Chapter Fifteen : The Last Stand

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A/N : Enjoy the song :3

His breath hitched as he looked for her, nothing.
"This isn't funny." He called out into the white void of his old word.
"She's not her face it." His comrade said.
"She has to be."

"Enough, I'm not letting them get hurt, I'll fight him alone." She growled, she wasn't about to lose some else.
   "Have fun with that."
"I will thanks. I'm coming for you Nightmare, prepare for the hell I'm gonna put you through."

The castle no his castle loomed above her, it was dark and depressing, not surprising seeing as his is the king of nightmares. She glared at for a moment before slowly walking up to it, she shoved the door open. She wasn't ready, she needed to be yet she wasn't, she wasn't ready to lose them, she was ready to die for them, for him.

"Maybe she already went, we need to get there now."
"No kidding."

'I'm not scared.' She though trying to trick her mind.

'I'm not ready to lose you.' He thought.

She took a deep breath and walked into the castle, she was trying to stay quiet, (ninja style) her boots made small clicking sounds as she walked on the dark stone. Continuing down the halls she looked for Nightmare, ready to stab him in his nonexistent heart.

Hearing a small clicking sound he followed it, hoping it was her, he turned a corner and saw (y/n) glance back at him.
"What are you doing here!?" She whisper shouted.
"To protect you." He replied.
*sigh* "Just stay close."

Cross of all the people to follow her it had to me the one she was protecting.
"He's persistent."
'No kidding.'
"They're dead, no one can stop him now."
"Anyone who tries will be killed on the spot."
"Heh, more EXP for me."
"Oh boy." (y/n) muttered.
"Not good." Cross muttered back.
"I heard something, come one."
'Crap! Crap! Crap!' (y/n) shouted at herself.
   "Oh please, I'll show you what to do." Noir purred ready to kill someone, a girl with long black hair, fair skin, black shorts, a black cloak cover her head as well appeared in front of (y/n), the 'bad' sanses came out of the door away to see her.
"Who are you and why are you?" She smirked.
"Name's Noir, ya know what Noir stands for?" They gave her a confused looked making her smirk wider. "It means darkness." Her voice be came demonic as large sharp spikes came out the ground dusting Dust (I'm crap I know). The others froze before going to attack her as well, there's just one problem with their plan, she's a spirit she can get hurt.
   "You look surprised." She mocked, slicing through Horror chest, Killer was already booking it away, she appeared in front of him and took his knife out of his hand and stabbed it through his soul. "That wasn't so hard was it?" She disappeared back into (y/n)'s soul, Cross looked at her confused at what just happened.
"It's a long story." She somewhat lied, she wasn't wrong nor was she right, he nodded before they continued looking for Nightmare.
"NIGHTMARE YOU PIECE OF SLIMY CRAP SHOW YOURSELF!" Chara shouted at the top of his existing lungs.
"I mean that works but when did you get here!?" (Magic *dose jazz hands*) (y/n) slightly shouted at the smaller human.
"Well, well, well." A dark and deep voice said.
   "Well you'll be dead soon."
"Come to face me I see." He continued.
"You will pay for your crimes." (y/n) said.
"Oh really?" He asked.
"Ya know, in other words birds are singing, flowers are blooming in a multiverse like this monsters like you
S H O U L D•B E•B U R N I N G I N•H E L L•
W I T H•M E•" (y/n)'s voice went demonic as she uttered the famous line but it had a small twist.
"We'll see about that."

   ~Insert good fight here~


You really want a fight scene don't ya?

It's gonna be utter crap ya know

FINE! Here take my crapy writing!

   A deep purple wall appeared behind (y/n), it blocked Cross off from helping, if she died she didn't care but if he would be different.
   "(y/n) let us through!" Cross shouted, banging on the wall.
"Let's do this shall we?" Noir asked, she nodded before making a dagger (or whatever weapon ya want) appear in each hand, she lunged at Nightmare, he teleported away, he reappeared behind (y/n), she jumped forward away from him.
"The kids right, you should be burning in hell with us." Noir said, appearing in front of (y/n), her eyes disappeared leaving a purple glow. "Tell Kara I said hi." She fazed out of existence only to reappear behind Nightmare, she slashed at him, he moved yet she cut off one of his tentacles, Nightmare didn't make a peep seeing as it wasn't a living tentacles it was just make of the tarry substance covering his body. Noir went on the offensive side now seeing as he would mostly try and attack her but he didn't he went for (y/n), black spikes came out the ground where she stood moments before, (y/n) slashed toward Nightmare again missing, he is a Sans so he's fairly good at dodging, she growled in annoyance before lunging towards him only to the thrown into a wall. She yelped in pain seeing it knocked the air out her lungs, a burning sensation resonated in her chest as she fought to get air.
"Heh pathetic." Nightmare said, standing over (y/n)'s body. "You're little friend can't save you know." He raised his tentacles ready to strike her down, as he did so a teleporting sound was heard, she looked up to see Cross in front of her, the attack landed a deadly blow on him, he fell backwards on to (y/n) who finally caught her breath.
"Nononono! You can't die!" She shouted, holding onto Cross' body, a thud rang through the halls, she glanced over seeing Nightmare turning to dust and Chara laying in the ground lifeless.
"I guess I...finally save you...huh?" Cross said weakly.
"Save your strength I won't let you die." (y/n) said.
"There's can do...goodbye, my love." He said, brushing some of her hair out her face and kissed her on the forehead and slipped his heart locket around her neck.
"I'm sorry, my love." She cried into his chest as he turned to dust, leaving nothing but his cloths and dust.

A/N : Dang, I have one last chapter to post and this is done, I'm sorry (not really) for the sad ending but I didn't want to make it all cheesy and happy though I like happy endings sometimes.

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