Chapter 14

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The next day an officer stopped by the house with my phone. Hello and we meet again he said with a smile I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

Well here's your phone I charged it for you as well he said. That made me smile well thank you I appreciate it I said. Alright I will be in touch he said and let you know when we have him in custody.

Thank you again I said shaking his hand. He left with that I unlocked my phone and texted Jordan letting him know I had my phone back.  I needed to go for a walk with my headphones in so I grabbed my headphones.

Matt was against this but had my phone so I'd be fine I said. I walked to the beach and took my shoes off. I was walking along the shoreline and I put my headphones in.

Kelly Clarkson catch my breath came through my headphones. I loved this song and I started dancing to it. I stopped and looked out at the ocean and the chores hit.

I closed my eyes and took it in then started dancing again. Then I broke out into a run I needed to run. I needed to not feel I needed my breath to be taken away. I needed to feel the world whizzing by like nothing could touch me.

I ran until my legs started to hurt then I stopped. I was kind of numb and my legs felt like jelly. I sat down on the shoreline and pulled my knees to my chest. I watched the water as it ran over my feet then went back in.

It's like the ocean is breathing I though it takes a deep breath in then let's it out. That's all I need to do is this take a breath in and then a deep one out. Felt amazing the coolness against my bare feet.

I'm just glad I didn't drop my sandals while I was running I thought. I got up after awhile and checked my surroundings I knew that I wasn't far from Allies and Matts.

I started my walk back and a song came on that I didn't recognize. I looked at my phone it's called remedy for a broken heart by gremlin.

I liked this song a lot I know I don't drink but I cut. The song was right I should never let a man have this much power over me. Before I knew I was back at the house.

I waked up the steps to the porch and Matt was sitting there. I took out one of my ear buds hey I said with a smile. I hear you went for a run today he said laughing.

You really have people watching me I said. Hey after last night your not safe so yes. I rolled my eyes but he was right .

Fine I said with a sigh yes I went for a run I needed it. Well it seemed to help he said with a smile. I went inside I needed a shower after running. I grabbed some jean shorts and purple tank top and went to shower.

After my shower I felt better and was sitting on the couch listening to music. All the sudden Matt and Allie came into the room looking at me and smiling like idiots.

I took my headphones out and looked at them. Okay so what's going I said to them you need to get ready Allie said.

For what I said looking very confused. You'll find out Allie said with a smile let's go she said grabbing my arm.

We were in my room and I through my phone my iPhone doc so it could charge. But also to play music lets do your hair Allie said.

Still didn't know what was going on but okay. She pulled out my hair straighter and did my hair. Okay now makeup she said clapping her hands and smiling.

Want to tell me why we're doing this I said. You'll see she said deviously I don't like this I thought but went with it.

She picked me out a skirt that was purple plaid. With my black shoulder ripped top then grabbed me my purple black converse boots. Okay that's it she said I looked in the mirror and I have to say she did a good job.

I like it I said but why am I wearing this. Come on she said we went out to the living room  and Jordan was standing there with a rose.

He looked amazing he was wearing a black suit with a tie. And he had on some nice black dress shoes as well he looked so handsome.  You look beautiful he said , and you look handsome I said with a smile.

Just 1 single blue rose awe I said smiling at him. Hope you enjoy the night I have planned he said with a smile.

I handed my rose to Allie and her to please put it in some water. Of course now go have fun she smiled. You both were in on this I said looking at them.

Yup the said in unison I laughed and Jordan took my hand. I looked at him and took my hand out of his. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Well one arm one cast and I kissed him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back.
Ooooooooo we heard from Allie I started smiling into the kiss we pulled apart and I rested my forehead on his. Let's go princess he said with a smile your Chariot awaits he bowed and hugged pointed towards the door.

I laughed as we walked out to his truck. He opened the door for me and helped me in and shut my door.  He got in and started to drive so where are you taking me I asked. That my lady is a surprise he said smiling at me.

We drove for about 20 minutes before pulling into a karaoke bar.  This place was called Dive inn , it's one of the most popular karaoke bars in North Carolina.

I'm not signing I said to him looking at the place. Actually you are he said for me please he said sticking out his bottom lip. Fine only cause you said please I said laughing.

Yes he said doing a happy dance in his seat. He got out and came and and opened my door for me. Helped me out carefully of his truck let's go he said shutting my door and locking the truck.

We walked into the bar and I was hit with the aroma of beer and cigarettes. There was a girl singing on stage she sucked let's just say that.

She was kind of rounded short hair and bright red hair. She also was wearing jeans that were to tight and cowgirl boots. And a bright green shirt as well she was singing little white church.

Once she was done she got applause probably happy the nightmare was over. The next girl up I recognized her off the bat.

It was my bestie Madison was signing you look good by lady antebellum. She looked so beautiful she was wearing a red and white flannel with a black shirt under it. She had on a pair of jeans that hugged in all the right places and her black converse shoes.

She sang her heart out and got a stand ovation she was amazing. I was next they called my name Melanie Stone come on down the guy said.

He was cute I thought was shorter guy with black hair and green eyes. He had sort of pale skin with a slight tan he handed me a mic and I walked on stage.

The lights hit me and so did my nerves here goes nothing I thought......

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