The last cover requests went by pretty smoothly which truly surprised me. Usually, there's always at least two people who request who make me regret even taking requests, but all of you were so nice and took what I said into consideration.
Like my favorite kind of request say, "Color Scheme: Whatever matches the png you use." Or a simple "I trust you." Like wow, you're a real one.
Because you guys were overall super chill and patient, I decided to do requests again.
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| Things You Need to Know and Understand. |
1. There won't be a maximum # of covers you can request, but if you know that it's a lot then you need be patient. The more covers you request, the longer time it takes, especially if they aren't under the same template. This brings us to the next point.
2. If you do request covers that are under different templates, which is completely fine, please let me know!!! DUDE SERIOUSLY. LET ME KNOW. This is so important so I don't forget to post a cover.
I like to give you all the covers at once so if you have requests under template 1 and 4 then let me know in at least one of the requests.
By this I mean, go request, do your thing, but when you're done, go back to your first request and say "I also requested on template ____"
3. Another thing, the story must be posted or at least will be posted in the near future. People love for me to make the cover and never actually use it... Please, don't do that. Don't be that person.
This sounds kind of mean, but please don't waste my time. I don't have to make you a cover, but I want to. Don't take advantage of that.
(People love to do that. No shade. No tea. Just facts)
4. This was hinted already, but PATIENCE IS KEY. I am not a machine. I like to most several covers all at once so you may have to wait a little bit. I'll try to tag each of you guys so you'll get notified once your cover(s) is (are) up.
5. Please, please, please pay attention to any notifications from me because sometimes I may have questions pertaining your cover.
6. Sometimes things you want on the cover may not look good and so please trust me and know I want your cover to look good too. If you have a specific vision then it's gonna be hard because only you have the vision, not me. So just trust me. I gotchu boo.
8. I have the right to not do your cover. Just because you request doesn't mean it's guaranteed you'll get the cover. That sounds so mean omg. I'm sorry. It's just that some covers are just not my cup of tea and when I'm not at least a little interested in the cover, it becomes a flop.
9. If you get a '✔️' that means your cover has been made.
10. And last but certainly not least, comment where it says "COMMENT HERE FOR TEMPLATE #__"

RandomTired of asking a person to make a cover for you? Want to be able to make your own covers? Hate waiting for a cover? Well, I got the answers for you. Yes, answers. I'm going to give you guys the do's and don'ts to covers. These tips will have your...