Plastic; 18

13 1 0

We just arrived at the hotel and we were all given the liberty of choosing who we wanted to sleep with.

Namjoon and Jin were going to share a room, of course.

Hoseok, Tae and Yoongi wanted to a room together, and that left Jimin and I to share a room together.

I was definitely not ready for tonight. Not only was I sharing a room with Jimin, the perfect guy I am growing feelings for, but we were going to be all alone.

Maybe I can finally confront him about his family..and him..if they really are who they show on public.

Maybe even about Taemin..

Or maybe we can do something else..

Jeon damn Jungkook, stop thinking these things!!

"Earth to Jungkookie! Let's go!" Jimin exclaimed to get my attention. Thinking of the devil.

I smiled at him, grabbed my stuff from the bottom compartment of the bus and we ran up in the hotel.

It wasn't a fancy hotel or a run down one, it was honestly pretty average.

Sadly, the chaperones for the trip were actually very strict about us staying in our rooms, even after promising that we could go to the cafeteria whenever.

But I didn't mind. It just meant I could get to know Jimin more.

We went into our room and immediately settled in, placing our bags by our beds and hygiene products in the bathroom.

While taking out my pajamas for the night from my bag, I looked up to what Jimin was doing and my face instantly turned red.

He was taking off his shirt, revealing his perfect, soft, toned back. I guess he could feel my gaze because he looked back at me at that moment and smirked at me. "Enjoying the view?"

I looked away, snatching my pajamas from my bag and headed to the shower. "I was only looking around!" I slammed the door behind me, Jimin's giggling in the distance.

He's such a tease!!

My pants feel so tight

I ignored my big ass boner and changed into my pajamas, and headed out, already greeted by his amused face.

"It's fun to tease you." He joked. I smiled, making my way right in front of him. I took a hold of his neck, lifting his jaw up to look face up at me, a soft moan escaping his pink, glossy lips.

I leaned down, just inches away from his face. His eyes beamed with lust and his cheeks became bright red.

I leaned closed, lips almost touching..

"How's that for teasing?" I pulled away from him with a grin as he faked a gasp in betrayal.

That kind of could of been our moment..

I sat down on my bed, Jimin joining me on my right side.

"Hey Jimin.." he looked at me, curiously,."let's play 13 questions."

He perked up an eyebrow, "did we just match on tinder or what?" He asked, followed by a laugh.

"Come on, it'll be a fun thing we can do to get to know each other. What's your favorite color?"

Jimin rolled his eyes playfully, "and you start with the most basic question ever! It's pink. Do you have a crush on someone?"

"No." I answered immediately.

Maybe too quickly?

I cleared my throat, "Do you have a crush on anyone?" I asked him. He grinned and shook his head, "I don't think so, Jungkookie."

Plastic (jjk + pjm)Where stories live. Discover now