Gone to the shower be back later. - Alex. I wrote the time down too, just in case I had a little accident like last time. I slowly began my long walk down the hallway. I went slow, hospitals take a lot out of you. I've only been here a few days but it feels like a lot longer. As I made it to the showers I pulled my oxygen drip into a stall and locked the door. I pulled off my tank top and pyjama shorts. I finished getting undressed and switched out my oxygen tubes. I turned the water on and felt  a sensational rush slow through my body. There's nothing better than stepping into a warm shower and feeling all the hospital grime rinse away. I shampooed then conditioned and turned the water off. I stepped out of the shower and puled my hair up in a towel. Then I dried myself off and quickly switched out my oxygen tubes and re-hooked them up to the drip. I dug through my overnight bag and found my black leggings, my fresh  bra and underwear, my ROCK CF shirt(cystic  fibrosis awareness shirt) I put deodorant on and got dressed. After that I  brushed my teeth and combed my hair out and started back to my room. I peeked in Tea's brothers room and saw her asleep in a chair, her brother asleep on the bed. I opened the door to my room and find Declen sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"Hi," I say


" So about my brother yesterday, sorry he just gets overprotective and stuff," I explain

"It's all good, I'm the same way with Mo," he smiles. The most beautiful, handsome, daring smile. His eyes fly over me at a million miles an hour and can tell he's thinking about something.

"What is it?" I ask, sitting down on the bed beside him. He turns so I can see his face.

"What are you doing after you graduate?" he blurts

"I don't know, I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow" I laugh. Declen brushes a piece on damp hair off my face.

"I know," he says, "we can just go, explore the world, see different things, different people, It'll be great, just you and me together all the time."

"My mom won't even let me leave the house without permission, what makes you think that she'll allow this?" I ask skeptically

"She doesn't have to, we'll leave note, I it makes you feel better, we can just leave and you won't have to come back," he smiles again.

"Okay can we talk about this later though," I say looking away.

"Fine Ms. Bitterybitterpants," he taunts, " I have something to cheer you up." He reaches into his bag and pulls out four packages of gummy worms. My absolute favourites.

"Voila!" he exclaims proudly.

"These are my favourites, how'd you know?" I ask smiling

"I completely take all responsibility for my knowledge and I swear that I didn't ask Morgan," he laughs. I laugh with him. It feels nice to laugh.

" I love it, thank you," I say and he runs his hand through my hair.

"That's not all, they are limited edition sour, sweet and fruit flavoured one, and," he says digging into his bag again and pulls out two chocolate milks, "a drink for the queen," he says gesturing it to me. I take it.

"Thank you," I smile. He jumps off the bed and shoves something in the DVD player.

"What's that?" I ask.

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