New friends?

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**Beep Beep Beep** "Ugh, 7:30 am!?" I mumble to myself half asleep. I clench my fist and bang the alarm with it to stop the loud racket. I slowly drift back into where I left off in my dream when I had a sudden realization. "OH CRAP. I HAVE A MEETING WITH THE PRODUCERS AT 8: 30 am." I quickly hop off my bed and go straight to the bathroom. Usually, I take about an hour to get ready but, this time I'm gonna have to rush. I look in the mirror to see I've woken up with bed hair, I sigh and begin to brush my teeth and do basic makeup. I quickly put on a red flannel shirt, black skinny jeans, and my famous Florida white converses. I tie my hair up into a messy bun and leave without eating breakfast. Once I was out the door, I go to grab my phone which is usually in my pocket to the feeling that it wasn't there."Oh, dammit, I left it in the bathroom charging!" I yell angrily. I quickly unlock the door and run as fast as I could to grab my phone. I unhooked my phone from the plug and quickly dialed an Uber to come pick me up asap. I run out the door breathing really heavily, and I start to run down the stairs and head out of the lobby to wait for the Uber. By now, I'm already breathing so heavily that the people around me are just glaring and laughing at me. At this moment, I couldn't care less. I see my Uber coming, and I swiftly go to it and open the door really briskly and sit down. 

**Time Skip**

I thank the Uber and head out of the car. I breathe in slowly and begin to walk to the door. Once I was in the building I couldn't help but notice all the different posters that were on the walls. Some of the people I could recognize from Youtube and Tv, however, some I couldn't. I walk up to the receptionist and told her I had a meeting with Mr. Aldler. She looks up from her computer screen and looks at me as if she was unimpressed. "Name?" she asks irritated "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I think to myself. "Daya, Daya Michael." She looks back at her computer screen and then back at me "Oh yes, you have a meeting with Mr. Aldler at 8:30. Am I right?" she asks, I look at her and nod. She grabs the phone and dials some number "Yes, she's here to see you. ----- Yes, I'll bring her right up." She puts down the phone and looks back at me. She sighs and stands up "Okay, His ready to see you." She walks up to me and starts leading me to Mr. Aldler's office.  Once we reach the office door she starts to walk away "Wait, what do I do?" I ask sheepishly, she looks back at me unimpressed and says "Open the door and walk in". She rolls her eyes and continues to walk away. I slowly reach for the door handle and open the door. I walk in to see Mr. Aldler sitting on his chair facing the window which was looking out to LA. "It's such a beautiful view, don't you think Miss Michael?" He says and steadily turns his chair to face me. "A-ah, yes it is quite a pretty view," I say as I scratch the back of my neck. "Well, let's not waste any time. Shall we begin Miss Michael?" Mr. Aldler says. I nod in response to him. 

**Time Skip**

"Thank you for your time Daya, hope to see you soon," Mr. Aldler says as he flashes me a smile and signals for me to leave. "Thank you for having me" I smile and head out the door. You see Mr. Aldler is a man of few words, and he reminded me of Alfred from Batman but a slightly more younger version and a bit more muscular. As I go to leave the building I turn around one last time and look at all the posters. "One day, I'm going to up there," I say and smile to myself. I then hear a loud rumble coming from my stomach "I better go eat something" I think to myself and head out the door. I look around the streets and just decide to go to Starbucks. I cross the street and head into the building. I go and line up behind this girl that was around my height and had blonde hair. The girl drops her credit card so I go to grab it and give it to her. I tap her shoulder lightly and as she turns around "OMG, Daya is that you!?" Lucy says with a massive grin. We both hug each other and I give her the card back. "What are you doing here?" Lucy asks "Actually, I just came back from a meeting," I say proudly. "Excuse me, what would you like?" a girl asks as Lucy was about to speak, "Oh sorry. I will have a Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino and my friend here will have a..." she says and looks back at me curiously. "Um...could I please have a  Pumpkin Spice Latte" I say to the cashier. I go to grab some money from my pocket when "Don't worry girl this one is on me" says Lucy and goes and pays for the drinks. We hop out of the line and go find a seat near the windows. Lucy starts to tell me about her family problems and whats been going on. "Lucy Mose and Daya Michael?Is there a Lucy Mo-..." says the cashier girl "Coming" I shout out and go get the drinks. 

