Plastic; 3

186 18 41

Park Jimin. How exactly can your family, including yourself, be so perfect to the point that everyone admires you guys?

"Is something on your mind, Jungkook?" My mother asked. I poked the broccoli with my chopsticks and sighed. I was about to ignore her but my curiosity got the best of me, "Have you, uhm, have you heard of the Park family?"

She looked surprised at the question, or probably at the fact that I actually responded her nicely. She answered, "Yeah. I keep hearing about them at work. Why?"

I picked up the broccoli I was playing with and shoved it in my mouth, "The son of that family goes to my school and people won't shut up about him or his family."

"They're pretty big here in Seoul. You're never not going to hear about them." Young-Chul spoke up. I was about to ask, "and who the hell is talking to you?"

But my mother saw the face I made when he spoke, so she gave me the look. I sighed and dropped my ugly face.

Dispite everything, the mom face still scares me.

"Do you know how they came to be?" I asked Young-Chul. He was taken back but recovered quickly. "Well, ever since TaeYong and Minseo started their successful companies and works."

"So they've been famous for like 20-25 years?"

Young-Chul nodded his head, "around there, yeah. At the beginning of their companies, perfect was just a nickname for the couple. But when their son was born, people actually started believing they were."

I hesitanted before asking, I didn't want them to think I was getting along with them, because I still loathe them to the bone. "Is that reputation of theirs only known in Seoul? I've never heard it in Busan before."

"They're known all over Asia, Europe, Russia, and Australia because of how amazing their companies and works are. But I've only heard about how perfect the family is here in Seoul, nowhere else."

"That's awfully strange." My mom said.

I got up from the table and walked over to the kitchen and placed my plate on the sink.

I was heading towards my room when my mother stopped me by grabbing my wrist. I turned my head and looked at her blankly. "Please join us for movie night."

I stared at her pleading face. I yanked my hand from her grasp and walked away to my room.

I knew talking to them would give them the wrong idea. I was just curious!

I got in my room and slammed the door shut.

I took a quick shower and hopped on my bed, immediately wrapping myself with the blanket. I looked at my curtain-closed window as a slowly drifted off to sleep.

Park Jimin...

What are you hidind behind the curtains of your home?..


Jimin's point of view -

I can't get him out of my head. The way he looked at me as I passed the halls of the school sent chills down my spine, and not the good kind may I add.

He stared deep into my eyes as if trying to figure me out, figure out my strengths and weaknesses, figure out everything.

I'm Jimin. Park Jimin. I am part of the Park family, the 'perfect' family, as everyone in Seoul calls us.

I am what your parents would tell you to grow up to be, make an example of, downgrade you for:

"My dear children, always be like Jimin. He gets good grades, behaves good, and is the sweetest being in the whole world!"

Plastic (jjk + pjm)Where stories live. Discover now