Plastic; 5

150 19 46

Jimin's point of view -

"Can you do this small favor for me or not?" I trailed kisses on the girl's neck and caressed her body with my hands as she moaned and shivered at my touch.

"I-I..Of course, Jiminie oppa.." I pulled away from her neck and gave her my charming smile, "Then chop chop."

The girl fixed her shirt and her skirt before going in the office and coming with a sheet of paper after me waiting for about 5 minutes.

"Here you go, Jiminie oppa~" She handed me the a sheet of paper and I took it from her hand delicately. 

I placed my hand on her cheek and stared into her eyes as she looked at me lovingly. "Thank you, Eun-jin. Oh, and it's Jimin. Not Jiminie."

Eun-jin smiled and nodded her head. I gave her one last smirk and a kiss on the cheek before leaving the school.

I looked at the sheet of paper and grinned.

Thanks to my charisma and my irresistible sweetness, I was be able to get Jungkook's schedule.

I may or may have not just flirted with the daughter of the Dean to make her give me a print of the schedule. Incase you were wondering, here's the our schedules.

° My schedule:
Homeroom; Mr. Yeol - 1st
Health - 2nd
Physics - 3rd
Self Study Lesson - 4th
Mathematics -5th
Literature - 6th
Music - 7th

° Jungkook's Schedule:
Homeroom; Mrs. Kimseoul - 1st
Physical Education - 2nd
Foreign Language; English - 3rd
Self Study Lesson - 4th
Mathematics - 5th
History - 6th

Music - 7th

I don't consider myself a stalker or anything, it's simply business. I could easily just change all my classes so I could be with him and force my unbelievable, believable lie down his throat, but at the same time that's too much and too suspicious.

So I have do deal with the few classes I have with him. Now, I know which are the classes he has when we are not together and I can work my magic and make my plan work..

I got in my car and once I was about to drive off, my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID and froze.

Incoming call from 'T'

I sighed and answered the phone as I began driving to my house. "Yeah?"

"Wow, I haven't heard from you in a while and this is how I get greeted?"

I sighed softly, "Hello, jagi."

"That's better, jagiya. So, how's everything been going since I left?" I laughed at the question, "You already know, it's the same."

I hesitated before talking again, "But there's this guy, he's new to the school. He's become suspicious about my family and I."

"Jimin, you know people will find out the truth one day about you and your parents. Why can't you just let the guy find out so you can put all this to a rest already? You've been dealing with all this since you were born-"

"You know why I can't, jagi...If I let the guy find out, my father is going to literally kill me." I pulled up on my driveway and got out of the car.

"I know, Jimin... I just can't keep on seeing you suffer like this anymore."

I grabbed my backpack from the back seats, which I threw in there when school had finished, and began making my way towards my front door.

"Don't worry, once I turn 18, everything will be alright. I won't have to deal with them anymore." I whispered on the phone once I was unlocking my door.

"I hope, jagiya."

I opened the door, walked in, and closed the door behind me, "I'm home, gotta go. Bye bye, jagi."

"Bye, namchin." I hung up the phone and shook my head with a smile.

"Was that your little boyfriend, my fag child?" I jumped and looked towards the entry to the second living room. My mother was leaning her body on the wall with her arms crossed and a glass bottle of wine on her hand.

"You don't care." She sighed and began to slowly make her way towards me.

"You're right. What I do care about is you making it obvious to the world that you're fucking gay," By now she was inches away, looking up at me since she was quite short, "You better keep it on the low, or would you rather meet the devil at the age of 17?"

I clenched my teeth and balled up my fists. Calm down, Jimin..

Good image for the money..



"You're fucking retarted as hell to the bone if you think I'm dumb like you to do something that'll get me killed," she glared at me, "My goal is to grow above you and dad, crush you both the same way you two crushed me. So, I'm not going to die just yet."

I walked away from her and went up stairs to go lock myself in my room. I got to the second floor and could clearly hear a repeated clapping noise coming from my parent's room.


The door was wide open soI walked towards the room. I made the mistake in taking a few steps in the room to see what was going on because what I saw was worse than anything I've ever experienced in my life.

A woman was riding my dad's dick so fast like if she hasn't had a fuck in over 20 years. She had a big cloth stuffed in her mouth and my dad was sucking on her tit while spreading her ass cheeks, revealing her butthole that had a toilet paper stuck near it.

I'm going to vomit.

I guess I was staring at them horrified for a while because my father noticied me by the door.

"Jimin!" He yelled furiously and threw the girl on the bed. He got up and stormed his way towards me, I was about to run away but he had already reached me and had a handful of my shirt balled up in his hand.

"What the fuck!" He spat.

"I-I'm sorry! I heard clapping and I didn't know you were fucking, I'm used to the moaning." I managed to stutter out.

He started at me intensively before literally throwing me out of the room and slamming the door closed.

"Argh.." I got up and dusted myself off as I gagged hard at the loud moaning already coming from the room. I walked towards my room and locked myself in it when I was in.

I threw my backpack on the floor and sat on my cold bed. I began untying my tie and unbuttoning my shirt. I took them off, along with my blazer and slipped off my pants and shoes.

I sighed deeply as I ran my hand through my hair. I layed down and stared up at my ceiling.

Just a year more, Jimin, and you'll be free.

Just one more year..


lol toilet paper stuck in her butt

Plastic (jjk + pjm)Where stories live. Discover now