I return back to our cubicle and we start to drink. "Omg, Hottie alert, Hottie alert!" Lucy whisper screams to me. I turn around to see these two boys that kinda looked like each other but have their differences. One had a strip of blue hair at the front and the other had Jimmy Neutron hair (props to you if you know what I'm talking about XD) One seemed to be more muscular while the one had a wider face. But, who cares. They were both cute. I quickly turn around and glare at Lucy who is just fanboying over them. She looks back at me and asks "Do you even know who they are?" she says while giggling. "No, why?" she stops laughing and death stares me in a joking way. "Um, EXCUSE ME. How do you not know them? they are THE famous and hot Dolan Twins!" she says still shook from what I had said. I look at her confused then turn around to look at the boys who were now sitting down in the cubicle two ways down from where we were. One of them spots me looking so I quickly turn around to face Lucy. "Oh, good one Daya." **mentally facepalms**. Lucy's phones buzz and she goes to check who it's from..."Oh hey, babe, I have to go! I'm late for my shift" she says and I nod my head and let her go. Once Lucy was gone there was really no point staying so I begin to pack up and leave. I get up from where I was seating and turn to start walking out when I notice the twins are still there, I begin to start shaking nervously "Omg, snap out of it Daya!" I mentally say to myself.  When I  accidentally trip over myself and 'coincidentally' put my hands on the boy's cubicle table to stop myself from falling even more. I get myself up fully and I shyly look up "U-Um I'm really sorry for that," I say. The boy with the blue string of hair looks at me worried "Oh my gosh, are you alright" he says "Oh wow. His voice, hmmm" I zone out and think to myself "H-hello??" another similar but a deeper voice says, I snap out of my thoughts and look at the two of them embarrassed. "Um, yeah I'm alright," I say and smile. "Well, I'm Ethan" the boy that asked if I alright said. He takes out his hand gesturing for me to shake it. I shake his hand I shake the other boys' name who I learned was 'Grayson'. "My name is Daya. Daya Michael" I say as I smile back at them.  

Grayson's POV

"Ethan, Hurry up," I say as I wait impatiently for him. "Give me a sec. I'm just putting a top on." Ethan says irritated. I see Ethan coming out of his room with his top on now, "Okay, I'm ready" He says and I roll my eyes. We start to walk down the stairs and head out to go down the street. "Grayson I'm really thirsty, let's go to Starbucks," Ethan says 10 minutes into our walk downtown. I nod my head and decide "Well why not" I think to myself. We walk into the building, and we decide that I'll go looking for some seats while Ethan orders our drinks. I look around for a good seat when I came to a conclusion to seat near the window. Ethan comes back with our drinks and starts telling me what our fan had drawn us. I couldn't help but notice these girls looking at us "Yo, Ethan. I think we have some fangirls down there" Ethan turns around and so does the girl that had her back facing us. The girl spots us and quickly turns around, so does Ethan. "She was cute," Ethan says with a chuckle and continues to drink his Ice Coffee. I give Ethan a big smirk and start ooing. "Shut up, Man," he says and glares at me and I can't help but laugh at him. With the 'cute' girl there was another blonde haired girl who started to get up and leave. As the girl walks bye, she and I make eye contact and she just winks at me. Now the 'cute' girl was alone so I guess she was going to leave too. She started getting up and started to walk away when she tripped over herself and put her hands on our table to balance. Ethan gets off his phone and looks at the girl that looked around our age. She starts to speak "U-Um really sorry," she says. "Oh my gosh, are you alright!?",Ethan asks the girl as she just looks at him blankly. A few seconds later "H-Hello?" I say, she finally says "Um, yeah I'm alright." She says as her face begins to turn a faint red color. Ethan ignores this and introduces himself and then I introduce myself. "My name is Daya. Daya Michael" Daya says as she smiles at the both of us. 

Daya's POV

"Nice meeting you guys. Um, I've got to go" I quickly say and head out the door before I was embarrassed even more. I wave the boys off and head home.

A heart of Gold// Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now