Chapter Fourteen : Friend or Foe?

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     'I'm scared. I don't want them to die. I don't  what to lose them.' (y/n) through, starring at the nothingness of Cross' world.
"I could solve that easily for you." A deep yet feminine voice said.
"Who are you?" (y/n) asked, a simple question, that she already knew that answer to.
"Oh you've forgotten have you? Pathetic human and your memory."
"Oh yes." (Fricken Mettaton) She said making (y/n) appear in 'her' world. "Greetings (y/n)." Her voice was cool and calm yet it hid malicious intent.
"What do you want from me?"
"Oh nothing much, you see your soul, is very interesting, hasn't been one of your souls in existence sense well you know but you know what they say about love it's so easily turned into hate now you are long on your way of becoming the soul of hate I just want to speed along the process." She grinned a sinister grin and grabbed (y/n) soul, she crushed it in her hand making (y/n) scream in agony. "Now now, it will be over soon." Her voice purred enjoying the pain she causes, (y/n) soul reappeared in her hand but now it was dark almost black purple.
"Heh, now you know where I get my name sake from, huh?"
"W-why?" (y/n) was gasping for air when her soul rendered her body.
"Because I'm trying to help you unlike that pathetic Mia, who oh wait she's dead, finally I thought she'd never die after she came back to life."
"W-wait, you're-?"
"Noir? Yes that's me, the one who destroyed everything in our AU."
"Because those filthy monsters needed to be under that mountain for all of eternity, she just got in the way, so I did want I needed to do a long time ago, I killed her but she killed me."
"They did nothing wrong."
"They did everything wrong, they killed him!" (y/n) went quiet she had nothing else to say. "Now, now chin up, you have important things to attend to." Noir picked up (y/n) chin making (y/n) look into her deep violet eyes.
"Don't look so worried, purple's a good look for you." And with that Noir disappeared, (y/n) appeared back in the void, she glanced around and saw nothing.
   'They should be back by now.' She though.
"You should go check on them." A voice, no her voice rang through (y/n)'s head. "Don't worry I'm sure he hasn't got a hold of them."
   "I won't take that chance."

   A/N : short chapter sorry! But I was just gonna give Noir her own chapter, mostly just to introduce her.
   Noir : I'm special bishes!
   Author~Chan : yeah huh sure.

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