Chapter 14: Finally

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Aurora's P.O.V.

Holy crap. Did Harry just ask me to be his girlfriend? Is this a dream or am I going crazy? I swear, my heart started to beat rapidly, my palms got sweaty, and it was getting hard to breathe. Should I say yes? Of course you should say yes, what the hell. I was currently having a fight with my conscience. I continued to argue with myself in my mind like a crazy person when I realized that Harry is staring at me with a blank face, confused a bit, waiting for an answer.

I took a deep breath. "Yes, oh my god, I would love to be your girlfriend." I said while smiling as wide as a Cheshire Cat.

The next thing I knew, Harry grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss was soft, but filled with passion. Harry pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.

"Finally." I heard him mumble. I quickly kissed his nose and turned my attention to the pilot who announced that we will be landing very soon.

Harry and I have gotten out of the airport and we have been waiting for a taxi for the past 30 minutes. It's so busy over here too, it reminds me of California. Harry's mom nor sister know we are coming to see them, so we obviously couldn't get a ride from Gemma. After what seemed like hell, we finally got a taxi and headed to Harry's home town. It was a very quiet car ride, Harry focusing on his fingers the whole ride. Finally, we were in front of Harry's home and I could sense that he was extremely nervous.

"Aurora, what if they don't like who I have become?" Harry quietly asked.

"Harry, stop overthinking it. You're the same Harry they know and love. Don't doubt yourself." I replied as I intertwined our fingers together. He sighed again and opened the car door. I got out after him and we both took our suitcase out of the cab, I head over to the driver giving him the necessary amount of money. He drove off, leaving Harry and I on the road. I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him towards the path that led to his front door. We reached the door as Harry pushed the button on the door signaling to his family that someone is at the door. We waited a minute before we heard a female voice saying "one minute, please!"  Harry's eyes automatically lit up. I was about to open my mouth to say something when the door is swung opened to reveal a 20 something brunette who's slightly shorter than Harry.

" that you? Oh my goodness." She said slowly and filled with surprise.

"Yes, Gem. It'" Tears we're coming down Harry's face like crazy. They were even starting to form in my eyes too. Harry instantly embraced Gemma into a huge hug. They were both sobbing. "I missed you so freaking much Gem, you have no idea." Harry mumbled into her hair. "I love you Harry" she whispered.

Harry's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe I was standing in front of my sister. My beautiful sister. I haven't seen her in a whole freaking year. She's changed so much.  Her hair is cut into a shoulder length style, her eyes puffy and surrounded by dark circles. Her style becoming very as they say in California "Tumblr". I couldn't help but let all the tears go. My sister still loves me. She still sees me as her brother. That's the best thing ever.

I released from the hug, "Gemma, this is my girlfriend, Aurora." I introduced the two to each other. "Oh my god, Harry, you have a girlfriend? Oh my god, please come in!" She says as she gives Aurora a hug.

We sat down in the living room. It looks the same as it did when I left, but now it feels gloomy.

"Harry, how did this happen? How are you here? I'm so sorry all of this had to happen. I got a wonderful job that pays tons Harry! We can afford a lot now! You can come back to us." Gemma said rather quickly.

"Gem, calm down. Relax. It's okay, I'm here now. Uhm, Aurora found out that mum is sick, so she set up this whole thing for me to come and see you guys. I uh, kinda work for her." I quietly mumbled the last part. Gemma blinked slowly a couple times and let out an "Oh".

"Please don't blame Aurora. She doesn't want this for me. It's not her doing. She's been so supportive and I couldn't have been here without her." I grabbed Aurora's hand and she gave me a small smile. "I'm sorry Harry, Aurora, I'm just frustrated that they took my baby brother away from me." She said holding back the tears. "-but, yes. Mum is sick. I was hoping you didn't find out before we could find a cure for her." Gemma gets up to get us some up tea and biscuits. "Where is mum? I want to see her." Gemma tells me she's in her room. I told Aurora I'll be right back and she tells me to take all the time I need.

I slowly walk down the familiar hallway, go towards the cream colored door that is cracked opened. I push it gently causing a squeaking noise to echo throughout the hallway.

There she was. My beautiful mum. My heart broke seeing her. She looks so sad, lost, depressed. She was staring at the wall, coughing a lot. She was hooked up to a lot of machines.

"..Mum?" I whispered. Her head turned and her eyes got wide as she looked at me.

" god. Harry, my love. Is that you? She said with disbelief.

I started to cry again. "Yes, mum. It's me. It's Harry mum. I kneeled down next to her and grabbed her hands and kissed it. She directly started crying as well. Finally, I'm in the arms of my mother, after all this time.

"My baby, you came back. Look at you. You're so handsome just like I remember." She kissed my forehead multiple times.

"Mum. Why didn't you tell me you where sick this whole time? I could've worked extra hours and gotten another job."

"Harry, darling, I did not want to stress you out more and cause you to be worried. You don't deserve this life Harry. I didn't want to add more onto your plate. You've given up so much of your life and experiences to help save us Harry. You and Gemma are the reason why I'm still here today. I keep fighting, for you guys." She sobs. I quickly wipe her tears away with my thumb. "How did you get here?" Mum asked. "Mum, I fell in love."

"Oh, my baby, I always told you that one day you'll find a girl who is perfect for you. You just had to be patient." She gushed.

"I kind of work for her, but she treats me like a normal human being. She cares and supports me and she's the best thing ever. She's the reason I'm here today mum." 

"I want to meet her, is she here?"


So sad, yet so sweet. :(

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