Unexpected Part 1

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(Two weeks later)

**Phone rings** I hear my phone ring as I slowly begin to open my eyes. I look out the window to see the rain dripping on the side of my window, and gray clouds taking over the blue sky. "Wait. Is it raining in LA? That's a first" I think to myself as I go to see whos calling me this early in the morning. I look down at my phone noticing that it was Lucy who was calling me, I unlock the phone and I begin to talk to her. "Oh, Hey. You're awake!" she says. "Why are you calling me at 6:30 in the morning? Did something happen?" I say as my voice sounds like a crippling 80 year old. "Oh sorry. Anyways, did you see it's actually raining!" She says as I sigh to myself. "Yes, I noticed. Now, is that it" I say yoaning. "Yep, I'll see you later, bye," she says and hangs up. "Well I guess now that I'm awake, I should probably go eat something" I mumble to myself as I slowly begin to hop off of my bed. As soon as I take the blankets off Goosebumps begin to develop on my arms and legs. Well, I was wearing just wearing a loose top and some PJ pants, so that's probably why.

 Well, I was wearing just wearing a loose top and some PJ pants, so that's probably why

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I head to the kitchen and open up one of the cabinets to get some coffee beans out when I notice that I'de run out. "I've only been here for 2 weeks and I've finished the pack," I say as I close the cabinet door with force. Because my car had arrived earlier this week, I just decided to take a quick drive to McDonald's to get myself a coffee. "No one's going to be awake this early in the morning, right?" I thought. Well, I was wrong. But, you don't need to know that right now. I go to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth, I then pull up my hair and put it in a messy bun. I unplug my phone from the wall outlet and go grab my keys from the kitchen bench to head out. As I open the door a gust of wind blows into my face making me drop my phone. "Oh crap. I hope it's not smashed" I say as I rub the dirt out of my eyes. I bend down slowly to reach my phone and..."It's not smashed!" I excitedly say while doing a little happy dance.  I walk forward to the balcony and look up at the gray large clouds. The rain starts to hit my face gently as it makes it way from my forehead to my lips. I look down, and I can hear puddles plinking as the rainfall becomes heavier. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and I could hear the murmuring of the people below on the streets. People ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the rain started getting denser. I step back from the balcony and start to walk down the aisle to the stairs. As I get to the final floor, I run to my car and quickly get in. I start up the engine and begin to drive out of the parking area. McDonald's wasn't far from where I was staying, so it didn't take long. 

**Time Skip**

I now was drinking the last of my coffee in one hand while my other hand was driving. I see the hotel, so I make a quick left to the private parking area and park my car. By now, I had already finished my coffee. I try to look for the nearest bin, but to my surprise, there weren't any. I decided to just wait until I reach my floor to find one. As I'm walking up the stairs to get to my flat, I notice that the rain has stopped...for now. I finally reach my floor and begin to walk to my door when I hear the door handle of the people next door opening. I go back to view the streets from the balcony, so they couldn't see my face. The rain had made my mascara run and gave me a stuffy nose, so I definitely don't want them seeing me like this. As I'm looking down on the streets, I hear two familiar voices talking from behind. "Yo, the warehouse is going to be so cold," A deep but sweet voice says. "I know! But, we need to make the video" Another deep voice says. "Oh, Lord. It's them" I whisper scream to myself as I try my best to make sure they don't know it's me. Snot starts to run down my nose slowly, I quickly sniffed it back up. That was a big mistake. "Hey, are you alright?" One of the boys asks concerned. "Um. Yep. Just a stuffy nose" I say in low crippled voice. I then feel a warm hand faintly grab onto my shoulder as I can't help but turn around. "Daya? Is that you" Ethan asks. I slowly lift up my head and fake smile to the both of them. "Uh-Yeah," I say. "Oh, wow. Are you alright? What happened to you?" Grayson asks concerned. "Oh, the rain made me get a stuffy nose and it made my mascara run. No biggie" I say as I chuckle quietly. I look at the both of them as they just stare me up and down. It was quiet for what seemed like forever until Grayson broke the silence. "Sooooo, we were just heading down to the warehouse to shoot a video...if you wanted to come," Grayson says as he scratches the back of his neck. I look at Ethan who was now glaring at Grayson "I probably shouldn't" I say as I look to the ground and start tapping my feet together. "No such thing. Your coming" Grayson says with a massive grin. He pulls my arm and we begin to walk. I could feel the tension between Ethan and me after what had happened at Jake's party, but I try to ignore it. Once we reach the parking area, Ethan unlocks a black Toyota car. I open the door and decide to sit at the back. Ethan starts up the engine and begins to drive. "So Daya, how come you didn't tell us you lived next door?" Grayson says as he turns around and smiles at me. "I didn't know until now," I say frantically as I shrug. "Oh okay. That basically makes us roomies!" Grayson says as he begins to laugh which makes me too. In the rear view mirror, I would occasionally see Ethan just looking at me as we just stare off at each other. 

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