Peter Parker ; I thought you were smarter than this

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Picking sides was something you never wanted to do but with the Sokovia accords and Steve and Tonys strong differing opinions it became mandatory. Being the youngest avenger with plans to go to college (while still working for S.H.I.E.L.D.) they tried to keep you out of it, but the government wasn't having it. Eventually, you ended up agreeing with Steve, knowing how corrupt the government can be. You knew that when the fight would eventually happen no one would hurt you too bad, but you figured you'd be lucky if you walked away with two broken bones.

When you were all lined up and Tony and Steve tried to talk it out, Tony called for someone known as 'underoos' and a person in a red and blue suit came out and took Steves shield and tied his hands together. You squinted your eyes in concentration for a second. You felt like you had seen him somewhere before. When you turned your attention to what was happening your group was starting towards the other and the war had begun.

You had gone after 'underoos' trying to figure out who he was.

"Hey kid!" you called. He turned and looked at you. You created a ball of fire in your hand, getting him to come towards you.

"I'm not a kid," he responded, shooting things at you. One of them hit your arm and you got a better look at it. Webs. Then it hit you.

"Hang on," you started, putting the fire out, "I know you. You're that spider kid that's been seen all over New York," you say, going into more of a relaxed stance.

"Yeah, and you're someone I'm supposed to be fighting."

"Your voice sounds very familiar," you suddenly say.

"W-what...n-no it doesn't." Before he could do anything, you had taken one large stride to where he was in front of you and ripped off his mask. You couldn't believe who you were looking at. You grabbed his arm and dragged him behind a nearby plane.

"Peter Parker what are you doing here?!" you whisper shouted. You were both friends at school, but never really made plans to hang out.

"Mr. Stark came to me and asked me to help him, so I did." You paused and looked up.

" you don't even know what they're fighting about?" you questioned in a dark tone.

"No, no one will tell me," he quietly responded. You rubbed your hands over your face and took a deep breath. You shoved his mask into his chest, your hand staying there, keeping it pressed against him.

"I thought you were smarter than this," you stopped and looked him dead in the eyes. He looked terrified at how threatening you were sounding. "I'll give you a short run down. Tonys side has signed a document that lets the government control when, where, and how the Avengers work. They also want to put Steves friend Bucky away in a cell forever because of what he did while he was being controlled by Hyrda. Steves side didn't sign the document because we think that we need to be able to control all of those things. We also believe that Bucky shouldn't have to pay for what Hydra made him do." You let your hand fall and he gripped his mask. He stared intensely at the floor. You let him think for a second before adding, "Most of us on our side knew we weren't going to make it out. We're all criminals now. Steve and Bucky are trying to stop something and the rest of us are going to be locked in a cell for a while," you said quietly. He looked up at you. You sighed and started to walk away.

"{Y/N}, wait!" he called, trying to get you to stop, but you didn't. "You have to let me explain myself!"

"No, Peter, I don't. You already chose your side and you get to live with the consequences just like me," and with that, you left him standing there.

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