Any Ideas's/Requests?

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     So as you probably know this fanfic is done, I'm already working on another (NM x Reader x Dream) but if you have any ideas/requests (I could always do a one shot one) I would love to hear 'em. Also I have few ideas of my own, like a Poth (fell or original I have no idea) Cream for that matter to, maybe Fell!Sans Xreader? Heck I might even do a Lust!Sans Xreader... I won't...he's fricken Lust for goodness sake that just screams lemon.
Anyways, which ever idea gets the most comments (one per person please, just say like yeah or somethin') I'll do first and tackle the others later

Any of these could be put into different AU's like nerd and jock or the wolf one, just depends on what y'all want.

Palette X Goth

(The fell counterpart) Fell Palette X Fell Goth

Cross X Dream

Cross X Nightmare (*sarcasm* that'll be fun to do)

Error X Ink (the classic ship XD)

Paper jam X Fresh

Nightmare X Reader X Dream (I'm actually have the prologue for this one, I was excited okay)

Now to the X reader portion I'm just gonna put the name yeah

Fell Sans

Classic Sans

Blueberry/Swap Sans

Blackberry/SwapFell Sans


Fell Palette (gotta get the edge in there)


Fell Goth

If there are any other Sanes that I didn't add (not adding the all) and you want to see tell me

   Also I hate spellcheck it doesn't get my southern slang -.-

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