Chapter 21

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  Sitting here with my boyfriend and his best friend Rachel is in a word awkward. Here is why I can tell this girl has a thing for him that's one. And the other thing is she is flirting with him while I'm right here. What kind of person does this I thought alright so how about we watch this Jordan said.

He was holding up the movie Transporter , that's a good pick I said put it in. Yeah it's one of my favorites Rachel said a little to happy. Okay good figured since we couldn't agree on a movie in Netflix DVD was the next best choice he said.

Alright so I ordered Chinese I remembered what you like babe he kissed my cheek. I also made sure I got you those crab things like, yeah I don't understand how you can eat those I can't stand fried food Rachel said.

But I guess it's cause I love to eat healthy all the time. It's how I stay in excellent shape she smiled. I rolled my eyes and heard the door ahhh that's the food Jordan said grabbing his wallet.

Let me help pay Rachel said grabbing her purse. It's okay I got it Jordan said , yeah but I don't like feeling like a freeloader. It's fine Jordan said and your not trust me he smiled and paid for our food.

He gave me my chicken lo mein and crab ragoons. And he took his stuff which was , sweet and soar chicken and egg rolls and general os chicken.

Rachel only got a small thing of this broccoli and veggies no meat stuff. I rolled my eyes at her as we sat and watched the movie and ate our food. She had barley put a dent in hers when she said she was way to full.

I was still eating mine I hadn't ate much yet. I don't know where you put it all girl I can't eat like that she laughed. Yet another crack at my weight this girl was really pissing me off. Jordan has said nothing to this girl at all like really I was thinking.

Excuse me I need to use the restroom I said getting up. I left the room and went into his bathroom. Which for him being a man was fairly clean towel hanging on the rack shower curtain open. The walls were like a powder blue.

I noticed he had bought my soap that made me smile. Cause that meant he remembers my allergies to like everything. I looked in his mirror above the sink.  I hated my face I hated how I looked I hated how I wasn't as beautiful as well anyone for that matter.

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Had to make it seem real and went back out into the living room.  She had moved closer to him and was showing him something on her phone.

I grabbed my phone off the table and sat down on the end of couch. I looked and didn't have any messages but I needed my best friends advise. I texted her real fast telling her it was a class A emergency. My phone rang thank God I'll be right back I said to them leaving the room and going outside to the porch. 

Hey Lilla I said into my phone knowing she was busy. Im sorry to interrupt your date I said very apologetic , trust me you saved my life this was the worst date ever she said to me. Maybe that's because deep down you know that whatever guy you date they won't be him. 

I know okay don't tell me again she said.  Well I'm going to keep telling you till you call him because you are stubborn. Really so is he so why do I have to make the first move she said.  Even though I can't see her I know she has her hand on her hip and one eyebrow raised waiting for me to make a point. 

Because we both know that you want to message him or call him because you miss him I said.  Plus it's driving crazy you and him have been on and off for 9 almost 10 years now so just make a damn move I said.

Again I can picture her rolling her eyes right about now. Which meant she was about to change the topic back to me and why I wanted her to call in the first place.  So what's going on over there you said it was a class A emergency which that's huge we both know it. 

I smiled knowing I had won the argument.  Okay so I said checking behind making sure I wasn't being spied on. This Rachel chick that is here she is a friend of his. The thing is I can tell she likes him as more than just a friend and not just cause she looks like a slut I said. 

I heard a giggle out of Lilla okay what did she do Lilla asked me.  I checked behind me again and I was in the clear. So I gave her all the details , she sounds like a bitch.

And what pisses me off is he hasn't said anything to her.  Or asked her to leave or ahhhhh I'm mad she shouted.  Gee I couldn't tell I said laughing a small laugh. What should I do I asked her, well you need to stand your ground and let her know that he is your man. 

Go back in there sit next to him hold his hand show that he is yours.  And if that don't work then you knock a bitch on her skinny whore ass she said.  Okay I said trying not to laugh see this is why your my bestie I said.  Okay well I am going back in wish me luck I said.

Girl you don't need luck you got this , she will need luck she keep pushing up on my besties man.  She will need all the luck in the world to hold me back from beating that ass. 

Okay Lilla calm down your gettho is showing I said. She started laughing well that's because im mad she said but get your ass back in there now she said and hung up.

I went back inside to what seemed to he a tense situation. Well i am going to go it was nice meeting you she said and bolted for the door.  I stepped in front of it what's going on in here I asked. 

Babe just let her leave I'll explain things to you okay Jordan said. That kind of pissed me off but I stepped to the side. I grabbed her arm before which made her jump.

Don't forget your purse I said handing her the purse hanging on the coat rack. Umm thanks she said I let go of her and she ran and fast too. Okay so what the hell was that about because she just ran like a bitch out of here. 

Come here and sit down please he said patting the spot next to him. I'm good standing I said crossing my arms across my chest.  Okay he said sighing deeply she told me she has feelings for me he said very fast.

Gee with the way she was dressed and the comments she kept making about weight, I never would have guessed.  Oh my gosh be still my heart I said grabbing my chest and laughing at him.  Really do we need to dramatics Jordan said raising an eyebrow.

I wouldn't be me without them I said with a smile.  Okay good point he replied but she made a move on me he said.  What kind of move I asked trying to stay calm.  She kissed me he said but I pushed her away and I'm sorry.

Okay well I don't want her around  you anymore  because she don't know boundaries. I can agree with you there babe and I am sorry I didn't say anything to her while she was here.  I noticed the stuff she was saying but I thought I was just reading into to much he said. 

It's okay I said just one thing I need to know.  Sure anything he said  , do you have any feelings for her back I asked.  Yes but I wouldn't ever do that to you I don't cheat plus she waited till I was with you to show she even liked me. She knew I liked her before so it just goes to show what kind of person she is.

Well I can accept all of this for two reasons I said. One is that you know how I feel for Matt and your okay with that which makes you a amazing person and two I know youd never cheat on me. Plus you know I would never cheat on you as well I smiled and said. 

He walked over to me and kissed me deeply he pulled away and placed his forehead to mine, your all the that I want he said.  I looked at him and your all that I want as well I said kissing him. 

He hugged me tightly let's clean up and then go cuddle in bed sound good ? That sounds amazing I said to him with a smile.  Hopefully that bitch stays away and also hopefully after todays events my friendship with Matt isn't ruined I thought........

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