Tired of asking a person to make a cover for you?
Want to be able to make your own covers?
Hate waiting for a cover?
Well, I got the answers for you. Yes, answers. I'm going to give you guys the do's and don'ts to covers.
These tips will have your...
Now with fonts I shall introduce you to the only app you should have for fonts tbh. If you don't have this app then honestly where have you been???
Get the app Phonto. Don't question it, just do it. It is seriously the only app you should have when it comes to putting text on pictures.
For those who want to know what the app looks like:
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With this app, you can go on the website Dafont.com
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You just go on the website, look for a font you like and then next to it you will see the 'Download' button.
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Click it and then this will pop up:
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Click "Open in 'Phonto'"
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Click install and then boom, it's apart of your fonts.
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It's that easy.
Here are some of my favorite fonts that are either already in the app or I got from Phonto.
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Adam Arial Bold Italic (in app) Bebasneue Blacklisted Chasing Embers Coolvetica Didot (in app) Hijrnotes Optimus Princeps Signerica VCR OSD MONO
In each tutorial I'll of course state which fonts I use. There are more fonts that I sometimes use, but they aren't my favorites. You'll see them in the tutorials.